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The Deluge Of 2006


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How's everyone weathering the flood of '06? I'm glad I don't have too much commuting to do, south part of Rt. 1 was detoured yesterday, some roads around here are closed due to flooding. The rain is STILL coming down, I have a leak in my sunroom porch roof, but no sense calling a roofer now, we just put a bucket under it.

Only some small parts of my yard are flooded, think I might go out tomorrow & try to rake out the drainage ditches in the park behind my house, so it drains better. I guess most of my plants are enjoying the extra water, it's nice not to have to drag the sprinklers around, lots of trees & branches down, my neighbors had a tree service in on Sunday, they have a HUGE tree in the back, 60', with some broken limbs. I thought they were going to remove the whole thing, but they just trimmed the broken bits. Any storm tales?

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How's everyone weathering the flood of '06? I'm glad I don't have too much commuting to do, south part of Rt. 1 was detoured yesterday, some roads around here are closed due to flooding. The rain is STILL coming down, I have a leak in my sunroom porch roof, but no sense calling a roofer now, we just put a bucket under it.

Only some small parts of my yard are flooded, think I might go out tomorrow & try to rake out the drainage ditches in the park behind my house, so it drains better. I guess most of my plants are enjoying the extra water, it's nice not to have to drag the sprinklers around, lots of trees & branches down, my neighbors had a tree service in on Sunday, they have a HUGE tree in the back, 60', with some broken limbs. I thought they were going to remove the whole thing, but they just trimmed the broken bits. Any storm tales?

I've been running something of a boarding house.

Sunday night I had a friend over for pizza. She tried to get home but flooding, accidents, and road closures caused her to nearly run out of gas. Eventually she gave up, turned around, and spent the night on our couch.

Our other friends' carpet flooded thanks to an A/C malfunction, followed by an immediate power outage and thus no way to dry out said flood. They spent the night at our place last night because even after 24 hours their power STILL wasn't back on and they didn't want to spend their evening in swamp-like conditions.

As a meteorology buff, though, I'm soaking this stuff up.

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My Dupont apartment flooded with evil stankwater from the small drain outside of my front door and since I slept through the Sunday night portion of the storm, I didn't realize that there was an issue until it was quite far along. We are running a dehumidifier - which seems to be working, but in the process, it's making the apartment extremely hot. Too hot to cook, and far too rank to even think about eating anywhere near it. Will definitely have to get it professionally cleaned. Stupid mother nature. If anyone can recommend a reputable place to rent a steam cleaner from or hire someone to do the dirty work for me, please PM.

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The street in front of my house flooded on Sunday night (after Deadwood). I went out and moved my car to higher ground while the water was rising. Then I went around and knocked on neighbors' doors and suggested that they think about moving their cars as well. No more flooding since.
That was really cool of you to do.

This a crazy weather pattern, but having been through hurricanes and straight line wind storms, I have to say so far for me this has been a nuisance. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, good summer veggies in the fridge and the knowledge that this too shall pass.

You know it is times like these I think about this city's ridiculously high number of homeless people. Shelters tend to close during nice weather (at least the emergency kind). I hope there are enough places for the less fortunate to go...


(in case you are wondering, a straight line wind storm is like a hurricane but on land. In the Summer of 2003, Memphis was hit with a freak of nature storm that started at the Mississippi River, continued west for 26 miles for nearly a 10 mile breadth. The winds ranged from 90 mph to 116 mph. In less than 30 minutes, Memphis lost 1/2 of its trees, many buildings downtown were destroyed. The average citizen was without power for 11 days. 7 people died in that 30 minute period. It was a really freaky experience. Traumatic to a degree to see all the damage the storm inflicted. Memphis was cut off from the outside world, not a big media center to begin with very few people outside of Memphis even knew what happened. )

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My tomatoes have wet feet...my fig tree is swamped ;) I hope they make it through as my back yard has been in a near-constant state of "POND" since Sunday. I blame the paved parking lot at the apartment building behind my house...don't they need to have proper drainage? (No, I don't consider 'into the neighbor's back yard' to be proper drainage :unsure: )

And in the life's not fair category... 6 of the 8 buildings in my office complex were without power yesterday - woohoo, day off.... except that my building was one of the two that DID have power... so unfair!

The real kicker will be if I get down to Texas next week and there's not enough water in the Guadalupe to go tubing....(but I will be tracking down some good brisket, Luling here I come!)

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I saw a deer in my backyard this morning for the first time since living in Colesville for seventeen years. Don't know how in the world it made its way this far into a populated area. The nearest wooded areas are 2 parks on the Paint Branch, so it must have marched through several neighboorhoods!

Flooding in my basement because the storm drain at the foot of the stairs outside gets clogged by falling hickory nuts from my neighbor's tree! My wet vac has seen quite some action since Sunday.

My wife takes Colesville Road to downtown Silver Spring to work. Not Monday. That's where there was mud on the road yesterday, by that dam near Trader Joe's, according to today's Post.

We're lucky it is not worse. Makes you think of all those flooded folks from last years' hurricanes and feel thankful we are spared that mess!

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My tomatoes have wet feet...my fig tree is swamped ;) I hope they make it through as my back yard has been in a near-constant state of "POND" since Sunday. I blame the paved parking lot at the apartment building behind my house...don't they need to have proper drainage? (No, I don't consider 'into the neighbor's back yard' to be proper drainage :unsure: )

And in the life's not fair category... 6 of the 8 buildings in my office complex were without power yesterday - woohoo, day off.... except that my building was one of the two that DID have power... so unfair!

The real kicker will be if I get down to Texas next week and there's not enough water in the Guadalupe to go tubing....(but I will be tracking down some good brisket, Luling here I come!)

you for your first visit there. Make sure you ask for "marbled" brisket. Extra fatty, extra juicy, extra flavorful with a 1/4 inch red streaked crust around the edge. Nothing in D. C. (or much of anywhere else) even begins to approach this.

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The real kicker will be if I get down to Texas next week and there's not enough water in the Guadalupe to go tubing....(but I will be tracking down some good brisket, Luling here I come!)
Have a fantastic time! If you need good tubing, I'm pretty sure there's enough water at Harper's Ferry right now. I'll bring the cooler of Shiner!
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How's everyone weathering the flood of '06?

There's a lot to be said for having a house at the crest of a hill, with an 8' porch most of the way 'round. However, just as I'm readying my mother's house for the real estate market, the basement's sprung a leak. It isn't a grading issue, either - looks like the water's coming in from the base of the foundation. So I've been over there every day, mopping up about three gallons each time. Could be worse, though.

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Driving back from upstate NY on Monday was an adventure. Downpour from about West Point all the way home. Average speed coming down I270 was about 25 mph. Traffic around my house was no better yesterday as they had shut Sligo Creek Parkway. Amazingly, my basement has remained dry.

I fear my herb garden is done for. I saw my basil doing the backstroke in a mad-dash swim for its life. One of my rosemary plants (in a planter) got caught under some overflow from the gutter and was completely uprooted. Tomatoes made it through fine, but I'm concerned that they'll start rotting if we don't get some sun today.

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Well the blueberrys are no longer on the bushs and the river in front of the house (storm ditch) is carrying away recycling bins, but so far it is pretty safe. I did have sone small puddling int he lower level but I can't figure out where it came in, I think it may have come in the exhaust vent for the bathroom downstairs. Thankfully the wine room is still dry and safe.

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Need to fix my downspout drainage system, but otherwise OK.

My wife works at the Smithsonian, and her building has been closed for the past three days and will possibly be closed through the rest of the week. She's lucky, lucky, lucky!

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This weather makes me recall the remarks of a voice teacher I had many years ago who was from Venice. When he first told me his origin my eyes lit up and I said, "That must have been wonderful growing up in such a beautiful city."

"No," he scouled, "your balls were always wet."

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My sister in law was flooded out of her basement sublet on the hill; she's here from Miss'i'ppi through early August, and now. . . . on my couch. We thought we had something through a friend for the month of July, but it appears to be in question. Until then? craigs list. The upside is that aside from the fact that she's great and I love hanging out with her-- I have a cooking companion in the kitchen!

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This weather makes me recall the remarks of a voice teacher I had many years ago who was from Venice. When he first told me his origin my eyes lit up and I said, "That must have been wonderful growing up in such a beautiful city."

"No," he scouled, "your balls were always wet."

Reminds me of a Lousiana joke.

Q: What do you do when it rains in Louisiana?

A: Get wet.

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Gee, I can't believe it's still raining, off & on... I had an appointment w/ a roofer today, to discuss my leak, which he called & rescheduled. Tomorrow, I will go out & mow the lawn, which has flourished with this rainfall -my tomatoes are almost 6' high. My neighbors had a big, noisy 4th of July party (we had thunderstorms & loss of power), my son, who's 10, goes off for his first sleep-away camp this Sunday, & my husband will be home in 2 weeks (he's been in Iraq)-it's been a interesting summer...

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If there is one person actually happy about all this rain, it is I. :unsure: The next time you find yourself cursing the weather, just think of me NOT having to carry water to the triangle I planted. (Anxiously awaiting the hose bib assessment.)

thistle: I speak for everybody in hoping your husband returns safely.

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