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Everything posted by legant

  1. Uhm... is there something you want to tell us?
  2. Today’s Tipping Dilemma: Went to a hotel (that shall remain nameless) for a lunchtime burger and cabernet at the bar. I kid you not: as soon as the burger hit the table the hotel’s fire alarm went off. I grabbed two fries and evacuated the building. While outside, the wait staff mentioned that this was probably a “drill,” to time how quickly the hotel could be evacuated. [interestingly enough, I saw no hotel guest on the street; just restaurant staff.] In fact, we were outside for ~ 5 minutes. I eventually returned to my burger. I found that my “rare” burger had, in fact, been cooked “well done.” And, the fries were lukewarm at best. When the wait staff returned to ask about my meal I pointed out the “well-done” burger; she apologized and offered to have the burger cooked again. I refused ‘cause I: (1) was in between appointments and didn’t have the time to wait and (2) had eaten half of the burger and couldn’t imagine eating another full burger. The question (which I now realize isn’t really about tipping): what should have been the response of the restaurant/hotel? Should they have discounted the meal because of the inconvenience of the fire drill? If it had been a real fire, was I under any obligation to pay the check? (I could have given the wait staff a $20, expecting it to settle my tab. What if I was paying by CC?) In case of a real fire, should I tip the wait staff for services rendered prior to the alarm? How much?
  3. I don't know which is scarier: the fact that you made Twinkies? Or, that you have a pan in which to do it?
  4. Damn you people! All of you! I was perfectly happy with my McNuggets and Whoppers. Then you had to introduce me to: Corduroy, Circle Bistro’s burger, Dino, Hitching Post’s “mutant” chicken and – worst of all – polenta! Dammit! Now, just the thought of a Ruby Tuesday burger makes me gag! With that in mind, I tried Keller’s roasted chicken tonight. To put it in perspective, I have never – EVER – cooked a whole chicken; I’ve been content with chicken parts, favoring the dark meat, or perfectly satisfied with WF’s roasted chicken. I was a bit worried about the amount of salt, but I proceeded, boldly, and dumped a whole tablespoon of Kosher salt on the thing. (I had to read the instructions several times over to make sure it wasn’t 1 teaspoon.) The verdict: pretty good; the skin wasn’t as crisp as I would have liked. And, my tongue still burns from the salt. Would I do it again: you betcha. I probably won’t use Keller’s recipe, but I will experiment with other’s. Yup, you guessed it: future late night readings will focus on the poultry entries in Cook’s Illustrated, Bon Appetit, and Fine Cooking. I had promised to share the chicken with a neighbor. So, at 11:07 p.m., I’m sneaking through the hallways with this big ol’ plate of chicken. Although I told her I would deliver it tomorrow, after tasting there was no guarantee that the chicken would have made it through the night. The question remains: what to do with all of those Swanson TV dinners?
  5. Congratulations on your first post! Welcome Kate!
  6. Sometimes, the simplest things are the best: Linguini with (canned) tuna & spinach, and lots of olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes. ETA: Giving credit where credit is due.
  7. I wonder... does it come in women's sizes?
  8. I am, by no means, a bagel connoisseur, but WhatsaBagel did the trick. However, I recently purchased bagels at Calvert Woodley that reminded me of those pretzels sold at the MCI/Verizon/Whatever Center. Argh!
  9. In light of the San Francisco ban on petroleum-based plastic grocery bags, in favor of biodegradable (e.g., corn byproduct) plastics, does anyone know what WF, TJ or other socially responsible grocers will do? Other than emphasize the use of paper. For the chains, will these efforts be implemented nation-wide? What is currently the recyclable content of their bags?
  10. When does an "adapted" recipe become your own? Chinese style roasted chicken thighs with the following changes: slathered the thighs with a mixture of garlic and ginger paste (leftover from my Indian cooking phase), Tamari, honey, and rice wine vinegar; then coated in Panko and baked. Stir-fried asparagus tossed in sesame oil, sesame seeds and Tamari Baked sweet potato
  11. My cookbook selection: Japanese Women... I stumbled across it while reaching for the Lucques/Goins book at the library. Although not technically a cookbook, it did offer a few recipes. I’ve been working on the Japanese Country Power Breakfast: miso soup with baked (rather than fried) tofu, Edamame, leftover veggies, spinach, chopped egg, brown rice, nori and green onions. I don’t understand how anyone can eat this for breakfast; it is quite filling. And tons of protein. It did, however, work as a late-morning breakfast or early lunch; it curbed late afternoon hunger pangs: not only did I forgo the second half of a dinner burger; I often snacked on raw veggies for dinner. (Enough of a difference to result in a favorable outcome this week in the Fit for Summer challenge. )
  12. I’m making biscuits tonight. Three questions: Mktye: What’s the name of that substitution website you mentioned? I promise! I’ll bookmark it five seconds after a reply is posted. Buttermilk: I don’t keep milk, let alone buttermilk, in the house. I do, however, have non-fat dried milk. Can I “sour” non-fat dried milk with lemon juice or vinegar the same as regular milk? Angel biscuits: One of the PBS cooking shows used yeast and baking powder & soda for their angel biscuits. I thought angel biscuits were the result of the type of flour used. Has anyone used the yeast and baking soda & powder method with AP flour? How do they compare to the baking soda & powder and Wondra method? Does anyone have a tried-and-true recipe for the yeast variety? The other interesting tip from this show: roll out the dough 1/3 inch and then fold it over. Cut the biscuits from the “doubled” dough. It'll produce an easily seperated biscuit. But y’all probably knew that already.
  13. Walkers Pure Butter Shortbread My sister sent me a 1-lb box for the December holidays. I've demonstrated a great deal of self-restaint waiting to open them now, four months later. The box will probably be finished off this time tomorrow. Hmmm... Walkers...
  14. Is this the cut you're referring to? How was it sold: rolled into a roast or were the chops tied? What was the price/lbs? Was there an upcharge for slicing? Hungry stomachs want to know.
  15. Past DR picnics have featured a butter tasting, an olive oil tasting, a chili tasting and the (omigawd! what wonderful pork) pig roast; why not a tribute to the Palena Chicken Project? Bring your best effort at recreating Ruta's chicken? ETA: Oops! Just saw the 2007 Picnic thread. Never mind.
  16. Cjsadler and Txaggie: as many times I've pushed you out the door, wanna take a stab at this? It's simple: you hand them their coats and tell them the next bus leaves in 10 minutes.
  17. Adapted the Petit Pains aux Raisins for a Sunday brunch. Used puff pastry instead of the brioche. Having never made pastry cream before, it turned out pretty good. Needed a bit more "umph" for my taste; next time I'll step up the vanilla. Also made Pecan Sticky Buns. I really do need to read the directions: the recipe calls for two pans. Ended up using only one pan; produced an unbelieveably high "cake." Also, 1 1/2 TB of salt is not the same as 1 1/2 t of salt. Yet, was quite offended when the guests thought this was store-bought.
  18. I'm anxious to replicate the Arborio-crusted eggplant napoleon from Dupont Grille. Demvtr describes it as: one of the most thoughtful (and enjoyable) vegetarian entrees available in area non-ethnic restaurants. I hope to catch sight of it at cocktails tonight.
  19. Fundraising Organizations: *These charities serve as fundraising vehicles for other community-based charities, and appropriately demonstrate smaller overhead spending. The median administrative expenses percentage among fundraising organizations is 6.5%, as compared to 10.0% among all charities.
  20. On a slightly different note: what's your favorite comfort eating location (e.g., restaurant, bar, dive, fast food chain)? Criteria (not necessarily in this order): food, decent bar, staff attitude, staff who know when to leave you alone vs. engage in conversation, a place "where everybody knows your name" or at least greets you as if they did, a bar area populated with friendly/interesting characters or an establishmment that welcomes single diners. Essentially, a place that makes you feel that you're at home with mom, dad, and Spot; where you feel safe, secure and well-fed and ultimately know that everything will be alright. I'm winding down a crazy-busy week and need such a place. Although I do have a favorite spot, they know me a little too well; I've become a bit self-conscious. I need to switch locations. Any suggestions?
  21. In my first post-cassoulet meal (I’ve been eating cassoulet leftovers since Wednesday’s blowout): Broccoli, corn, and cashew stir-fry Panko-crusted swordfish with a herbed (dill, basil, tarragon) cream sauce
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