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Everything posted by jpschust

  1. Out of curiosity, why does it matter if the chef is male or female?
  2. Exactly. Bebo could have been a great place, but the service and inconsistencies in food need serious help. I love to linger over a 3 hour dinner, but not because the service is inattentive.
  3. Is it just me or does it seem like Donna is starting to crack? Opening that craphole known as Bebo, firing off at a reporter...
  4. nice use of Demolition Man. Wesley Snipes finest hour. Dennis Leary's as well.
  5. The classes are excellent- each class focuses on a region and you taste about 10-14 wines a class. We have done 2 out of our 3 classes- they let you make up in future sessions and both were excellent. The first class more time is spent speaking about wine production than tasting, but the second class we did a lot more tasting. Rob is an excellent teacher and Lisa is excellent as well. Very highly reccomended.
  6. And there's a group of a-hole neighbors that are trying to hold up their beer/wine license. Every day that I live in that neighborhood makes me thing my general neighbors are more and more ludicrous
  7. Cool! Thanks. I owe you a Dekonick for not looking that up myself.
  8. Can't go anywhere but up from the bottom that Bebo is
  9. What is Randalized 90 min? I assume it's just 90 min being poured by someone else.
  10. can't wait to see flay kick his butt.
  11. Why? It's in a hotel and while having a formal menu is certainly more informal than the places on the formal list.
  12. I'm just curious- would a passover meal at Rosa include rice as I'd assume it would be in the sephardic tradition?
  13. Ah ok. That makes a lot of sense. That place had one of the finest meals I've ever eaten.
  14. I'm surprised August in NOLA didn't get a nod.
  15. Robyn and I went to Firefly for a very pleasant brunch on Sunday morning (11:30) She had the NOLA Bloody Mary and I had a couple of mimosas. I was in the mood for champagne Both were excellent. We split the crispy oysters whose sauce was a touch hot, a touch spicey and reminded me of a nice new orleans style preparation. The oysters were delecately fried so as to be soft in the middle and wonderfully crispy on the outside. I had the bennedict which was huge. The best part was that the size of the english muffin was so balanced to the size of the egg- if the muffin or egg is too big you can't get it all in your mouth. Yummy Robyn had the 3 pepper goat cheese omlette which was perfectly prepared. Total check, a heavy $75, but it was a very good meal nonetheless. The alcohol is where we really took the hit- 10 bucks a piece for mimosas.
  16. Good call. That said, I ate at Le Cirque in Vegas a few months ago and it was one of the most outstanding meals I've ever eaten in Vegas.
  17. Wasn't it Le Bernadin? I forget the name- but the title of the chapter is "The King Of Spain Waits" or something like that.
  18. There's something to be said for a well made shot.
  19. if you pick up the book gastronaut he has most of the original menu in there- if you can't find it shoot me a pm and I'll lend you mine.
  20. Am I crazy? Someone on chowhound posted that she thought the 40 minute wait on a Tuesday night for a 6 top was too long...In a 46 seat restaurant? Is she on crack or am I? See the thread here: http://www.chowhound.com/topics/380574
  21. Of what I'm aging that's ready to go- I aged a vertical selection from Corison in Napa, plus I've just come into some of her stuff from the Kronos vinyard that's ready to drink right now and was aged in a friend's cellar. If you jump on chowhound, and I don't buy most of the junk I read on there, a lot of people were saying the pairings weren't so hot.
  22. is the consensus at Komi right now to get a bottle and forgo the pairings? Also, how's the wine list? Should we be bringing one of the bottles I've been aging that is just about ready to drink?
  23. OK- I'm going to take nominations for 64 seeds. There will be no first round byes. The top 4 most requested restaurants will get the 1 seeds, the next 4 will get 2 seeds, etc. Rules: There will be 4 divisions. There will be no first round byes. The top 4 most requested restaurants will get the 1 seeds, the next 4 will get 2 seeds, etc. All tie breaking votes for seeds will be decided by coin toss. All tie breaking votes for matchups will be decided by coin toss. The coin will probably be my Marine Corps Marathon finisher coin. Because I have no other use for this. You have through COB on Friday or whenever I start drinking after work to put your votes in for seeding (probably about 5 or so PM). Brackets will be up by Monday and you'll have 1 week (until cob @ 5 PM the last day) to get your votes in for matchups. Anyone may vote for the seedings, but please do not vote for matchups unless you have been to both restaurants (you're on your honor) If you all want to play fantasy pick 'em then by all means, but find someone else to coordinate that I'll try and tally every few days to get the standings. Remember- talk trash and KEEP ALL VOTES AND TALK ABOUT THIS IN THIS THREAD Go Hoosiers.
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