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Everything posted by bettyjoan

  1. The filling was lumpy, despite properly softening the cream cheese, and the end result was just...off. Now that you mention curdling, it seems very likely that's what happened. Thanks for the recipe sources - if I am feeling adventurous, perhaps I will try again!
  2. Whole wheat buttermilk orange pancakes with bacon. Hooray for Sunday morning!
  3. Made cranberry upside down cake yesterday, and it turned out great - tasty AND pretty. The same cannot be said for the maple pumpkin cheesecake I attempted - epic fail. I have never managed to make a successful cheesecake. I think I will leave it to the pros from now on.
  4. Love that beer as well - I generally enjoy whatever Lagunitas brews, but I go back to this one more than any of their other varieties. Glad you enjoyed, and hope you are well.
  5. Saffron and butternut squash risotto. So. Stinking. Good. Served with steamed peas and a nice Albarií±o. Yay.
  6. Chicken, cheddar, and caramelized onion quesadillas Had to take a break from soup, just for one dinner.
  7. Roasted vegetable soup Grilled cheese sandwich (old school style, with Kraft slices) It was a fitting end to a sick day spent at home with the critters.
  8. Beef barley soup, with the beef stock I made yesterday. Yum.
  9. I got the cooking bug this weekend, too. Lots of stock-making and baking. Dinner tonight was a yummy result of some of my efforts: squash and apple soup. Not too sweet (especially with the addition of a dollop of Greek yogurt), and perfect for a cool fall weekend. Dug the recipe out of an old Martha Stewart cookbook.
  10. I have a huge pot of chicken stock simmering, which will be the base for lots of homemade soupy deliciousness. The apartment smells amazing. Next up: beef stock (for my favorite, beef barley soup)!
  11. And yay to the person who came up with the catchy name - I was hoping someone would step up!
  12. I just couldn't let the Virginians have all the fun. Seriously, Jason and I have been craving some social time, and it would be great to meet up with some of our DR neighbors in NoMa, H Street, Atlas District, Trinidad, etc. Anyone up for a get-together sometime soon?
  13. Roasted pork sandwiches with pickled cucumbers TJ's butternut squash and spinach gratin - surprisingly tasty
  14. ferment everything, that is a fantastic list - thank you so much! Many of my favorites are included, but there are many others I haven't tried yet. There seems to always be something new/delicious to discover in SF.
  15. I was just glad to see you confirm it - all of yesterday's Tweets seemed hopeful but still speculative. Can't wait to see what the first-most important thing is! Monday Funday.
  16. Didn't know about #1, but various H Street NE folks were Tweeting about #2 yesterday (one of them saw a sign at one of the vacant Union Market stalls). Good news on both counts, I think. I'm definitely interested in heading over there for a Saturday lunch.
  17. I think "poor man's Biltmore" is a perfect descriptor of Chateau Elan. I have never been to either, but reports from trusted friends confirm that your experience is more of the rule than the exception. Too bad. Yay that you still love H&F - I miss it a lot. I don't know what is on their menu now, but they do tend to be pork-heavy. However, I have had many vegetable preparations there that were truly remarkable.
  18. When I was a server, the policies ranged from "no drinking here, ever, even on your off day and even in plain clothes" to "woo hoo, open bar," and everything in between. Frankly, I like the former - even at the jobs I enjoyed, I preferred to get the hell out of the restaurant and do my after-shift drinking elsewhere. There are good industry bars near every place I've ever worked. That said, one of the best things I ever saw as a customer was at Farm 255 in Athens, GA (no longer open, sadly) - the menu advertised the opportunity for patrons to buy the kitchen staff beers, as a way to thank them if you particularly enjoyed your meal. We asked the bartender how it worked, and he said that there was strict policy that they couldn't actually drink the beers until the restaurant was closed and the kitchen was clean - BUT, every time a customer opted to buy the beers, a ticket would print up in the kitchen so they would know they were appreciated during the hectic dinner rush. We also asked how many customers really did it, and he said it was a lot more than you'd think. Restaurant makes money (the beers were not at full markup, but they were definitely covering their costs), employees are happy, customer feels good - win win win.
  19. I haven't been to Ray's in a long time - how long can we realistically expect to wait on a Friday night at around 7ish (three people)? We have a colleague from out of town who wants a nice dinner, but she also has work to do so she doesn't want a super late night.
  20. I agree that the beer and mini-burgers are usually are reasons for visiting Matchbox (well, that and the fact that Jason and I had one of our first few dates there, so it's always fun and nostalgic for us). I only order pizza if I am really hungry, but I usually enjoy it. I do really like a couple of their salads - the chopped salad with the little pasta ringlets in particular is a frequent favorite. From my Twitter feed, it seems like the 14th Street location does a lot of interesting specials - but we always go to the Chinatown location.
  21. Rotini and cheese with bacon and peas (ooh, nice rhyme)
  22. I'm out at the moment. We don't have tons of fall/winter plans (other than Thanksgiving), so whenever this heaping pile of political mess gets cleaned up, we may be able to attend on a rescheduled date (and will make every effort to do so).
  23. KMango and Don, I just communicated this search strategy to my friend, and I told her that I'd be happy to provide feedback once she had a "short list." Thanks so much for the help - will let you know how it progresses!
  24. LOL...all I remember is that I hate hate HATED the logic portion of the LSAT. Were it not for that portion of my score, I probably could have gotten into Harvard Law. I am an English nerd through and through. My friend confirmed that setup would be ideal (though I'm sure she could work with a restaurant directly to hammer out any logistical issues). She said someone recommended Ruth's Chris - I am certain that we can do better than that.
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