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Everything posted by DameEdna

  1. I knew it was getting to be pecan harvest time. Is it best to order via internet, or rely on local stores? A quick Google shows that halves will run $6.00 a pound. Which farm is best, no idea. What to do with ten pounds, I'll think of something. Any ideas/suggestions? [i learn from internet that this is expected to be an very good year for pecans, as they rest one year, then get to work the nest. This is the big year.]
  2. I got a copy of La Bonne Cuisine (LBC, to those in the know) it is a quirky book, both because it was written80+ years ago, and because it was written for a French audience. I find it an interesting read, but have not cooked from it,yet. Random thoughts: --- technology - no microwave! --- ingredients -- not always familiar, not always easily available. --- measurements are translated, usually with both English system and metric but it would be easier to just put your Go Metric! apron do the grams and liters. To paraphrase a bit of one recipe: "...good to cook in November ... start with 100 grams of foie gras and 6 truffles ..." (I got my LBC on Ebay ... it was cheap ... so sue me.)
  3. HAPPY Birthday, Halloween! yes, we know who you are, even though you have changed your screen name!
  4. Happy (belated) Birthday, LoganCircle!
  5. Based on no information, I wonder, has Marvelous Market gone 'Galileo'? (I don't mean to offend anyone, but 'Galileo' now means "not paying taxes on time"). If the DC government closed places for serving crappy food, half the restaurants in DC would be thinking of moving to the suburbs.
  6. Heather liked the pizza at Bebo? If only Joe someone who dearly loves Bepo could see this.
  7. Now I hear that forests of quercus suber, cork oak might be endangered if too many wine drinkers turn to alternative closures. Maintaining the cork trees is a difficult and time consuming process. Lose the trees, and lose habitat for endangered species. So if I buy cheap wine with a nasty plastic cork, I'm endangering the Iberian Lynx. Just what I need ... more stress.
  8. If a lady would like to order two dozen oysters for me, I'm all for that.
  9. I thought Van Ness at one time did have a somewhat decent coffee place (and not Starbuck's, either). Now you want to try again? OK. At least the Woodley Park people have to go to Van Ness if they want to enjoy the Taco Bell.
  10. You might want to stop in and see Tom Power at Corduroy (and see what he has in the ice cream department!). With your schedule, it might be your last chance to see Corduroy before the big move (you do know that Corduroy is moving down the street, don't you?)
  11. A good start for day one, And for day two, you are planning what?
  12. That's a truffle in your pocket and you are glad to see me? Exactly."In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others." --- Andre Maurois And I am sometimes astonished at the dinner choices of others. Not that it is any of my business.
  13. From WikiHow,on cutting a watermelon: "Note that if you cut along the dark stripes on the outside of the watermelon, then the watermelon seeds will end up on the outside of the pieces of watermelon, making them easier to remove." Is this true? I thought slicing a watermelon was something which did not require special training. Apparently I was wrong about that.
  14. The existential angst, metaphorical references to pre-orgasmic tension waiting for release ... great stuff! Will Eddie the Eel find Debbie the Doughnut? (food reference) Stay tuned.
  15. Idle speculation: Wabeck, as the new high mucky-muck, is running the menu through the grinder... keep some old favs (and permanently 86 some items even if they are old favs, just because he can), add some old chestnuts, and maybe add some really fun things that might or might not be accepted by the paying public. Its going to be a bumpy night.
  16. I love cherries, but I'm also incredibly indolent. So I looked for a cherry pitter. Somehow, I found out that what I wanted was a cherry stoner. I thought Cherry Stoner was on a public access cable show "Dudes, today we are, like, going make a pie, and then check out some really cool lap dances, then eat pies, and stuff". Don't know what I'm going to do with all those de-stoned cherries. click
  17. I think the nitrate is mostly there to maintain a nice color, no? (or is this just my paranoidvision of how things work ... you want pink, we have pink!)
  18. If you admit to drinking Canadian wine, humor will follow, in any case.
  19. I made some cranberry ketchup right after Thanksgiving. It turned out great! But I did not realize how seasonal cranberries are. What seasonal something should I try to make next?
  20. Headline: "Group Dedicated to Cooking, Eating Bacon in Rain has Excellent Outing" "We couldn't have asked for a better day," a spokesperson said.
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