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Everything posted by V.H.

  1. I don't know that I've ever seen them in the nest form. Why do you say that most pho places use them? If you seen bags of them at restaurants you may want to ask to just buy some from them. You could always take the bigger package and break the dry noodles into more manageable pieces.
  2. A dear friend of mine just had her first baby yesterday and my baby gift to her is to stock her refrigerator full of food this weekend. She's not big into spicy foods or things that seem too ethnic. Given that most of my cooking repertoire is spicy and/or ethnic, I'm having trouble coming up with ideas. Thoughts? Thanks y'all.
  3. Clarendon WF has gates at the entrance, exit, and at the end of each row to define a very specific traffic pattern. This doesn't stop people (generally but not always driving SUV's) from nearly mowing us down every third time I go there. They seem to think that the speed limit on that particular stretch of 50 feet in front of the store is at least 30 mph.
  4. You could definitely put them in candy cups but there is a distinct possibility that the caramels will eventually flow into the shape of the cup rather than staying a square. I've had friends keep them in the freezer for longer term storage and I've kept them in the fridge for over a month with no problems (knock on wood). They are a bit sticky.
  5. Shoppers Food Warehouse at Seven Corners had it about a month ago, don't know if it's still there.
  6. I had this recipe come out kind of flat in one batch that I didn't chill thoroughly enough before scooping. Like others, I use two spoons to scoop the dough, mostly because I wanted smaller cookies and because I don't have a disher. I packed the brown sugar the last two times I made this but not the first two times and didn't notice major differences between the recipes. I baked mine on silver colored insulated pans with parchment at the prescribed temp, not convection. No problems with browning or burning.
  7. I received a coupon in the mail from 2941, it is a gift certificate for $25 off lunch or dinner, provided you have a party of 2 or more and order at least two entrees. Applicable to food only, expires 3/31/07. PM me if interested and I will drop in the mail.
  8. All you evil people... I had never made these cookies before tonight and they are both easy and delicious. What a great recipe!
  9. Eco-friendly Foods at the Arlington Courthouse Farmer's market has had tubs of leaf lard in the past and I believe upon special request. I read Real Food by Nina Planck this summer and she makes a strong case for why leaf lard is so much healthier for you than say Crisco.
  10. My mother-in-law lives in PA near York and fresh Bell and Evans turkeys are what they have at the local Weis for something like $1.19 a pound. At least last year they did. If you're serious about willing to drive, it's probably a 2 hour drive from here but you could probably stop and get local apples and pies and such to make a day of it.
  11. I've seen Le Creuset at Tuesday Morning in the past and the prices were good but not as good as the sales at the Le Creuset Outlet store. I think there should be one coming up for the holidays but I'm not sure. At the outlet during a sale, they'll offer something like 35% off everything, including the seconds that are already around 50% off.
  12. Blueberry pancakes, maple syrup, sausages, tater tots, and orange slices. Pure comfort.
  13. Gaminess doesn't sound right. Have you tried other meats in that marinade before and liked them? I'm inclined to think that your perception was right and that you got an off package.
  14. The Clarendon WF doesn't butcher them in the second picture shown in your post. They split it in the manner of the first picture, but don't remove all of the connective tissue. You see pieces that have little or no connective tissue, and other pieces that look like it was the other half that got all the connective tissue or that they only removed about half of it. It's bad. How to fix this situation? Would printing out the picture of a properly butchered piece of meat and comparing it to what they've got in the case too insulting?
  15. I've been buying locally grass fed buffalo and beef flank steak for about $10 a pound from Cibola and Mt. Vernon farms, saving myself $5 a pound vs WF. I do keep going back to WF for their flat irons at $5.99 a pound though. Recently, I've been at WF a few times where they were out or very low on the flat irons. I hope that demand does not drive them to skirt steak and flank steak pricing.
  16. Yup, my comfort foods include rice porridge topped with caramel catfish with plenty of fresh ground black pepper and charcoal grilled pork chops with rice and lightly pickled veggies.
  17. I went to the Lebanese Butcher in Falls Church today in search of a rack of lamb. What I got talked into instead was marinated lamb chops for an unbelievable $5.99 a pound. They cooked up quite nicely on the grill and were incredibly tasty. I don't know if they normally offer these or if it's a Ramadan special (they usually have various things on sale) but people need to go and get some of these to try. Screw WF and their $15 skirt steak.
  18. I haven't had problems with the timing on this recipe. It does take quite a while for the mixture to come up to the right temperature. I've made the recipe four different times and have ended up with chewy caramels each time. I did try to enrobe them last winter for holiday gifts but I found that my chocolate tended to melt the caramels just a bit. As a result, the nice little rectangular pieces I cut (pizza cutter works great) ended up spreading just a bit and looked more like turtles with the chocolate coating. People absolutely raved about both versions, coated and not. I wrapped the uncoated caramels in squares of wax paper cut from the roll but will have to look for those precut squares this year. Is there a local place to get these?
  19. Smokey, I am a huge fan of the Fleur de Sel caramel recipe on Epicurious. It uses heavy cream and butter so there is certainly no shortage of richness and I think the sea salt adds great contrast.
  20. YES! Someone who knows what I'm talking about! I am probably known at the Clarendon WF as the crazy little woman who makes them turn over the flat irons and hold them out at various angles so I can check the butchering job before I agree to buy them.
  21. Thanks to Jason for being so generous with his time, his chocolate, and his equipment! I'd like to say that I'm going to share my goodies with dear friends but frankly, I don't think they'll make it to the weekend. I think that one of the most enlightening things about the evening was learning that Jason doesn't infuse his flavors for very long. I've always been afraid to make flavored truffles for fear that the flavor might be too strong or too weak but am looking forward to trying this now.
  22. Some may scream sacrilege but I've had good results with taking the meat out of the smoker and putting in a baking dish at 250 degrees for the last few hours. I smoke outside first with hardwood or lump charcoal until I'm satisfied with the smoke flavor, anywhere between 2-3 hours. For me, finishing the meat off in the oven provides the convenience of even heat that doesn't need attention and I don't feel that the flavor is terribly compromised (I did the smoker-only way for about a year prior to trying my two step process).
  23. You don't want to even know how embarassing it is to go to your mother-in-law's house for dinner and have your child refuse to eat the meat because it's overcooked by her standards. The last time we went to Kotobuki we sat next to a table with two kids, maybe ages 8 and 10, who ordered toro, tuna, and salmon. They also tried some of the adults' mackeral during the meal. I was totally amazed.
  24. It's been a couple of months since we've last been to Kotobuki so they thought we'd stop in for a quick bite yesterday. The restaurant was full so my husband, 3 year old and I sat at the bar. After our order went in, Mr. Abe looked at us and said, "No egg?" We looked at him quizzically and he looked over at our daughter, saying "You didn't order egg?" It turns out that we had accidentally marked the sheet for fried bean curd, instead of the Tamago that we normally get for our daughter. It just blows my mind that as busy as that place is when we go in, that despite the fact that we always sit at a table, that he actually remembers what we get for the toddler. Oh, and the sushi was fantastic as usual.
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