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Jacques Gastreaux

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Everything posted by Jacques Gastreaux

  1. I'm not in any hurry here. When I think there is enough interest, especially among those who have never been to Ray's before, I'll give Michael Landrum a call and see what we can come up with.
  2. I see that Rocks has upgraded himself to "ventworm."
  3. Seating preference will be given to those who have never been to Ray's before.
  4. Funny thing, I started drafting a thread on Ray's the Steak this morning and had to stop because I got busy with something else. Anyway, I understand from hearsay evidence that it is difficult to get a reservation at Ray's the Steaks. Some people seem to think that I have connections with the owner. Without admitting or denying the truth of any of these rumors, I'm willing to organize a dinner at Ray's the Steaks. Is anyone interested. The dinner would probably be during the middle of the week about three weeks out. At a past dinner, we had a prix fixe sort of affair that was quite nice with a couple of choices of steak. We could try to keep the wine to under $50/bottle. Even split on the check. Is anyone interested.
  5. I am hoping that Busboy will do up a batch of his lamb sausages for the picnic. (could go good with Mediterranean potato salad)
  6. Hey Chef Shogun: If you're willing to walk all the way to the Chipotle by the Camelot, then you really ought to try the Well Dressed Buritto. It is in the alley across the street from CF Folks and the Palm, just up 19th a litte from Chipotle.
  7. We need some organization here. Who all is coming and what would they like to bring? Last year I brought smoked pork butt and can do so again (again with the admonition that if anyone wants cole slaw on their barbeque, you better bring your own. Where I grew up, we didn't put cole slaw on our barbeque. Plus, I generally don't like cole slaw). I might have my kids that weekend and if so will be bringing them as well. Also, we need some sort of outreach program so that everyone feels welcome. I reconize that there might be some hesitation meeting people face to face that you have only commiserated with on the Internet (it's the old addage, on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog). I know I was a little hesitant the first time I attended such an event. The picnic will be a casual affair and "first timers" are encouraged to attend. The minimum requirement is that you at least bring either beer or wine. Food would be welcomed but experience inidcates that there will be more than enough.
  8. My, how time flies when you're having fun. Last week, Restaurant Eve celebrated its first anniversery. Congratulations to Chef Cathal, Meshelle, and Todd and to all the staff that makes the place what it is. I'm looking forward to many happy returns.
  9. Don't buy 'em, find 'em. I found over 150 huge blond morels on Saturday. Almost filled a grocery sack.
  10. I went for lobster burgers last friday evening. No lobster burgers. Had the tuna burger instead, not a bad substitute. Same preperation as the lobster version, just a brunoise of fresh tuna lightly browned. Same tomato, potato crisp, brioche bun, etc.
  11. I think Chef Cathal is already back from Ireland. I just don't know when he plans to change the menu (it may already have changed). Don't worry about the strawberry drinks, I suspect they will be around for a while, so long as the strawberriers are in season (in fact I think they are somewhat new).
  12. That promotion certainly limits your upward mobility.
  13. It sure was crowded in there today. I got there shortly before noon and the line was just beginning to snake around to where Donna stands. When I left, it was out the door and snaking around towards the patio door. I could not see the end of the line. Anyway, the moral of this story is, get there early. I had the meatball sub (burp) and a bowl of the soup. The soup is pretty good; this is the first time I have had it. The meatball sub was great. edited to add: And the soup was ministrone.
  14. Has anyone done a google search for "ventworm" recently?
  15. I plan on trying to get there roughly at the time they open, in order to get a good seat on the patio.
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