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Marty L.

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  1. I didn't mean to suggest it won't be good. I was just chuckling at the idea that the menu writers appear to assume their patrons will be eager to order a mystery appetizer so that they can appreciate 37 different ingredients that will take them on a tour of all of India (with a travel companion, of course ("Serves two.")).
  2. This dish description on the menu--this is the entirety of it--cracked me up: "Nirvana: A 37-ingredient culinary masterpiece by Chef Ajay giving an India-360 tour for your taste buds. Serves two."
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_0oWwbxUwd/ Quite sad. Margins are so tight now (esp. w/seafood costs) that it's something of a miracle when a place such as this can figure out how to thread the needle to survive when so many DC restaurants are competing for limited disposable income $$. If only we could steer some expense-account dollars away from the mediocre places ...
  4. Well, gas stations are the exception rather than the rule, right? Otherwise, tax is virtually never included in the "price." I hope 2Amys and Bar Del Monte will have your undying loyalty even though you'll have to keep in mind that you'll end up paying 10% more than the menu prices.
  5. Another variation, this from the Daikaya website (below)--an extra fee that you can request be removed. This is all very strange. I'm now very partial to the Pastan method: Simply state the price, all-inclusive, full-stop, no tipping (and make sure your employees are well-compensated). But I assume that virtually no one else does it that way because ... why? Customers purchase more under one of the other systems? As a way to offset rising costs associated with the restaurant (food, beverage, labor, benefits, supplies), we have added a 3% surcharge to all checks. We do this in lieu of increased menu prices. You may request to have this taken off your check, should you choose. This fee is not a tip.
  6. I didn't want to tout it because there are fewer than 40 seats and I selfishly want to be able to continue to secure a table on short notice, but yes, everything jca76 says is true. By all means order the Escala anchovies. And the two simple cocktails -- a negroni made with Select and "Peter's Pater." Nothing here is showy or trying to wow--instead, everything is fairly simple and just right. Oliver Pastan and team for the win.
  7. Well, where in Austin? There aren't *that* many places there that are better than 2Fifty, and those that are tend to have hour-long waits.
  8. Dined there Saturday on Don's rec. I can confirm that it's excellent and a great answer to the eternal "where should I eat before (or after) a Broadway play?" question. It wasn't the best Thai food I've ever eaten, however (and I haven't been to Bangkok). In particular, I wonder whether Don is forgetting just how wonderful Little Serow could be, particularly during Golden Mermaid weeks.
  9. Thanks, Johnny. Not defensive at all. I'm very much aware of how tenuous it is in the industry right now, and don't begrudge anyone charging whatever's necessary to make it work. I hope there are enough patrons out there in the DMV with disposable income to fill the seats at the *many* places that now regularly charge $100 and (much) more. It's simply not something that I can justify doing. Indeed, Bar Spero seems like a stretch ... yet because I've heard such great things, I hope to try it out soon, even if it means spending close to $40 for a burger.
  10. Wow. That sounds just great. Readers should be advised, however, that it's not remotely as affordable as the original Reverie (not meant as a criticism--merely a flag): It's $255 before wine, tip and tax. Beyond my means by several orders of magnitude, but I look forward to reading about others' delight!
  11. Haven't been to Dauphine's, but she's now in the Hudson Valley ...
  12. I had two wonderful meals at Coquette when Kristin Essig was there. Is it as good since her departure?
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