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Everything posted by slarochelle

  1. The main problem is that how one shows respect comes down to a matter of opinion. I might think that wearing my most pristine Iron Maiden concert tee shirt shows respect. Most people here would probably disagree, and say it is not appropriate attire for dinner or drinks at Zaytinya (where this thread began). But if the wearer thinks it is appropriate and management thinks it is, then it is. Who am I, as a third party, to say someone's opinion of appropriateness is right or wrong? If someone's attire bothers me, at best, I have the right to ask management what they think is appropriate so that I am prepared for next time - if I decide there is to be a next time.
  2. After reading about it in the Post last Week, I put Saint Michel Bakery on my list of places to check out for lunch. I'm not thrilled about the options in the lower part of Rockville (or North-North Bethesda), but I know I'll be back here to try more of their sandwiches. http://www.washingto...9060200792.html I had the pan bagnat; tuna on baguette with anchovy, egg, tomato, olives, and peppers. The baguette was great, crisp outside, soft inside. The tuna was solid (nothing spectacular, made with a touch of mayo), but the anchovy gave it a nice salty kick. The eggs added a creaminess to the whole sandwich. The 1/2 baguette sandwich (probably 9-10 inches) for $6 was delicious; too bad there is nowhere there to eat it. Carry out only. I also got some mini raisin buns and apple turnovers, to enjoy tonight. Before going, be sure to map the address. It is an easy place to miss.
  3. Acroding to the article, yukons - having less starch - led to a thinner crust when compared to a russet cooked the same way.
  4. The latest issue of Cooks Illustrated has a new method for doing french fries: french fry cut Yukons put into room temp peanut (or canola/veg) oil, then onto the heat for ~25 minutes. Supposedly the inside is still done, with a crispy outside; and as a bonus, the fries soak up less oil so they are slightly lower in calories. The process seems more convenient then dealing with two separate fry sessions at different temps, especially since I usually have to make two batches. As far the outcome, well, Cooks Illustrated says they are just as good. Of course many people have issues with their opinions, and I'm sure regarding fries, those opinions are strong. Only one way to find out I guess...
  5. Is there anyone that would like a hard back copy of the book? I finished mine some time ago, and it is sitting on the shelf taking up space. The wife already read it, so it is looking for a new home. It is in perfect condition, you'd think you pulled it off the shelf at B&N, Borders, etc. You could even re-gift it. I can meet M-F 9~5, near White Flint/North Bethesda. PM me to set a date. (did I mention the book is free for DR readers?)
  6. I didn't have as much char as bioesq, but it was a tasty medium-rare, very tender and good beefy flavor; topped with a little blue cheese. For ~$8 (12 oz steak), I thought it was a great buy. I'll definitely be back for more at that price, and will look to impress some friends as well. At the non-sale price of $25/lb, I couldn't afford to invite anyone over.
  7. I get email from Balducci's weekly or so. The $9.99 for prime NY strip seems to have been run every other weekend or so for the past couple months. Maybe they're trying to draw the crowds in assuming they'll buy more stuff while there.
  8. I think so, next to the Post Office. I used to go to that Chinese place occasionally too. I thought they had a $5 lunch combo special, and every day it was some sort of breaded chicken. And this Kenny's; I guess it replaces one that used to be up Rockville Pike more, closer to Edmonston/Wintergreen? At least, there used to be one there.
  9. If I were away from home for half the year, a different city every week, I'd probably gravitate towards those places as well. They are everywhere you are, and consistent. Plus, the portion sizes at Cheesecake a just right for professional athletes Now, if I knew I was to be in city X three times in the next five months (and hopefully next 10 years), and had some free time scheduled, I'd look for something interesting - at all dining levels. Someone not into food of course would not do that, and would be happy with the plane-bus-hotel-arena-entertainment establishment-hotel-bus-plane schedule, with a meal thrown in somewhere.
  10. I guess Town Center is what they call it. It is a stone’s throw from the movie theater (North and West one block), on a piece of redeveloped land that use to have a CVS and Marauders. I'd like to join in myself, but with a sick toddler at home, going out is not an option. I was there a few weeks ago, probably right after it opened. Looking at the menu, $20 is a STEAL. This could easily be the best $20 you'll spend all season.
  11. Is there any official place to check for hours? I'd like to get there for lunch tomorrow, but haven't seen anything mentioned about them being opened during the week.
  12. The Washington Post did an article on the "green" aspects of Restaurant Eve a few months ago. That is, if you are looking outside of the DC borders; the article does touch on other DC restaurants though. http://www.restauranteve.com/reviews/pdf/washpost_102208.pdf
  13. Williams Sonoma has a 3 Months of Cheese product as well. http://www.williams-sonoma.com/gift/thm/Sp...p;cm_src=hplink
  14. I think Mannys was right where Coaches and whatever is to the left of Coaches (facing the building) is. They must have split the space into two units. I never ate there, but knew the place since I saw my cousin's metal band play there, long, long ago.
  15. I picked up a pizza Friday night, Xtra large (18 inches), plane. For $12, it was worth it; I'd have it again. Closer to NY style then any local options. The crust could have been a little less crispy for my taste, more foldable. I'll have to try the subs next time after the positive words here.
  16. I'd check out books by, or try to get in touch with, Marion Nestle. Her contact info can be found is on this site. http://whattoeatbook.com/ I've read a few of her books....I'm sure she can point you in the right direction if exactly what you are looking for. Steve
  17. Thanks for the update; I think I know where Friday's dinner is coming from. Though NY-style pizza may not hold up well if it takes me 20 minutes to get from Boiling Brook to home. I've driven by the shopping center dozens of times since Coaches has been open, always wondering if it is worth stopping in. To make sure we're speaking the same language....the closest I've seen to NY/NJ pizza around here is Mamma Luccia. But the crust is too soft or chewy. But then, my survey of area pizzerias is limited. Steve
  18. I think Mothers is where the Best Buy is now, or maybe the parking garage for the Best Buy. If not there, then whatever is just South of that. But I remember Mothers being a sit-down, table service pizzeria. I vaguely recall a make your own pizza place as well, in that general Rockville Pike area, but I don't think that was it.
  19. At least a few weeks ago, we got "Bob's Red Mill Corn Grits AKA Polenta" at the Silver Spring Whole Foods. http://www.bobsredmill.com/product.php?pro...=107&page=1 It is in the cereal isle, with many other Bob's Red Mill products. I haven't bought it in bulk at SS WF in some time, or at the Rockville My Organic Market either. Steve
  20. Is the menu for the evening already set and/or will it be anything specific for the DR group? Or will the current Tasting Room's menu be offered to us? I saw SJ's post on the menu, but it appears to be an assessment of the web site, and may not be the same as what Walrus has coordinated. The wife and I are considering it, but she's a vegetarian. We've eaten in the Tasting Room before, and there were no conflicts with her restrictions. But if the menu for this night is limited or revised in some way, it could make the evening less enjoyable (ie, not getting to eat a course or two). Lastly, is there still space?
  21. How does this show compare to Jose Andres's "Made in Spain"? I thought a Spanish tourism board was an underwriter of the show. If they aren't, they should be. After every episode, I'm ready to book a flight.
  22. I think The French Laundry cookbook has a recipe that is essentially "eggs in a nest". A quail egg broken into a hole of slice of brioche on a pan. Simple enough & can be dressed up w/sautéed spinach, asparagus, hollandaise, etc.
  23. Bethesda's Rio Grand Cafe was overrun with kids a few Friday's back, at 5:30 PM. It almost seemed to be a requirement that each table have at least one <6 year old. High chairs were available; I think the women's room had a changing table. If you are looking for a place to take a potentially crying or noisy child, this is it. We've had nice brunches at Black Market Bistro in Garrett Park. Seating is tight, but they have high chairs. And neighboring diners are always a good distraction for the toddlers (or is that the other way around?).
  24. How would RTC be for a toddler (15 mos)? Are high chairs available? Asking about the lounge/bar specifically. I'd really like to get there for a burger one evening. In the area, we've been limiting ourselves to Baja Fresh and Potbelly. I could really use a break.... I guess the key issues are noise level, speed of service, and room to walk around (supervised) while one adult finishes a meal.
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