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Everything posted by mdt

  1. Well it looks like it is 50/50 for each night so I will make the command decision for doing it Tuesday (6/28) night @ 630p. So far it looks like: MelGold mdt CrescentFresh Anyone else?
  2. That was part of the original concept behind the $20 Tuesday thing, but this may require more than $20/person. Anyway I would be up for the adventure.
  3. Ok! Now we know who like to drive with the pedal to the metal. Back on topic, who is up for dinner tomorrow night at Kotobuki? Is this too short notice? Should we try for Thursday night instead?
  4. Kind of makes you greatful for the inexpensive eats!
  5. Went for dinner on Friday night after a couple of nice glasses of rose at FF. I wanted to bring this thread to the top and I will sound like a broken record. Wonderfully fresh sushi and great prices. This place will certainly be a recurring theme in my dining out.
  6. OK, now that we have seemed to solve that mystery, who is heading to FF for HH? JR -- Any word on what is being poured today?
  7. I had a bottle of Chateau Montaud, Cotes de Provence, F. Ravel, Provence 2004 with dinner last night. Decent strawberry and melon on the nose, but the fruit was not enough to balance the high acidity. I have not tried many Rosés so I am not sure how this compares to the others metioned here, but I found it at Whole Foods for $8.
  8. I was planning on hitting FF after work today. Is the bubbly going to be flowing tonight?
  9. After making a lickity-split lunch of the spansih tortilla and sandwich du jour (pulled pork shoulder) I had the seasonal fritters for dessert. The two dishes were as good as expected, but the dessert was wonderful. The fritters are sour cherry (from a local farm). These wonderfully fried pillows of dough are filled with flavorful cherries and served with a sweet and sour cherry dipping sauce. Get there before they get gone!
  10. Between stops at Corduroy, a group of us went over to the event and had a pretty good time. This was an excellent event for a great cause, that I wish more people would have attended. I think they need to advertise it better next time. Anyway, there were tables setup around the main room of the museum and the crowd just mingled and ate their way around, making several stops at various locations. As you can see by Alan's post the dishes were varied and interesting. I agree with Alan and the dish from Komi was the hit of the night for me, followed closely by the panna cotta. I asked Fabio how does an Italian chef make lychee panna cotta? His reply, "From a recent trip to Thailand." They were pouring some good beers, Chimay, Abita Amber, Young's Double Chocolate Stout, and a couple of others I do not remember. Here are some pics. I did not get a picture of everyone as some crews were cleaning up by the time I was ready to take pictures. Chef Armstrong and Todd Thrasher dishing out the clams. The Eve crew again. The goat! Sebastian doing his thing. Chef Monis plating.
  11. Don't be talking smack about mayo. Mayo is not the food poisoning culprit. Check this out.
  12. Hopefully service changes will be made after they read Tom's review. Either way, we will know what it means...
  13. No, it would possibly possibly show that the complaint/praise, was an exception and not the rule. If you visit a restaurant once, and have a great meal, does that mean everything on the menu is great? Just because one visit results in a less than perfect outing, should that place be written off? In my opinion no, but I have seen that comment made on these sites more than once.
  14. IMO you can criticize whenever you want so long as there is some detail to the complaints. It would also be good to note that this was a first time visit so that others can take this into consideration.
  15. What about the person that complains after only one visit? Surely first impression are important and everyone cannot afford to try places multiple times, but what if it was an off night?
  16. It does start at 6pm. It is only 4 blocks from Corduroy, where street parking is not a problem, so a glass of wine there might be a good start.
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