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Everything posted by Ericandblueboy

  1. In one of the re-enactments, Robin Smith draws a mustache on her finger and places her finger under her nose. I just saw on Bryan Voltaggio's Facebook page that he did the same thing. Is there something that I'm missing? WaPo photo of Robin Smith (in slide show) Bryan's Facebook Page
  2. Story about Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser fame making libelous tweets regarding Bar La Grass.
  3. It's exactly like serving domestic Angus/Wagyu blend and calling it Kobe - a case of misrepresentation. They say they serve X but they serve Y. Feel free to start your own web-site to air your grievances regarding the office/professional/government world. Nevertheless, they are completely irrelevant to the alleged and what seems to be intentional misrepresentation by Taylor Gourmet Deli.
  4. Apparently it's Red Pearl in Columbia, MD, serving both Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine.
  5. Tomorrow night on Bizarre Food: Zimmern's favorite restaurant - Al Covo.
  6. menu There are so many items of their menu that I wanted to try. For example - the Iberico ham, the grilled duck foie gras, the garlic clams & shrimp, the sucking pig paella, the cod confit, pork cheek, braised oxtail, slow cooked suckling pig, and braised quail. Naturally what excites me is anathema to my wife. She looked at the menu and said the only thing she's interested in is the beef tenderloin and she hates mushrooms so the sauce must be on the side. So I ordered the Iberico ham and the Bacalao (Codfish Confit server over a bed of Creamy Potato Puree, Grilled Octopus, Sea Salt and Paprika) to start. See picture for the size of the Iberico ham. To my knowledge, this is the first time that I've had Iberico ham. Hence I don't know whether $32 is a good price or a rip off. In any case, we tasted the ham and couldn't figure out what makes it so special. It's got a little bit of sweetness to it and not very salty. Now we'd have to go to Jaleo - the only other place that I know of that servers Iberico ham ($22 for acorn fed pig and $14 for non-acorn fed pig, that's how I interpret their menu). The codfish was wonderful. Two pieces - each about the size of a small cod at Eammon's - perfectly cooked (which is easy to do by confit, similar to Rocks' complaint regarding sous vide?). The octopus tentacle, sliced horizonatally so you only get 6 small discs, was equally tender. My wife deemed the fish a little fishy for her but she absolutely loved the potato puree. For my entree, I decided on the Conchinillo (Slow Cook Suckling Pig with Smashed Garlic and Paprika Potato). Oh it looked so pretty but the pig was pretty dry and not particularly flavorful, but the garlic potatos were delicious. My wife's steak was nicely cooked but not seasoned (since she didn't use the sauce, she thought it was bland). I vaguely remember the last time I was at Taberna, around 10 years ago. I won't wait another 10 years before I go back. In fact, next time they do another $50 certificate for $25, I'll jump on it
  7. This explains why when I make tacos at home using Taco Bell's sauce mix, they taste very different than the tacos I get from the chihuahua. It's because I use real beef!
  8. There are lots of steak joints already competing in this segment that offers more than just steak and fries, or are steaks at Ray's, Sizzler (not sure if there is one in DC), BLT, etc. not close substitutes? The logic is based on a matter of degree. I'm not aware of any restaurant that only offers 1 dish in this town. That's like saying Orso should only offer magherite pizza, and Pho Hot should only offer eye of round as a topping to their pho. I love pho but I would not visit a pho joint that only offers 1 topping. Nor would I visit a pizzeria with only 1 type of pizza. So even if I was in the mood for steak and frites, I doubt that I'd go to Medium Rare. Ask Landrum if he thinks he can sell Hellburgers with no topping or just 1 topping - maybe it's that good that he can make a buttload of money selling just cheeseburgers. But Komi offers 3 entrée choices and at least 10 other courses. Reasonable people can differ. I don't think choice is over-rated. Based on your logic, we'd all eat the same shit every day.
  9. As a kid, I loved chicken brains. We cooked the chicken whole often and I would picked up the head, crack the skull with your teeth and pick out the brain. You can go to any Cantonese joint with whole duck or chicken. I don't know if they'll give you the head if you don't order the entire bird but you can ask. The brain is pretty small and tasty. I'm much less enamored with pig or cow brains. Pigs brain soup - something I ate as a kid and never liked.
  10. Too many choices can be overwhelming. Too few choices can be underwhelming. I've been to restaurants with few choices and realize that nothing seems interesting/appetizing to me. Being overwhelmed is the lesser of two evils for me.
  11. If they weren't horrified by the lack of straps, they would've been horrified by the dirtiness of the straps. Seriously, General Store should do an re-enactment of these "horrified" diners with their toddler. Maybe they can dress a watermelon up as a toddler and have it fall off the highchair. Anyone have an idea which joint Todd's talking about?
  12. We saw a couple brought this chair to a restaurant in Minneapolis. Two of the issues we found at restaurants are that their highchairs are not very sanitary and the seat-belts are often broken. So we bought the chair and plan on taking it to restaurants with us. ETA: As you can see, we use this at home too, it takes up less space than a high chair.
  13. Andrew Zimmern does PA this week, I think the show airs on Tuesday nights. He goes to John's Roast Pork, hangs out with Morimoto, and catches snapping turtles.
  14. Any recent meals in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas? The last and only time I was there was in 2004.
  15. Our baby is 9.5 months old. She's been just about everywhere with us other than Komi and Uncle Liu's Hot Pot. On the other hand, she's never had any restaurant food and we've only left the restaurant early a couple of times (once was Esca in NYC and another was at a tapas restaurant in Virginia Beach). She's fed beforehand, and she gets puffs while we eat at the restaurant. She sucks on utencils and anything else that's safe to suck on within reach. We usually spend no more than 1 hr in the restaurant and we almost always get reservations at 5:30. I guess we're fortunate that she's not a screamer as I have no idea whether she knows the difference between loud vs. quiet. BTW, we don't give her restaurant food because we don't know what's in the food and don't know whether she's going to have an allergic reaction (okay, she's had some bread at restaurants, maybe some mashed veggies). Yes I would like her to eat everything but I don't see any need to rush things.
  16. I'm shocked at how bad they sucked. Tiffany can't cook or peel eggs. Mike can't properly cook protein - or he intentionally sabotaged Marcel (by pre-cooking Marcel's fish). Antonia's dish was way too salty. Angelo is the only that didn't really bomb. So yeah, I think Dale and Richard have a good shot at the finals with Angelo rounding out of the top 3 - but I'll stick with my initial prediction that the finals with be Angelo and Richard.
  17. Mike Isabella continues to run his mouth - did he not learn anything from his season? You know what they say about internet argument is like the special Olympics. Running your mouth on TV also qualifies you for the special Olympics.
  18. Sushiko $40 certificate for $20, at the Wisconsin Ave. branch on Groupon. Presumably this can be used for omakase at the sushi bar? BTW, how do you make a reservation for the sushi bar omakase?
  19. It's still open. I went by this morning around 11:30. Didn't stop in to eat (never have) but the neon lights are on and the open sign was flashing.
  20. I use Google map on my Blackberry or iPad. Just find your location, zoom in and then search for restaurants.
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