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Everything posted by zoramargolis

  1. breakfast for dinner: fried eggs eco-friendly bacon biscuits made with homemade cultured buttermilk homemade cultured butter leatherwood honey
  2. Where did Eataly get them from? must have been pretty far south, given how late the spring is in our local ramps territories.
  3. Are these fresh ramps already? If yes, where are they from? last night: roasted chicken with saffron, honey, and hazelnuts, from an _Ottolenghi_ recipe. I cut back on the amount of honey and rosewater called for, because J. isn't that crazy about (perfumey) sweet and meat together, and added a little bit of finely chopped preserved Meyer lemon from my pantry. smoked basmati rice spinach sauteed with garlic 2013 Royal dry chenin blanc
  4. Have you checked at Aphrodite in Bailey's Crossroads? It's a Greek/Middle Eastern grocery store next door to the Thai grocery, which is next door to Rabieng.
  5. this morning, we had round two of the yeast-raised buttermilk pancakes. I had stored the excess batter in a slightly too-small container and the yeast was still very much alive and active, so I had to do some clean-up in the refrigerator this morning. I added blueberries to the pancakes, and we had our own version of the Denny's "grand-slam," with eco-friendly bacon and a fried egg on the plate, and a glass of orange juice with the coffee. Homemade butter and Vermont maple syrup on top. It just does not get better than this was.
  6. They must have decided to extend -- we saw it there last Tuesday and were told that Thursday would be the last showings. When we saw it, there were two showings a day, at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. On a weekday, needless to say the audience for the afternoon screening skewed "retired." If it is still there, it is definitely worth seeing on the big screen.
  7. One of the amazing things about Tim Jenison is that he has no training or "talent" as a painter. He is a graphic designer, so obviously has an eye for composition and a keen sense of color and form, but completely on his own he painted a remarkably exact copy of a Vermeer painting by rediscovering and utilizing the technology of lenses and mirrors that he speculates, with considerable support from experts, was utilized by Vermeer.
  8. yeast-raised homemade cultured buttermilk pancakes maple syrup and homemade cultured fleur de sel butter Peet's cappucini I made the pancake batter last night, which rested in the refrigerator overnight. Subbed fine-ground cornmeal for 1/4 of the flour, pistachio oil for the vegetable oil, and palm sugar for the white sugar in the recipe and added a few personal fillips: vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg and orange zest. J had always expressed disappointment when I made pancakes in the past. They were never as light and fluffy as he would have liked. These pancakes met with praise for their lightness and fluffiness, but he thought there was too much orange zest... Oh, well. The inevitable clash of palates when a lover of intense flavors cooks for and eats with a highly sensitive super-taster who grew up eating bland food. I thought they were fabulous.
  9. I noticed a few bottles of 2010 Hodder Hill on the VA shelf at Ace Beverages a few days ago. If it is a wine you must have regardless of the price, there it is. I'm glad I got some when it was first released, found at Whole Foods in Arlington, a lot cheaper.
  10. A bit late for local theaters--today was the last day in the last DC area theater, in Fairfax. but this film is bound to come up on Netflix, On Demand etc. and is really worth watching. A brilliant design and video technology geek develops an obsession with figuring out and recreating how Johannes Vermeer was able to paint photo-realistic paintings in the 17th century. Amazing, gripping, and entertaining.
  11. navarin d'agneau--cooked wine marinated lamb shoulder oven braised with the marinade and aromatics, finished with roasted red pepper, potatoes, white turnips, crimini mushrooms, carrots and peas, chopped fresh parsley and tarragon baguette with homemade cultured sea salt butter HD caramel gelato topped with chopped chocolate sea salt almonds 2010 Clos l'Hermitage cdr
  12. Next Step organic farm stand at Dupont Circle market--Heinz Thomet's stand. He was alternating weeks with Tree and Leaf all winter, but they are going back to Spring/Summer hours as of this weekend, so thy may both be there every week now. Not sure, but you might check with Fresh Farm Markets to avoid making a trip for naught. Well, it's never for naught, but if you went specifically to get mache from Heinz and he wasn't there, it would be a drag. The market has been sort of sparse lately.
  13. I stopped in for a lamb gyro a couple of weekends ago--recommended by the cashier when I was undecided between lamb and goat. the meat was deliciously juicy and crusty, but the sandwich tasted under seasoned and flat. Despite being very busy, the staff gladly accomodated my request for salt and harissa, and after I added a bit of both, the sandwich sang to me.
  14. The dominant flavor elements in Old Bay are dehydrated onion and garlic, celery seed, and cayenne pepper. Since celery seed is a typical add-in to coleslaw locally, I'm thinking your friend ought to jump onto the fermenting bandwagon and make some Maryland kimchee, layering shredded cabbage and radishes with Old Bay and salt in a a clean bucket or jar, and see what happens. cocktail sauce could go into tomato juice to make bloody mary mix.
  15. I've had a yen for a while, to make homemade cultured butter. I bought 3 pints of cream from Claire at Clear Creek Creamery on Sunday, at the Dupont Circle market. And cultured it for a couple of days using some of the homemade goat labneh I made a couple of weeks ago, as a starter culture. Today was b-day, and I churned the cultured cream with my KitchenAid. After the butter was well-drained and rinsed, I salted it with some Maldon fleur de sel. And I have a nice big jar of cultured buttermilk to play with: waffles? pancakes? biscuits? buttermilk pie? Oh, the calories! The butter is delicious.
  16. The best thing to do is look for pork at a farmers' market. Pretty much any market you can get to will have a vendor selling locally raised, pastured pork. last night: mache and baby romaine salad with anchovy vinaigrette, parmesan cheese and homemade croutons charcoal-grilled prawns marinated chickpeas, artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers vanilla ice cream with Kahlua 2012 Drylands sauvignon blanc
  17. i have gotten FB ficelles several times, and have to say now that I have had Praline and Lyon baguettes several times, and LeoNora many times, that Fresh Baguette's bread blows the competition out of the water. I hope that they can attract enough business to stay open. The location is a bit off the beaten path, and I hope that they are doing enough wholesale business, because customers don't yet seem to be packing the place, as far as I can tell.
  18. last night: pan roasted duck breast with sour cherry pan reduction sauce baby lacinato kale sauteed with mushrooms and onions smoked basmati rice bosc pear 2011 Mas d' Alezon Faugeres (mourvedre)
  19. last night: panko-crusted skate wing filets remoulade sauce oven-roasted asparagus basmati rice Fresh Baguette ficelle with President sea salt butter the rest of the bottle of South African chenin blanc
  20. Don't really know if this is a relevant comparison, but movie reviewers and people who it is hoped will provide "word of mouth" are routinely provided comps to screenings of new films.
  21. My last visit was maybe ten days ago, but big changes are afoot at A&H. The store has been expanded into what was the rear fish-prep area, with a new floor put down. They've relocated the cheese and charcuterie refrigerator case down to the new area, but may move it back and swap it for the fish case, so that people will have to go past it to get to the fish. Also planned are new shelving units along what is now a blank wall, a new open refrigerated reach-in case, and a food prep area with a few tables.
  22. Thanks so much for providing this, PollyG. I have compared my Trader Joe's pine nuts, purchased some time ago and held in my freezer, with the illustrated varieties, and I am reasonably certain that they are Pinus sibirica. I have been eating them with no problem, but have been very wary of buying more, because of the risk. Now that I know what to look for, I'll feel much more confident about making future purchases.
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