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Everything posted by DLB

  1. I would take it up with my credit card company if I could not work it out with a restautant, base on the fact that I did not receive any services. I would never sign a contract to eat!
  2. I am not sure, and I hope I never have to find out You missed the point. So, I am moving on.
  3. No services were rendered; from the little I know about contracts consumers usually win these type cases. I am sure it would not get that far at a place like Maestro, if you called to explain what happened.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to look up the policy. As I stated before I always give proper notice. However, if something more important came up and I was unable to cancel in time, yes, I would call the restaurant to dispute that $100 charge.
  5. I know that they are not new(although we were not required to sign any contracts in Paris during a trip in 2005)but I would never sign a contract to eat in a restaurant. I have left a credit card number to hold tables at Cityzen and Maestro. I only do this because I am sure American Express would not let then get away with charging me, if I had not shown up, which I would never do without giving proper notice!
  6. I am all for people making as much money as they can, but too many of these places dumb down their menus for these special nights. They offer less for more money, and that's a shame. If places like Citronelle and Ray's can offer the same menu and same prices, then why can't everyone else? Why over book, or require your guest to sign contracts?
  7. I live with a Lawyer, and 3000 hours are required to meet her goals for this year.
  8. What was the price of the tasting menu at Komi last night? I thought it was $125, and it is usually around $75.
  9. I am not sure weather was much of a factor last night. Ray's the Steak was jumping around 8:30 last night, as well as the two other restaurants in the shopping center. $20 for a first course is highway robbery, even on V-Day.
  10. Amen brother! I agreee with this 100%. There is really no way to make in this area without two incomes.
  11. My bad man, that was the wine talking. I usually don't insult people in my posts. This buppie from Alexandria is above that .
  12. I would not call my self a yuppie but I do live in the suburbs. My wife and I are lucky if we get home by 7:30 on most nights, and on most nights the blue line is still pretty packed at 6:30 or 7 at night.. The DC area is very different from most of the country, as most people tend to work over 30 miles from home. Maybe the target audience is the middle America house wife. By the way, what the hell is a yuppie? Who goes around calling themself a yuppie?
  13. I agree that it's not hard for some people to put a meal on the table in 30min, however there are some parents who do not have the luxury of being home at 7:30pm every night. It really is an oddity for families to sit down and eat together everynight. It's sad but true for most working people.
  14. I don't have any kids, but my guess is that that's it tough to have a sit down meal every single night when both parents are working. I have friends who do have kids, and they tell me it's easier said than done. I am sure most parents do thier past to provide whatever is needed to their kids, so let's not point fingers.
  15. It's hard to do this every night if you are not getting home from work until 7:30pm. I think most people would want to sit down to dinner every night, but if both parents are working it's not that easy.
  16. That's fine too. What's the big deal?
  17. I saw no issue with these ads. Most people not have the time to have a "well rounded" family meal on most nights. I don't think anything in those ads suggest that you should go to KFC every night. At least they are trying to promote the idea of a family eating together, which is something that those not happen that often anymore.
  18. I was happy to find boneless short ribs at The Springfield Butcher this weekend, over two pounds for around $16. I made Thomas Keller's Beef Bourguignon on yesterday for dinner on Tuesday (It taste better after sitting a few days). Now I know why his restaurants are so damn expensive, all that refinement takes a lot of work, and it calls for throwing away about 2lbs of vegatables. I love the Bouchon cookbook, it's a lot of work, but the results are always worth it. Only Thomas Keller and turn beef stew into a 3 day event.
  19. Lentil Soup with bacon and carrots Chicken Pillard with Escorole (sp) Churros and Chocolate
  20. My wife is making Churros tonight, from the Sunday Suppers at Luques cookbook. It looks pretty simple, I can't wait.
  21. The best deal in Vegas is the pre fix menu at Daniel Boulund Brasserie at the Wynn hotel; it's three courses until 7pm for around $45. Check our Witchcraft at the MGM for some really good sandwiches for lunch.
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