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Everything posted by brettashley01

  1. Actually it's not - we called. I thought it would be too.
  2. I do know that La Tasca and Legal Seafood are open. Even Clyde's isn't... my friend and I are having the same dilemma. (But I do have a feeling that Thai Chili in the Gallery Place theatre will be open.) ETA: A little further out, but Momiji (sushi and hibachi) is open from 2-10pm. 5th and H.
  3. Thank you to Jackie and to Spezie for being so accommodating
  4. I will be hitting up Cork with a friend who's staying in town. Thanks for the suggestions!
  5. As I made my way from the restroom back to the bar, I bumped into Diane, one of Cork's owners. "You need to have a cocktail list," I told her, "I've never had anything like these!" "That's why we don't have a list," she replied. Cork is a wine bar. But if the secret were out, they might not be selling very much wine at all. My rum punch included nutmeg and clove liquer imported from Barbados; there was a take on a classic cocktail (name escapes me) that featured Cork's homemade lemonade and star anise. My mouth sang. My liver hates me. I will be back.
  6. My liver is hurting today but I might rally.
  7. And they don't just make bread! I picked up some of this soup last night and am excited for dinner tonight:
  8. Anyone else in a terrible terrible no good mood and need a drink or five? (I know, sounds like good company right?) I wish I could go work this stress out but I think I have a stress fracture in my foot!!!!
  9. I second that- and language barrier is going to be the foil in most restaurants, no matter what cuisine. I once went to a Mexican restaurant that assured me they didn't use soybean oil... to find out they marinated the chicken in soy sauce. Then there was the cashier at Wasabi who told me I could have low sodium soy sauce . Your best bet is to talk to a manager, and to carry a food allergy buddy card, listing explicitly what you are allergic to and where it may lurk, and hand it to your server to pass on to the kitchen. As I'm sure you've noticed, it's surprising what ingredients you'll find in processed foods. On another note, the Jose Andres restaurants are very very good at handling allergy concerns, as are Dino, California Pizza Kitchen, Komi, Chop't, and Momojiki (the new sushi place in Chinatown), to name a few.
  10. I went to Dino last year and really enjoyed it. Then again, I'm Jewish, so maybe I'm not the best source...
  11. Mike, what is the actual date/time/location of the Ball? Also, would you count volunteers as donation?
  12. I second PS7's. Although... have you checked out any of the Teasims, particularly the Golden Triangle one? I wonder...
  13. I have eaten here a couple of times. Note I am allergic to soy- which completely affects my Asian restaurant experience. I ordered a special spicy appetizer that turned out with mayonnaise (which, in the usa, generally contains soybean oil). When I noticed this, it was immediately sent back, sub'd with my 2nd choice (b/c the special wasn't good wihout the sauce) without a blinking of the eye. Extremely nice and considerate service, considering I've been told (at Wasabi, no less) that I'm "not allergic to low sodium soy sauce." I will definitely be back... What I ended up eating, IIRC, was yellowtail with jalopeno, simple and fresh and absolutely delicious.
  14. Why not stay at Proof? That said, there's also Poste, PS7's lounge area, Fado, Irish Channel...
  15. I want to rent my downtown studio for 800 /night and have gotten offers. Problem is I don't have another place to crash. However, lend me some space and I'm willing to split the earnings....
  16. Hey all, I will be alone here in DC on Christmas eve and day. I was here last year, but had friends visiting, so we stayed in, cooked, and had a great time. However, this year I'll be alone on the 24th, and why not treat myself to a lovely restaurant prepared meal? I realize the cliche for us Jews is to get Chinese, but, alas, I'm allergic to soy, so that's not what I'm looking for. Besides, I love to dine alone at a nice restaurant - treating myself.. it's the Holiday gift I give to Brett. So, does anyone know of restaurants that are open on Xmas eve? I would prefer those that serve their regular menus, not special Christmas ones. Like.. is Central open that night? Dino? Thanks so much for all your help!
  17. Tonight, I roasted cauliflower in garam masala for about 20 min at 475 degrees, turning once. I usually roast it with different spices, but I really liked the way it absorbs the cumin/turmeric flavors.
  18. Can I just say, I was exposed to the Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka a few nights ago and I was amazed and impressed. Add a slice of lemon and you've got Diet (Alcoholic) Lemon Snapple. Purchased for $25 at 9th and N. Wow. I'm in lurve.
  19. I recommend visiting kalynskitchen.com Some ideason the fly... roasted cauliflower w/ cheese (low fat), sweet potatoes sans sweets, stuffing made with corn and low cal/carb bread
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