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Everything posted by Sthitch

  1. It does seem like the only thing growing faster than the size of burgers (well aside from part of Dan’s groin area during his washing ritual) would be the trend towards slap dashed burger assembly. I blame Subway for corning the market on Sandwich artists.
  2. For me the rub comes from his subtitle "redefining the way we eat" that little we does not indicate to me he is only meaning a small subset, but a pretentious belief that he has an Alice Water's type of influence on the country's eating habit. He has not had any more influence on the way the 'we' of America eats - if they had chosen the word 'dine' instead of 'eat' then maybe there would be a small case for it, but dining is a much different thing than eating.
  3. I would say that he is not even close to the most influential chef in the world when viewed by the impact on what the general public is eating, as opposed to food writers, bloggers, twittereers, list compilers, and so forth are eating. I think that you could make an real argument that Dan Courdreaut. I am sure that more people eat the food they oversee in one day than eat the food on the San Pellegrino’s list of restaurants in a year. Granted, popularity does not equate to quality, but influencing the chefs at the top rung of exclusive restaurants does not equate to “redefining the way we eat."
  4. If I recall you spent quite a number of years matching wines for bored rich people eating this nonsense...
  5. I have issues on both sides in this battle. I know that the idea of the anonymous critic is a farce, but I believe that playing along with the charade still provides possibilities that the critic has not be recognized, Mariani’s advanced notice of arrival leaves no chance that I will have a similar experience to his. That issue aside, I have to agree with his take on molecular cuisine. I have had more than my share of it, and while it was once exciting (first meal at WD-50) it has become trite and overused (my meal at Volt), however, that does not mean that it does not have a very limited place in cuisine. I was taken a bit aback by the subtitle of Achatz’s new book being "Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat" as Mariani points out the only truth in this title is the “Facing Death” part – the other two are best summed up by Mariani with his quip “Achatz has had no influence on anyone's cooking at all, unless I'm missing scores of young cooks out there hanging limp bacon from silver clotheslines."
  6. Would you please give a couple of examples of the dishes that you ordered and what you expected and how they failed to meet them?
  7. No need to worry about those epic lines at 5 Guys, they have the problem solved, now only if the Nats could figure out how to keep their first round draft picks healthy.
  8. I had better luck than Eric with the squid (strange since we were eating off of the same plate and my wife agrees with Eric), some of the pieces were cooked well, and when eaten with a bit of the kale it was a far more complex and satisfying dish than when eaten alone. The crumb of the bread was a bit too gummy, this seems to be a problem at quite a few restaurants around town, it strikes me as the common feature of the same commercial baker.
  9. How long do you think it would take for you to land in what the anti-CityZen ranter termed "Yelp Jail?"
  10. I would rather have the lardo, had it a couple of years ago in Tokyo along with the classic Italian version, and one made with whale blubber - the horse mane was the best. I tend to prattle on like this when I am under-caffeinated…
  11. Answer Key: The Ubermensch – Sushi Taro The Hater’s Ball – Minibar The Blood Feud – Citronelle The Cheapskate – Rasika The Know-Nothing – Palena FSI – CityZen
  12. The H-Mart in Annandale did not have any when I was there on Saturday.
  13. No, not really, maybe large for your service provider, but really quite small otherwise (until 2 weeks ago I spent most of my days running queries against a system that had over 120 million unique records, and that is only an average database when compared to large banks and cellular providers).
  14. Maybe someone involved is a Cyclone.
  15. Damn white people screw it up for the rest of us...
  16. Bastille and Le Refuge in Old Town, La Cote D’or in Falls Church.
  17. Ye of little fate and bad genetics...
  18. While it will likely lead to a reduction in quality, I have noticed that most of the times I am there I have watched as others make and cook the pizzas, very few were touched by Edan, and without any noticeable detriment. This is different than at Pupatella where I have never seen Enzo not one of the pies (he lets one of his guys tend the oven, but at least while I have been there he always has made the pies).
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