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Everything posted by edenman

  1. If he's still got 'em in a few weeks, I'm game. This week is tough, since on Tuesday I'm getting an entire pig delivered from Cedarbrook. The current plan is to cure the hams (one for a long time a la prosciutto), make sausage with the shoulders, bacon with the belly, head cheese with the head and trotters, and then roast the midsection (possibly stuffed). Organ plans: tbd. Joy: unbridled.
  2. Holy awesome, batman. Thanks for all the info. Will report back.
  3. public transport all the way. not opposed to a cabride if it's necessary, but hoping to avoid them if possible.
  4. I'm heading to Chicago in a couple weeks. A rundown of italian beef places would be excellent (or is there a thread on lth that i should peruse?). Heck, thai options would be helpful too. I'll be with a couple of my college buddies, so fancier things are probably out (as much as I'd like to try Alinea, Topolobampo, Blackbird, Spring...). We're staying in the Wicker Park area but willing to walk pretty far. And the beer situation....looks like Map Room and Piece brewpub are must-hit. Goose Island. Maybe Clark Street Ale House. Any other places where a beer nerd like myself will feel at home?
  5. Sister is coming to visit in a couple weeks and she's got a hankerin' for Ethiopian food. Anybody else recommend Lalibela (it's real close to my apt) or should we just walk up to Dukem?
  6. I got hams and bellies to cure And MOM was a good tip, thanks. They're ordering a 40lb bag for me.
  7. Yea that's the first thing that my googling turned up, but I was hoping to avoid paying $40 just on shipping
  8. Anybody know where I can get a good price on bulk Kosher or Sea Salt? I figure I'll need something between 30-40 lbs, and I'd like to avoid paying for a bunch of those little 3lb boxes. Would Penzey's be an option?
  9. Acadiana had a few different Abita beers last time I was there.
  10. We have this on tap at Rustico at the moment. Also Ola Dubh is on cask. Also Lagunitas Maximus (Double IPA) and the St. Michaelsburg Kellerbier. Tasty times.
  11. a 1:1 Manhattan made with Willet 6-yr bourbon, Vya sweet vermouth, and Peychaud's aromatic bitters. I forgot how assertive the vya is, might scale back on it a tad next time to let the bourbon shine a bit more. Still, delicious.
  12. This sounds like a question that could be answered at the spring picnic. We've had butter tastings before, why not olive oil tasting?
  13. I'm not sure here, but I think you're very unlikely to find N/A beer in most establishments. If you're not drinking booze, most places assume you'll go for juice, soda, coffee, or water instead. And in almost every case, they're right. Unless you're in a beer bar, O'Doul's is likely to be the only available option. Until reading this post, I had never heard of N/A wine.
  14. Back when I was making cheese, I appreciated being able to ask Adam anything about his process and get a straight, detailed answer. I'm sure some of the supermarket milk is fine for cheesemaking, but I wanted to know exact details for homogenization, pasteurization temps, etc. And then there's the "happy cows make better milk" theory.
  15. Stopped in yesterday after dropping the ailing Kitchenaid at Waters Appliance a few blocks down. Agreed on the sides (the fries were meh), but the #45, aka THE FOREVER AMBLER, OR THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST, was delicious: 6oz steak, fried oysters, bleu cheese sauce on rye. The beer list is abysmal, however. The token belgians (Corsendonck, Chimay) are the only things worth drinking, and they're in bottle. We got a "buy 10, the 11th is free" card, but I doubt I'll make it back here 10 more times, with a Pepitos on the same strip. Maybe if my kitchenaid repeatedly breaks over and over.
  16. Grandpa always use beer (Bud, iirc) instead of water: I have tried a few times to duplicate this, but the effects are never quite as stunning as I remember them being. The theory is a nice one, though, that the bubbles in the beer keep the pancake light and fluffy. Not sure if it's actually true, but worst case is that you have a few ounces of beer left over, and your pancakes have a little extra flavor (emphasis on "little" if using Bud or similar) Also: Flappy, I've got good news! I've decided not to kill you!
  17. I'm no expert on the cocktail, only having had it a few times, but I had a pretty damn good one at Temperance Hall a few months back. Not sure if they're still doing them since they've become the Looking Glass and scaled back on their rye selection.
  18. It's firmly in Adams Morgan but Tacos Pepito's is the bomb.
  19. Downside: prices have gone up: a side of chicken biryani is now $4, which makes the whole lunch (biryani, veg samosa, chips) over $7 now Upside: the chips were phenomenal today. Better than they've been in months (which is not to say they've been bad). I think we might've just gotten lucky and got them straight from the fryer. Made my day
  20. Finally tried this place over the weekend. The flavors were great, but everything needed about 5 more minutes in a hot oven: the skin on the chicken wasn't at all crispy, the sweet potatoes were soggy. The noodle thing was the only unqualified "hit" of the visit.
  21. Anybody know how the wine selection is here? This place was brought up last night and I haven't made it over yet. Are they able to serve wine here yet? (Starter website with hours)
  22. I don't know what you're talking about
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