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Everything posted by Keithstg

  1. Personally, I do check the board a bit less since the software "upgrade", which I don't care for. I've also fallen into the cycle of not posting on meals because for many of them, another post would echo comments made by many others on the restaurant thread. Also, I find if I wait more than a day or so after a meal to get something up, my memory starts to get hazy... All forums have ups and downs. Don't know if this period can be considered a "down", and honestly I'm not worried about it. Dr.com remains the most informative, troll free, and interesting food forum in DC by a long shot. The level of civility, even among "controversial" posters here is really incredible. In the past four plus years, I've seen folks come in with first posts that on many sites would be considered complete troll jobs, only to later become valued members of the forum. I don't know if anyone here also checks out Mark Squires board, but compared to the schism that went on there, this "declining participation" or whatever is a walk in the park.
  2. This is why Yelp is hit or miss (mostly miss). Leftbank is more a "club" or "lounge" than a restaurant. Sadly, I have eaten there twice - both meals were insipid. I'd save the $15 and eat elsewhere.
  3. I've been a regular at Belga since it opened, and although servers have come and gone, have always received good service. My main complaint about Belga is the noise level - it can be incredibly loud in there. I do agree that the entrees could be simplified a bit, although I don't know how much you can simplify a croque monsieur or madame from the sandwich menu. Good idea about the "Belgian Special", although was the place less than packed when you were there? Belga strikes me as one of the restaurants on the Hill that is always crowded.
  4. I don't know about the high counters, but the aisles are more narrow because of the addition of A/C to the market, or so I was told. The market looks fantastic - it is great to see everyone in their (new) old familiar places!
  5. Indeed. Two more games in pink hat hell... Although I believe the food will be more plentiful today and tomorrow. Lots of stands ran out last night.
  6. 100%. Didn't know there were so many (relatively speaking) Barker Black lovers here. I have two pairs of wingtips that are my favorite shoes - also with the same design on the sole that waitman has...
  7. Such things do not exist.
  8. If you don't think Steve McQueen is relevant, then I'm sorry. Those pics are probably 30 years old, or roughly as old as me. Were he (or anyone else) to wear the clothes in those pics out today, they would (a) be comfortable, and ( look relevant. The choads in the last pic look absurd now - I can't imagine thirty years hence. Ultimately, I cringe at the thought of anything other than jeans and t-shirts being deemed uncomfortable, or for schmucks. Makes me wonder if the issue is that folks nowadays don't either own a decent suit or know a tailor.All of this said, someone else's attire in a restaurant doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother the restaurant staff.
  9. Alternatively,Click Or click As compared to, say Click For all the talk of "comfort", who looks more comfortable in these three pics?
  10. Perhaps not for the better. Honestly, I'm flabbergasted when I read posts that say things like "it was great not to have to worry about what to wear", etc. I am beginning to think that casual attire in nicer restaurants has gone too far. Must one wear a t-shirt and jeans or shorts to be comfortable? Is it that difficult to put on a collared shirt and a pair of trousers (or heaven forbid, a jacket and tie)?I understand the need/desire to wear casual clothes to bars, neighborhood bistros, etc, as Marks mentioned. But, in a restaurant like PS7 or Citronelle, they are making an effort - shouldn't the diner meet the restaurant halfway?
  11. I second USC. Excellent service and brunch menu. If open for brunch (not sure), you could also consider Gotham Bar and Grill. I wouldn't recomment Blue Water Grill - for me it's just too crowded. If you have your heart set on a BR Guest restaurant, head to the UES and Atlantic Grill.
  12. Maybe not the "highest end", but I have had several larger dinners in the Jean Louis room at Central. We've found that it works well for business dinners and smaller birthday parties. I would add them to the list - hope this helps.
  13. I picked up four from Union Meats in Eastern Market last weekend - $7.99/lb
  14. Last night - shared two bottles of Inglenook Cask Cabernet, 1977. Not bad for a 32 year old cali wine!
  15. You could try Picholine - their taste of picholine and menu d'economie both come in at the pricepoint you are looking at.
  16. Mel from Eastern Market poultry has had emu in the past. Eastern Market is not open today, but you could give him a call on Tuesday.
  17. I know - just a good excuse to link to that pic, and needle both he and Psaltis. I think eater's line on our own TS is closer to the mark.
  18. I'd vote Steven Shaw, solely for humor - oh, to see this epic picture pasted in every restaurant in manattan, and to have whatever restaurant Doug Psaltis opens next get four stars, just because. Click (some registration required)
  19. To my fellow LC alum, Frank Bruni. Best of luck with the book and new assignment! Click for News
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