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Everything posted by jpschust

  1. oh yah and my other piece of advice, after she's said yes and you're back at your table, don't let the following words fall out of your mouth "ok, my part's done, you take it from here"
  2. as someone else who proposed in a restaurant, let me suggest this to all those out there reading this- you may be able to pack away the 9 course at Eve on any other night, but if you're the one doing the proposing you'll be too nervous to eat, thus if you want a full meal, do it early Congrats to you!
  3. They riddle basically only their reserve by hand, everything else (the great majority) is all machine driven. Apparently they've got a riddler there who's been there for like 35 years.
  4. Why is it only needed for sparkling? Does it have to do with the disgorgement process? Sorry I'm a bit clueless here.
  5. We were at Schramsburg last week for a tour- I can describe the tour in great detail if anyone wants to know- but we got into a discussion about riddling. I was flipping through my wine books and didn't see any mention of riddling being used on other types of wine besides sparklings. Is riddling only used for sparklings or is it used in the production of other types of wine as well?
  6. champagne is used in so many cocktails. Very classic mix is 6 parts champagne, 1 part cognac, 1 sugar cube and 2-3 dashes of angostura bitters. garnish with lemon twist. order in making this is important- sugar cube in the glass first, then bitters on the cube, then cognac then champagne.
  7. I'll tell you, their CdP is freakin fantastic. I'm constantly astounded by the Costco pricing on wine. There's some pretty incredible deals to be had, especially in their own bottlings.
  8. It's a double edged sword- it's a bit of both.
  9. Herbsaint is equally amazing. Cochon is one of my favorite places on earth. Try the lima beans. You can thank me later.
  10. You know what? I just don't buy that. Good help may be hard to find, but good help comes from training, not from out of nowhere. DC's service is leaps and bounds above where Chicago's service is and we've got tons more to draw from out here.
  11. apologies to those who pm'd me- i'm pm'ing you now. due to a change in our arrival plans this won't work for us (we're going to be in town for less than 24 hrs now and can't include a real sit down dinner at the moment). We'll be back though!
  12. You can find them refurbed from KA online and they're pretty close to that price IIRC.
  13. Deep, smooth red wine. Or did you want something non-alcoholic? PS- I've had this bar a few times now- it's great, but not as great as I would have hoped. The chorizo margarita at Moto last week was much better.
  14. A really nice alternative to this is the no machine fruit sorbet. Take whatever fruit you want, rasberries, strawberries, blueberries, huckleberries, etc. throw them in a blender. Add some 2:3 ratio simple syrup to it, run it through a strainer or cheese cloth, freeze it into ice cube trays and then when you're ready to eat it again just throw them in a food processor or blender and voila- fresh sorbet.
  15. as clever as this is, frankly making really quality scrambled eggs in the morning is pretty easy. a lot of people make them in a pan instead of a homemade double boiler (read small pot with water in it and glass bowl on top of the pot). Set up the double boiler the night before, throw a little bit of butter in there, crack the eggs and whisk for a few minutes on low heat until you're done.
  16. If you can find it for less than 150 a bottle retail let me know and I'm all over buying some. FYI, there are rumors going around that the kirkland branded scotch is really the same as this.
  17. Dunno where you're buying Macallan 18, but it's $150.00 retail out here, 30 a pour is expensive but not outrageous by far.
  18. That's what we're hearing from Wilson Reynolds as well, so we think it's gotta be true. For the love of god I need this place to open ASAP. My condo is sitting on the market right across the street from there. Part of the holdup has been these "friendly neighbors" at the dorchester who have thought they could hold up the HT beer/wine selling license to derail the entire project. These folks have protested at every step of the way even though the majority of the neighbors want HT to be there. In January the traffic pattern around that HT will change to all one ways flowing in from Kalorama at 16th I believe, north on 17th street and out at whatever that cross street is that I'm forgetting.If anyone wants a 2 BR/2 BA condo with it's own parking space right across the street from the new Harris Teeter (and my windows don't look on to the harris teeter, they look on to my private patio) you just let me know. J
  19. Reading their comments to which I responded on Chowhound just shows, some people are just never going to be happy no matter what. How much can a restaurant really do to satisfy people who didn't bother to specify their order at a bar, didn't get what they wanted and left in a huff while threatening the restaurant? I'm hardly a fan of Bebo based on our experience there, but that said, at least be fair if you're going to be negative on the place.
  20. Bonerama is a favorite of mine. So many great places to eat and drink in NOLA. Herbsaint, Cochon, August, Galatore's, even brunch at Commander's is still good.
  21. Are you kidding me? This is far and away the most overpriced list in the DC area, along with being the biggest rip off for pairings I've ever had. This is based on my visit from about 2-3 months ago, but their wine list was overpriced even for being located in a top tier hotel. The only list more marked up than this might be the Everest list in Chicago.
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