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Everything posted by Camille-Beau

  1. Summer is, unfortunately, the worst time to visit the Oakville Grocery. It's a very bad sign to pull up out front and see the buses unloading... Perhaps a revisit during the off-season (basically anytime Spring, Fall or Winter) will show that it really is the same old place minus the vast majority of other tourists.
  2. Damn, the generosity of this brings tears to MY eyes. Michael, you're truly awesome. -Camille
  3. Alton spoke at the Natural History museum last night where he discussed his upcoming "Feasting on Asphalt" series (premieres 7/29) and played clips from the show. Keep an eye out for the pickled pig's foot episode -- it's pretty funny. It was a packed house in the Baird Auditorium with the highlight being the audience Q&A to wrap up the discussion which was followed, of course, by a book signing. Should be a fun show to watch.
  4. But isn't that what it takes sometimes in order to facilitate change? How else will it happen? Perhaps the term to use should be 'educating' instead of 'hectoring'. If it weren't for groups like PETA, knowledge about the inhumane treatment of all types of animals, regardless of the industry, would likely not be available to the average person.
  5. Bruce, welcome to donrockwell.com! We all hope that this new venture works out very well for the investors in the restaurant, particularly the farmers. Best of luck to you.-Camille
  6. Homer: Are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon? Lisa: No. Homer: Ham? Lisa: No! Homer: Pork chops? Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal! Homer: Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.
  7. QUOTE GRILLED BLACK & WHITE PUDDING PIZZA 12 This pizza is really tasty! Very very thin crispy flatbread, grilled (of course) with a lightly scattered topping of crumbled black pudding, caramelized onions and dabs of Irish goat cheese. Very simple, but with a variety of flavors from the slightly spicy, earthy sausage, the tangy goat cheese and the sweet onions. A few microgreens tossed into the mix and you have an excellent appetizer pizza -- and my new addiction. We also tried the 'Crabquettes', an appetizer of 3 golfball-size crabcakes served with a tangy honey-mustard dressing. The crabmeat is mixed with a house-made tartar which adds an extra tang to the mix. Had to order a second on this one Worthy of mention: the front bar is the smoking bar while the remainder of the bar areas in the restaurant are all non-smoking. This place is great! -Camille
  8. Beau and I walked past the NY location on our way to Hearth a couple of weeks ago and noticed a large sign out front indicating their next restaurant would be in Virginia. They're a bit geographically-impaired, however, since the map pointed to a location next to the Capital building in DC.
  9. In Edinburgh, try The Reform. Even though it's on the Royal Mile, it's actually at the least-traveled end of that road so it's somewhat off the beaten path. Really innovative, light cooking -- no heavy cream sauces here! I would put it somewhere in the same category as Komi, if one needed a reference point. Definitely worth a visit.
  10. The firm, perfectly-prepared escolar wrapped in smoky Speck is my newest addiction. That, plus the doughnuts, served warm, light and fluffy, with a sprinkling of powdered sugar along side a dish of creamy chocolate mousse were amazing and the perfect ending to an excellent meal last Friday night. Beau had the duck ravioli on a bed of braised tripe in a spicy tomato sauce which was delicious - fresh, tangy, spicy, meaty. All of the flavors were clean and clearly present, despite so many different flavors within the one dish. Speaking of spicy, the black 'macaronia' (linguini) with chunks of fresh, briny lump crab and hot peppers was, as promised, HOT. Loved the fire from the peppers that lingered until the arrival of the doughnuts as mentioned above. This place is a true gem and we'll definitely be back! -Camille
  11. Jose Andres on NBC's Today Show this morning -- making paella It's worth viewing just to see the shirt he's wearing
  12. As I review this website, I see hundreds of restaurants listed, locally, nationally and internationally. Singling out RTS as being a problem is just ridiculous. So what that it has a lot of posts? So what that Michael Landrum expresses his extensive wit and sarcastic sense of humor when responding to posts about HIS restaurant on the RTS thread? Thank goodness he does because it makes me appreciate him, his restaurant and this forum that much more. If anyone tires of reading about Ray's, then don't open the thread. Kinda like not watching television programs that don't appeal to you -- just flip the channel.With regard to multiple posts for the same restaurants, many of them change their menus quite often, so what one diner experienced last week at Maestro, Palena, Corduroy, Komi, Citronelle, Eve, CityZen, has likely moved off the menu and been replaced by something equally wonderful, therefore it would be nice to hear about the lastest menu items. That will, of course, increase the number of posts on that restaurant's thread. But isn't that the point of this entire board? --just one person's most humble opinion. And Michael, keep it coming. Please! -Camille
  13. Yet another new item to mention from Eve: the Head Banger. Same idea as the Hogshead burger (all things edible from the head) turned into a truly delectable sausage. Very clever name for an excellent dish!
  14. The Wine Specialist on M Street has Black Maple Hill 18yr Rye
  15. Sorry Mark -- not rubbing it in. Just wanted to give an idea of what the event was like and give a shout out to a couple of the winners.
  16. A few photos from last night's event: Neighborhood Gathering Place winner Danny Boylen for Manager of the Year! Dana Cowin of F&W presenting Fine Dining Restaurant award to Maestro: Rockin' the house:
  17. And the award goes to: Neighborhood Gathering Place: Evening Star Cafe Informal Dining Restaurant: KAZ Sushi Bistro Hottest Bar Scene: Clyde's of Gallery Place Rising Culinary Star: Johnny Monis New Restaurant: Blacksalt Pastry Chef: Zoe Behrens Wine and Beverage Program: Charlie Palmer Steak Power Spot: Capital Grille Restaurant Employee: Santos Fuentes (Chef Geoff's) Manager of the Year: Danny Boylen Fine Dining Restaurant: Maestro Chef of the Year: Jose Andres Congratulations to all the nominees and the WINNERS!
  18. Danny, congratulations on your win tonight for Manager of the Year!
  19. Have you taken this trip yet? If so, please post details on where you ended up dining.
  20. My apologies for being such a slacker with regard to updating information on the progress at the farm. HOWEVER, that is about to change since Beau and I will be out there tomorrow (not Sunday this time because of the RAMMYs!) and will update the site with new information and photos afterward. If you want to join, please PM me -- VERY SORRY FOR THE SHORT NOTICE. Although I'm not sure at this point what specific work needs to be done, it will likely be something along the lines of greenhouse construction, irrigation trenches, perhaps even some planting. Stay tuned. . .
  21. To the end of the line for the book-signing. Looked around after Mr. Buford signed my stack of books and POOF! - MDT was gone. Apparently off to Colorado Kitchen.
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