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Everything posted by CrescentFresh

  1. Today at USDA, this particular stand had 3 different varieties of grapes. I got a quart of Suffolk for $3.50. Not as powerful nor as sweet as the Catawba. A bit more of a spicier essence to them. Utterly superb. My colleage had the fresh churned peach ice cream. She said it was not overly sweetened, letting the peaches do the work. And the empanadas for $3 are a steal.
  2. I think that any establishment that would dare destroy a classic drink like a Manhattan by ruining it with an "apple variety" deserves to have its entire bar staff fired. And probably castrated as appropriate. Abominable.
  3. Last year, I made a load of creamed corn and packaged and froze it for winter enjoyment. It was great. Unfortunately, I've been incredibly disappointed with the corn this year. (Toigo @ $.75/ear and it's really not that sweet or special). So, I'm not going to bother. I will, however, have to get in gear and make tomato sauce and caponata.
  4. Dang! You're right! I always go right for the bag of hanger steak in that fridge and forget to get anything else. 'cept'n cheese, of course.
  5. Boneless, skin on, duck breast at $13.99/lb at Whole Foods. Anyone know a source for organic duck breast besides Whole Foods that may not be as expensive? That seems kinda high.
  6. I thought Cowen's piece on ethnic dining in today's Washington Post was a good read. Check it out if you haven't yet.
  7. A souvlaki place. The pita was nice. The lamb was chunky and too tough, meaning you had to put the whole chunk into your mouth instead of biting through it when it was in the sandwich.
  8. Was all set to hit one of these joints, but FWIW, we ended up getting taken out to lunch by our hosts, so we had no choice in the matter. Thanks for the suggestions, though.
  9. I agree you posed it as a question. And I wasn't questioning yours, or anyone else's questions about brr's post here or in Tom's chat. I was merely saying I don't blame him for trying to get an answer. As for my comments about NB....I said what I had to say, responded to a couple of followups....made a wisecrack here and there (par for the course) ....but frankly, I've essentially shut my mouth about the whole thing. Those enjoying their meals there notwithstanding, frankly, other folks have been a lot more harsh than me about management and service there of late.
  10. What strikes me most about brr's situation is that he did EVERYTHING people on all sides of the industry say should be done. Restaurant managers, restaurant critics, and restaurant diners alike are all in agreement when we say 1001 times, "Did you tell somebody while you were there??!!" brr does, and for some totally bizarro reason, management at NB chooses to follow the Ostrich Method of Customer Satisfaction by sticking its head in the sand and ignoring it. I find it completely appropriate for brr to alert Sietsema and for Tom to include it in the chat. Perhaps now brr will get the answer he deserves. If not, it's just another example of how the NB FOH has jumped the shark.
  11. Neil, Are you saying that we should expect to pay more at the winery? If so, why? The 2005 Black Cat Chardonnay is listed as $15 on the Horton winery website.
  12. I'm heading down to C'ville for the day on Thursday. Will be looking to get some lunch somewhere. Looking at the suggestions posted above that seemed most interesting, the only one with a website was C&O, and that seems a bit much for lunch, and probably a little too on the fine dining side. Other suggestions for where to go? The Mexican joint sounds nice, but unless it's killer, there's probably really nothing about it making it unique to C'ville. So, where should I hit? Doesn't need to be fancy by any means. Even a kick-ass burger would be great. Just something representative of the area. Thanks.
  13. Excellent beer. Lots of chocolate and coffee notes. And, most thankfully, was a very welcome break from the hop monsters that seems to plague just about every other beer brewed in the area. Nice malty sweetness in this one. If you missed it, though, it's gone. The cask tapped now at BP is Brewer's Art Ozzy.
  14. Incredibly delicious Catawba grapes at the USDA farmer's market last Friday. Probably the most powerfully-flavored grapes I've ever eaten. Wonderful.
  15. I just found two tins of curry paste WAY in the back of the cabinet with expiration dates of October 2000. Maybe instead of pitching this stuff, we can start a time capsule or something.
  16. Not that I was going to go there after I get my hair cut and get a few more errands done or anything like that.....but they open at 11:30 for lunch today.
  17. Shut that damned store down, fix it faster, re-open. I was in there on Saturday. What a godawful mess! Fruits and vegetables can be found in 3 different locations throughout the store, including the freaking parking lot! You can get your damned papaya validated if you want! And the stock is so depleted because they just don't have room to shelve it. If you buy a certain product at any other WF in the area, there's probably a 25% chance you won't find it at Tenleytown. This place is a nightmare. This so reminds me of the House of Representatives. "Sure Congress is dysfunctional and needs to change. But it's not my Congressman that's part of the problem!"
  18. I found Youkali Hotel [(*)] linked on another site. Seems kind of interesting. Not the finest location, but anything in BA is about one to three dollars away via taxi. Fascinating looking hotel and an interesting looking menu. The menu prices are in pesos, so divide by 3. As for wine, I can't possibly understand how they're selling Trumpeter for US$12. I'd be all over that Ruca Malen Cabernet for US$15. [(*) "Youkali / Boquita Pintadas Hotel (BA) is Closed" on lonelyplanet.com]
  19. Um. Hello. But hasn't this conversation taken a silly turn away from the topic of this thread. Hasn't Michael Landrum done nothing more than poke fun at assumptions that PS7s is going to be pouring massive amounts of wine at certain dollars per glass....none of which has any basis in fact if you look at their website? I mean, if you want to extrapolate that they're going to give you 7 six-ounce glasses of wine for $40 or $80 dollars, go ahead. If you ask me, whatever universe that assumption came from probably has Pluto as the central planet.
  20. All I can think of is the Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch. "It's not much of a cheese shop, is it? It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese."
  21. That $399 RT is the best I've ever heard and it's how I'm getting there. And the flights to get to Miami for that flight are really cheap right now, too. Has anyone eaten at Nectarine? I'm seeing some reviews elsewhere that this place is a winner. It may be at the top of my list of new places to try. [Permanently closed in 2012]
  22. And in the grand battle of balance between hops and malt, where would you say this beer can be found?
  23. No T-shirts this time, but the pre-purchase, branded item will be DR.com Bunny Slippers! Great for fine dining pajama parties. PM Jacques with your order and don't forget to mention the size(s) you need.
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