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pizza man

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Everything posted by pizza man

  1. That "House Whiskey" would send me straight to jail.
  2. Joe, If you look at my post on Flippin' a couple spots up, you will see the WHOLE pizza that I bought there. I suspect the reason it was so bad, is that they keep the single deck oven that they have at a low heat for the purpose of reheating SLICES, (their bread and butter?) Also, if we were talking about the best pizza in DC, then we very well should be talking about Ledo's.. Can't speak on Mozza, never been there. Una Pizza Napoletana had as much in common with "New York" pizza as you claim Pete's has with Wooster St. *edit* UPN is now closed by the way, look for him soon, possibly in San Francisco.. I love pizza!
  3. The pasty, doughy, (flavorless, try some salt. Yeesh!) crust is also my biggest complaint. Thing is with the formula they are using; no sugar, olive oil,(check the web page, it's right there) and from what I can tell short fermentation times, combined with the low bake temp, (Castle deck ovens only reach 600 f) and the choice of cheese, the cheese would break into solids and oil before the crust could possibly brown or char completely. Pasty dough is more palatble then broken cheese, I think. Oh, I forgot to mention it took 10 minutes to bake the pizza in my photo- Also, Castle deck ovens are the black sheep of the pizza industry- no one uses them (well, flippin does). They are among the most inexpensive and most likely imbalanced ovens. The deck is absoluetly huge in these things. The best New York pizza are made in coal ovens, (aside from DiFara's, he has mastered the deck oven). I think Flippin' Pizza is ok. I also think Jumbo Slice is ok, especially after a few drinks. I think Flippin' Pizza's strongest point is it's marketing department.
  4. blech. I would rather have breadcrumbs, or papa al pomodoro
  5. Pupatella makes a better pizza out of a street cart. does this count as "rigging"? http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001SjUNQDJHhrCRglctuEIhvV51g0-wtZI-d-0xYJPUH721-Ycct2QV4GMwTqaQbyZSczaEZKL8yPglb9hiwKvVMcif2jopPmP78Ls2k0Qwvuz4PKIhBH7-1NDvebRA5cmr4d8iTV35mV1kg0K3PD1dCg%3D%3D
  6. Flippin Pizza has won the Washingtonian blog thingy for DC's best pizza. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think it deserves the honor, would have better gone to 2Amys or Ledo's or half a dozen other places.. Anyway I guess congratulations are in order for them, (even if they rigged the vote, like many people are claiming). So, Flippin', congratulations. I had to go see for myself, I was thoroughly unimpressed, but I am snobby about pizza. Here are some pictures-
  7. Crispy skinned rockfish with heirloom tomato, creamy red potato, carrot, leek, and celery heart stew. Third night in a row...
  8. *blush* Hey, It's really worth checking out the comments in the thread at the "Pizza Pool" things are heating up! Good for a laugh..
  9. Leftover beer goes in chili or batter for fried cod.
  10. http://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/restaurants/bestbites/13487.html?msg=99 These things are silly.
  11. I would agree with the post above, except that I've been pleased with both Pho Hot and Present. If anybody can pull it off, I believe this is the team.
  12. They should all share a couple bottles of Arrogant Bastard..(well, the cop and the professor anyway).
  13. Made some pizze at a friend's house... I'm thinking about trying to make a side business out of this while I wait for my next gig to get into gear. Perhaps a mobile oven for parties and maybe some pizza making classes.. Anyone interested?
  14. Actually, the original owner of Pepe's may be from Naples, (I don't know), but there is nothing "Neapolitan" about the pizza there. The differences in style are to numerous to list... Not saying it's a bad pizza, it's just not really comparable to Neapolitan pizzeria, (which now that I think about it, means that it is comparable to 2amys, because they don't make a true Neapolitan pizza either.)
  15. I believe that "wood fired oven" is actually a gas fired oven with an infrared heater under the floor. Maybe they throw a log or two in there for S+G, but surely not a true WFO.
  16. They are very expensive, and you still have to do the actual cooking and clean up..
  17. What if the chef wears flip flops, occasionally with socks, a ratty t'shirt and some crusty old pants? *edit* No actual persons, living or dead, are intended. This is purely hypothetical.
  18. That's the good stuff. Thanks. Friends?
  19. I guess the first point could be considered, "discriminatory", and therefore, a liability for the proprietor to enforce? As for the second point, it's the reply I was looking for and it does have the faint air of elitism, regardless of pop stars' eating habits, (maybe she's just there to have drinks and do coke in the restroom )
  20. Well Dressed Man Disguise "I've been driving through my life My own way, and did I say That I've been doing what I want Along the way? But I've got one eye on the rear-view mirror And I've got the other one on the road 'cause I'm a hunted man Ya' understand? Alone, a desperado In a well-dressed land Running from the hunters stalking me right before my eyes In the well-dressed man disuise Hiding in plain sight The well-dressed man disguise It's like a real-life version Of 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' They watch and wait Then try and catch ya' They're all around me, can't close my eyes To the well-dressed man disguise I'm tired of running From the well-dressed man diguise My patience has expired, I'm getting sick and tired Really sick and tired of the things that they've conspired I'll take my chances, gonna stand and fight That's right, gonna stand and fight! No more running No more! Sometimes it ain't easy To drive down the roads that I choose But it's my life I don't intend to lose I'm tossing out my rear-view mirror And putting both eyes on the road 'cause I don't care what's behind me anymore The hunters stalking me right before my eyes In the well-dressed man disguise They'll never break me The well-dressed man disuise Well-dressed man My patience has expired, I'm getting sick and tired Really sick and tired of the things that they've conspired I'll take my chances, gonna stand and fight That's right, gonna stand and fight! "-Ludichrist It's an old Hardcore song. I think it's about living life as you see fit, and blowing raspberries at the people who JUDGE others based upon their choices.. It takes all types. P.S. I always follow the dress code as well as I am able.
  21. What about hairstyle, bad toupee, hair plugs, earrings (spacers), and other piercings, (the bull ring through the nose thing and lip rings come to mind) tattoos on the face and neck..etc. What about those things that are not defined in "dress code"? What if Lady Gaga wants to eat at Citronelle, do you think she will be turned away for wearing her underpants?
  22. Atrocious spelling. For such a verbose, snobby, and vaguely bigoted, (to good for the trailer, notice the spelling, trash in Manassass?) lawyer, or whatever you are. Oh well. Truly offensive rant.The question is moot. I win the car. Thanks for playing..
  23. Could you convert this to Repo Man? If so, I will be putting my sympathies with Otto. Thanks.
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