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Everything posted by dcs

  1. Closed. Pochi closing its doors in downtown Wilmington, by Patricia Talorico, June 28, 2016, delawareonline.com.
  2. Apparently, the Chevy Chase Lounge is a favorite of the latest nominee to the Supreme Court. The elite world of Brett Kavanaugh, by Paul Schwartzman and Michelle Boorstein, July 11, 2018, on washingtonpost.com.
  3. The Old Raj Gin & Orange Thyme Tonic at Estadio for $14 never fails to satisfy. Old Raj gin. Orange peel. Fresh thyme. House-made tonic. One big-ass ice cube.
  4. My pronunciation tends towards 3 syllables: ROZ-L-IN. Spoken quickly you might not notice it; but I definitely have 3 syllables going on. I suspect I am in the minority. I am from New Jersey so my language abilities are all farked up.
  5. ‘Skyrockets in flight/Afternoon delight’: The story behind Starland Vocal Band’s one big hit, by J. Freedom du Lac, July 10, 2018, on washingtonpost.com.
  6. The practice is no less reprehensible when engaged in by a foreign corporation.
  7. I vaguely recall going to a Scholl's Cafeteria in Rosslyn in the mid-1980s. You could sit down there. Washington Journal; Old-Fashioned Cafeteria Edging Toward Oblivion, by Michael Janofsky, March 20, 1999, on nytimes.com. Celebrated Sholl's Cafeteria featured meals for everyman, posted 22nd July 2013, by John DeFerrari, on streetsofwashington.com.
  8. We were all boycotting Nestle back in the 1980s over this issue when we weren't busy going to No Nukes rallies.
  9. In related news... Sorry, Power-Lunchers. This Restaurant Is a Co-Working Space Now. By Nellie Bowles, July 8, 2018, on nytimes.com.
  10. Vince Martin, ‘Cindy, Oh Cindy’ Singer, Early Folk-Rock Pioneer, Dead at 81, by Sarah Grant, July 6, 2018, on rollingtstone.com.
  11. Fire Works - Court House, Arlington, VA. Not Your Granny's G&T, Because She Drank Straight Vodka. Bombay Sapphire gin. Cucumber. Fever Tree tonic. Chamomile tea and lemon infused ice cube,. Lime. $10. That's a bargain.
  12. Liberty Tavern - LT G&T. Hendrick's gin. Muddled cucumber. Lime. Full bottle of Fever Tree tonic on the side to mix to taste. $11.
  13. I only knew of Roslyn from growing up listening to concerts from My Father's Place over the radio on WLIR. A revival of the club recently opened at the Roslyn Hotel.
  14. Poor 'ol Alan should know that if you plant ice, you're going to harvest wind. Sometimes being textbook correct is just not enough.
  15. Gin & Tonic. Such a simple drink, yet the variations in the manner of its preparation and service seem endless. I am proposing a compendium of these variants to document its history and hopefully provide a guide for those who might be seeking a truly satisfying Gin & Tonic in an unsuspecting place. Just the facts... the good, the bad, and the ugly. Does the tonic come out of the gun or a bottle? What did it cost? What is the rail gin? Aristocrat (Spirits of 76) or Plymouth (Rare Tavern)? There is a time and place for each. My suggestion is that the list be limited to examples you actually drank, and not just plucked off a cocktail menu somewhere. I'll kick it off with the GTF at Baba Cocktail Bar. Cucumber infused gin (I believe this is done in-house, but honestly I did not see where it came from). Fever Tree elderflower tonic. Rose water. Edible flower petals. Citrus essence. Lime. Glass poured with half of the tonic and you are given the rest of the Fever Tree bottle to mix to your taste. $11. A strong offering. --- Gin Recipes - Letting the Gin Take Center Stage (PoolBoy)
  16. I thought Roslyn was on Long Island. 😁
  17. I have heard that before. Maybe even muttered it once or twice myself. 😁
  18. Listen to Season 3, Episode 3 (A Polite Word for Liar (Memory Part 1)) and Episode 4 (Free Brian Williams) of Malcolm Gladwell's podcast Revisionist History and see if it does not completely change your mind about the Brian Williams saga. Episode 3 is 40 minutes and Episode 4 is 37 minutes. I am sure you could squeeze it in sometime. I might suggest that if you ever held a strong opinion on this matter you owe it to yourself to do so. I just might.....
  19. Transgender woman says she was asked for ID to use restroom, then kicked out of D.C. restaurant, by Amy B Wang, June 24, 2018, on washingtonpost.com. There oughta be a law. Oh wait, there is.
  20. How The Law Is Written and Passed in Washington, DC, by Tom MacWright, on macwright.org.
  21. Good review of the Cézanne Portraits exhibit at the National Gallery of Art. They Suffered for Their Cézanne Portraits, by Holland Cotter, June 20, 2018, on nytimes.com. I went a couple of weeks ago and can confirm that it is all that and more. Put down that phone you are always staring at and head on over before it closes on July 8, 2018.
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