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Everything posted by Sthitch

  1. Right after Ming's opened in Chinatown, they had a series of pennants proclaiming that they were a "Top 100 Chinese Restaurant." Maybe all you have to do is buy the pennents. Edited to add: and here they are, made it to the top of the healthy menu section in the first week of being open.
  2. Do you happen to work for a wholesaler? I ask because my experience is that reputable wine stores in DC use reefer containers to import wine directly from Europe. I also know of more than a few examples where what you call normal supply chain (others might call it monopolistic) are the absolute worst offenders. Two examples, first is the container of either the 06 or 07 Las Rocas Vinas Viejas that received the highest accolades by Parker sat and cooked on the dock, this was not done by someone on the gray market, but the importer (one person who would know, told me they held the wine hoping to be able to increase demand and increase the price). The other would be a well respected importer whose distributer in Virginia stores his wines in a non-climate controlled warehouse; I pass his wines by in the Commonwealth, but will snap them up pretty much everywhere else.
  3. Please ignore the Palm Bay recommendation... otherwise I would say that almost anything mentioned in that thread qualifies.
  4. When buying wine at a store one of the first things I look for is the importer - I know the ones that I trust.
  5. I believe that Orso has bar specials during football games.
  6. Bistro Bis - if they can accomadate a Segway... Seriously, though, Oyamel is not far and should be able to meet your needs.
  7. So what you are saying is that people should just suck it up for the good of the restaurant owners? I stopped going to the movies (and professional football games) when I could get a superior experience in my own home at a far better value. As the entertainment and sports team owners have done nothing to make their products worth the cost, restaurants are starting to do the same, not just with overpriced non-value add products like meat and cheese, but also with the ubiquitousness of the $16 hamburger, and the continued overpricing of lobster as if it were a white truffle. This is not all about Casa Nonna*, but looking over the menu it just seems that it is a glaring example of failing to provide me with a sense of value. If this attitude turns you off, well so be it, but if you want to see real animosity, read Don’s take on Dino. *Yes, I know that I have a tendancy to go off on tangents.
  8. I really believe that the absurd mark-ups on cheese and sliced meat has surpassed that on wine. Casa Nonna is far from the only guilty party (and depending on portion size they may not be guilty of this, but they would really need to pile that provolone high) as this trend seems to have become pervasive in restaurant world.
  9. When it comes to a product where there is a value add (say actually cooking something) I would not, but what is the value add above wholesale that I get from restaurant on cheese?
  10. Really... how much Soppresetta do I get for $10? Or Provolone for $8? Hell, for a buck or two less I could buy a decent sized square of Taleggio at retail prices. Oh, and your antipasti platters... that must be some fine arugula that you have matched with the prosciutto and mozzarella to charge $36. I am hardly a spendthrift, but wow just the thought of these prices overextends my wallet.
  11. From the Cape Classics website Yumm-O, someone get me a flapjack and a side of bacon...
  12. Good catch and crap! Any word on who will be replacing him at Eola?
  13. I am not sure I follow how this is germane to this topic. It seems as though you are implying that saf is somehow dismissive of employees being treated poorly or in some way complicit with it happening, I see neither in the thread to which you linked. Or did you just want to excuse poor customer service by pointing out someone that is less than honest?
  14. Cooking at home, then go out to dinner the following week.
  15. Last night I used leftover Naan dough to make flatbreads. The first was caramelized onions topped with Gruyere and speck, while the second was cream topped with fontina, Virginia country ham, and mushrooms. Both were delicious, but I really loved the aroma of the slightly cooked cream on the second one.
  16. Seems that this would be a far more effective solution for the problem than ridiculing their current customers - which appears to me to be a less than effective way of attracting future ones.
  17. They are harmful, they contain sulfer compounds that can destroy red blood cells in both dogs and cats.
  18. I cook mine until the bones fall apart, by which time the meat is quite devoid of anything approaching flavor (the presence of onions in the stock prevents me from feeding the chicken to my dogs so it goes into the trash with all of the other bits).
  19. I think it could, but it would have to be at a fairly high price point, small staff, and little to no rent.
  20. If these are really Chesapeake Bay oysters offering 10 types seems to be twice as many varieties as I can think of (Rappahannock, York, Stingray, James, and “Chesapeake Blue Points” – Paramour and Old Salts are Atlantic Oysters).
  21. Is this the same team that was behind Mango Mikes/Ramparts? I never went back to Ramparts after the sullen bartender came over to our table and smashed down the cork of a bottle of wine I sent back saying that it was “corked” – if it is under new ownership, I may have to stop by for a beer.
  22. Now if it would only dry itself it would be damn near perfect.
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