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Everything posted by FunnyJohn

  1. Well, you might also read the transcript here. Articulate, erudite -- not to mention, perspicacious.
  2. I'm watching Fox News "Special Report" (for the unintiated -- it's the 6:00 Hour Evening News Program) and they have a special 4th of July Panel discussing the economy. Michael is one of the members of this panel representing the small business entrepreneur and he's great! Kudos to Fox for recognizing Michael's role during this recession in bucking the trends by going out and creating jobs, and most of all, kudos to Michaei for doing it. The other night at Ray's -- I introduced Michael to some of my hard right friends, as a "Socialist", but a Socialist deserving of respect, because he actually walks the walk and takes care of his employees first. Michael was gracious and accepted the label, and we all agreed that true socialism and true conservatism aren't that much different in their views of the importance of the individual. If you missed this episode, contact Fox and demand a return engagement for Mr. Landrum.
  3. I have a friend who is a part time music teacher at Duke Ellington and during the summer needs to supplement his income (temporary teachers don't get paid over the summer in the DC school system). If anyone knows of a job - either part or full time -- in Arlington or DC, Id' really appreciate a heads-up. He doesn't need much to tide him over, but he needs something, so we're thinking busboy, dishwasher or even front of the House as a host.
  4. A few members of the Red Meat Club paid a long over-due visit to Ray's last night. First time for me since the drying room was installed and the menu adjusted with additional cuts. Unfortunately they had just run out of the dry aged strip I was considering, but, ah well, settled for the regular NY Strip. Anyway, the gang had a great time and one first-timer who doesn't eat a lot of meat (Buddhist) was very impressed. Mayor Michael came by to discuss his political platform and Mark Slater kept us supplied with the very best last bottle of the wines we were imbibing. Now this is CARNAL KNOWLEDGE. What a GREAT INSTITUTION! Thanks, Michael and Mark.
  5. For 99 cents per recommendation -- a new ITunes App: Wine Guy on Demand
  6. Perhaps a new tool would prove useful
  7. Sounds like your friends had kids that were not pizzaria friendly. But all kidding aside, I too hope that Orso will soldier on in the fine way they have been and I wish Edan the best too -- hoping he stays in the area and finds another gig.
  8. This is for Guys. Not sure how your +1 feels about cooking prowess, but in case it may be an important factor in your relationship, I pass along a tried and true suggestion. You should tweak this, but make sure you get either very young, small chickens or, better yet, real Cornish Hens or Poussins (available from Whole Foods). The amount of the cooking liquids of the sauce are approximate and you should taste to make sure the berryness and the sugar are there -- add a pinch of salt too. Can't guarantee a Happy Ending for your evening, but....
  9. Merci beaucoup! Nothing worse then showing up someplace thirsty to meet up with other folks -- say at 5 pm -- and finding you have to wait or find someplace else until 5:30. Okay, there are probably a few other things that are worse, but.... [bTW someone whose opinion I hold in high regard told me he thinks the best bar tender in town is at NH. That was a while ago, so I hope the same dude is there this week.]
  10. Anyone know what time the bar at NH opens? Their website is wonderfully informative except with regard to their hours of operation. [Yes, I could call to find out, but I'm lonely and want to start a conversation on this board and on this thread ]
  11. If it's already mentioned somewhere above I apologize for a double-dip, but JV's has been up and diving since 1947 in Falls Church. Tomorrow you can catch Mary Shaver and the Smoking Polecats at 5 pm. [not an endorsement]
  12. FWIW: I have enjoyed dining at Mendocino since soon after it first opened, and have known Troy for that long. As RJ has said, Troy is a stand-up guy and I have to believe that circumstances beyond his control (i.e. the economy, the high cost of doing busines in Georgetown and other factors of which we may all be unaware -- I certainly am) led to this unfortunate turn-of-events. Menodcino always had high standards for both its food and beverage service and, perhaps, faced with the choice between abandoning those standards -- disappointing his customer base -- and meeting obligations to the local government, the management tried to keep the customer base in the hopes that would eventually lead to way to meet its other obligations. I don't know, but I wish all involved better luck with any future venture, and hope that Mendocino can be restored somehow.
  13. Does it have a redish glow in the room -- like those windows in certain parts of Amsterdam where other kinds of "meat" are on display? My father told me (many years ago) that there was a chop house in London where the meat was aging on hooks from the ceiling and you could pick out whatever chop you wanted.
  14. Dan: I think he was trying to guilt-trip you into eating MORE
  15. An interesting exhibit has opened at MOMA. It is discussed in the NY Review of Books. How close is this to the Food Truck?!
  16. My go-to "guilty pleasure" at TB has always been the beef burrito Supreme, and I enjoy both it's taste and the mouth feel -- with the beef being creamy like the beans and the sour cream, offset by the crunchiness (depending on how quickly consumed after maunfacture) of the lettuce and tomato. If extenders in the beef have contributed to its creaminess, so be it. I would observe that TB is not alone in trying out ways to get more beef out of its meat as the price for that commodity has dramatically increased -- I would place the new Burger King Steak House burger with its jalapeno and chedder bits stuffing in that same category.
  17. Couldn't tell -- I was just in the butcher shop (which is pretty much as it was in the old location: canned Middle Eastern goods, baklava, spices, etc.). There was an adjoining space but it was dark and locked up. The next time I go, I will ask about the restaurant And the location is not exactly on the corner, but up Hillwood from the gas station which is at the corner.
  18. I just stopped by to score some lamb shanks to cook sometime this holiday wkend. They are located right around the corner from their burned out store. Go past it and make a left on Hillwood and they are on the right hand side at that corner. Said they'd be at this location for a year. BTW their lamb shanks are gi-normous! Four weighed in at over 6lbs.
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