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Everything posted by Tweaked

  1. So it seems that there is a consensus on the top 4 chefs...but who else would you like to see do well? Also I was watching a repeat of last week's episode, and during the presentation of Mike V and Jen's dish you can see Jen clearly saucing one of the judge's dishes at the table (right hand corner of the screen). Found that a little curious.
  2. yeah we have found the Mangoes at Giant to be pretty crappy lately. we were having great ones earlier this summer, but lately not so much.
  3. Calvert Woodley has a selection of half bottles of wine (most are under $7, located by the beer coolers)) which I find convenient for using for various cooking applications.
  4. you could try Hill's Kitchen (on Capitol Hill)
  5. Have they been forced to buy shrimp or seafood as their protein? They should be able to recognize poor quality food product.
  6. Because she barely survived last week and she didn't survive this week...and she was 0-2 on shrimp dishes. Great restaurant chef doesn't necessarily equal great reality show chef.
  7. It was time for Eve to go. The chef with the face piercing doesn't look to be sticking around for much longer. The V Brothers and the guy with the bushy red beard seem to be setting the pace so far.
  8. Isabella gets slammed on Sietsema's chat today http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2009/08/19/DI2009081902382.html?hpid=discussions
  9. mehhh...seems like a sorry assortment of crappy places to me. Maybe I'll just have a liquid lunch of Fuller's at Elephant & Castle...I wonder if I can get that to go :-) I will report any decent finds.
  10. Four of us hit up the Barracks Row Cava last night for dinner. Liked what they have done with the place. Food was solid to good, nothing really stood out as great, but certainly worth repeat visits. we went with: hummus - it was hummus watermelon salad - probably the stand out dish of the night, despite being over priced. $10.95 for three chunks of watermelon and feta??? spanakopita - another star cava fries - fries with yogurt dipping sauce...yum.! grilled asparagus with feta - the woody end of the stalks were very fiberous, but otherwise good asparagus frittata - the miss of the night, not very good at all. cava mac&cheese - sounded better than it was...kind of watery and bland. braised short ribs - a healthy pile of shredded short ribs for $9.95 (see watermelon pricing above!) lamb dish - meh, nothing special.
  11. I would like to call out all "chef-testants" who appear on cooking competition shows and then complain about not being able to make a dessert course. Dude, you're a chef, you should be able to at least prepare some basic desserts: ice cream, pie crust, something with fruit, even basic chocolate. No one is asking you make a blown sugar sculpture. Dude, you're appearing on a cooking competition show where 9 times out of 10 you are required to make a dessert course. Learn to make a couple desserts!
  12. My office just moved across from the Warner Theater and Freedom Plaza...what's good for lunch around these parts? when I buy lunch I usually get take out and eat at my office so not so much interested in sit down restaurants (although if there are any good lunch specials to be had please share!) The National Building food court has Nan & Beyond (pretty weak chicken tikka sandwich today, but their thali platter looks good). so far I have seen lots of tourists and the usual Potbelly, McD's, Five Guys mishmash. Any hidden gems?
  13. I know where I am going to eat next time I am in Chicago! Great final episode for Top Chef Masters. and they need to bring back Wolfgang Puck as guest judge!
  14. A tour of the 14th Street/U Street area is a good idea...since in 1994-1998 it was a...marginal...neighborhood at best!
  15. ummm, how about a little more info...like: price point type of food any dietary issues level of dress is it for a special occasion this will help us make better recommendations!
  16. Green zebras have also been available for the past week or two. I've been buying golden beets like crazy every week as well. I will have to pick up some of the cherry tomatoes this weekend and given them a try.
  17. At around 3am my GI Tract definitely was experiencing "ma la" The other winner off the entrees was the crispy eggplant. There were also a dumpling dish in the app round (not sure what we ordered). ohh and cold sesame noodles. I generally enjoyed the small plates and apps...not as thrilled with the entrees. I liked the eggplant and twice cooked pork alot, the other entrees didn't do so much for me. And I would be perfectly happy eating the dumplings, noodles, beef jerky, tendon/tripe, and fungus off the app small plate list. Still plenty of menu left to explore! Now if they would just change the muzak sound track...eesh. All in all another successful DR feast in Rockville!
  18. Was at the Dubliner over the weekend and noticed they had the GUINNESS 250 Anniversary Stout on tap. we asked the barmaid what she thought about the brew and her look of concern and statement of "if you like Guinness you won't like the 250" prompted us to buy a sample pint. Yeah it sucked. Perhaps one of the worst beers I've tried this year. It literally had no flavor...it actually did taste like carbonated water.
  19. The duck quesadilla was forgettable...but then again I don't remember much about Saturday night
  20. and then just erase your thoughts! seems like that will be apt
  21. that would make the most sense...then edit the footage to make it look like there is actually only one block of cooking time.
  22. Enter Michael Pollan http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/02/magazine/02cooking-t.html?em
  23. The Big Hunt has had a bouncer carding everyone for years. Cafe Citron next door does as well.
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