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Everything posted by MBK

  1. Regardless of what you drink, you may want to consider not planning any important meetings for tomorrow.Just speaking from experience...
  2. didn't see the cocktail list (we were content with wine) but did get a chance to try a couple of desserts, and can wholeheartedly recommend the goat cheese cake. as can lackadaisi, who stole about half of my dessert while i wasn't looking.......
  3. MBK


    Just started The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry, a memoir of a 36 year old corporate type who moved to Paris to go to Le Cordon Bleu. (Yes, the appropriate response is "of course she's reading that book!") I don't have high hopes - word on the street is the author is extremely negative about her experience there (and since I'm extremely positive about mine, I'm unlikely to be sympathetic to whining about mean chefs or hard classes) ... but I'm in the process of reading anything and everything that'll remind me of my time in Paris, so this one makes the list.
  4. We went here over the weekend, and although they're still working service kinks out (we got the wrong drinks the first time around), it's a nice addition to the neighborhood. I had the Lucy, as described earlier, chipotle-infused semi-sweet hot chocolate topped with whipped cream that had a nice spice to it (but not "really really spicy", as the server said in attempting to dissuade me from ordering it!). He had the Judy - I don't remember the description except that it was milk chocolate, rainbow M&Ms, and possibly some caramel and whipped cream? Far too sweet for me, but he didn't seem to mind it. We'll probably be back soon to try other concoctions.
  5. MBK

    Hot Dogs

    should i say it? should i?
  6. Anyone been lately? Any recommendations? I haven't been since May, am going to brave the weather to trek down there tonight.
  7. You flatter me. But no way, my baking skills don't even approach the level of yours and mktye's!!
  8. Count me in for Miss P's class, and mktye's too. Mmm, baked goods.
  9. I am amazed (okay, maybe I shouldn't be) at how many of us are on the board! But I suck at ultimate, so fellow TIPsters would be best served not to invite me to be on their team.....
  10. You may be right that the French model is not what it used to be 40 years ago; I wouldn't pretend to know what Paris was like before I was born. I will say, having lived there for the better part of last year, that the small baker, butcher, etc. remains alive and well. Monoprix, Paul, etc. may have a role in Parisian life of the 21st century, but they have far from replaced the corner patisseries and boulangeries.
  11. Anyone around today for lunch? Near Metro Center?
  12. Went here last night, after a few year hiatus. I thought I remembered it being decent. I remembered wrong. Our appetizer, the green tea dumplings with shrimp, crab, and pork, was fine. Nothing to write home about, and topped with fried shallots that were nearly burnt... but not horrible. Unfortunately, we should've stopped there and gone home. We ordered a chicken dish and a beef dish, and it's irrelevant what the flavors were because both suffered from the same problem - low quality ingredients. The beef and chicken were both stringy and chewy. They were impossible to eat, and I filled up on the (tasty) rice that came with our meals, and then went home and had a cupcake. Should've stayed at the Round Robin after drinks and had the chicken tenders I saw heading to a nearby table - now those looked tasty...
  13. And drive-thru daiquiri shops were commonplace in Louisiana when I was growing up as well. The law, as far as I remember, was that a cup with a plastic lid and a straw was NOT an open container. Good times.
  14. Downgrade me (+1) to maybe? Probably more realistic...
  15. Glad you had fun despite the outcome. Geaux Tigers!!!
  16. MBK


    I can think of a lot of people, not just rwtye's coworkers, who are always happy to help you take care of leftover baking tests!!!
  17. Thanks! 31 on the 31st, ten days after becoming dr.com's own French chef It's a big day! And, of course, happy birthday to Violet's Mom. Enjoyed celebrating together a day early and meeting the beautiful new addition!
  18. Chai tea. Jetlag plus hangover equals minimum sleep and maximum crankiness. Some welcome home, huh?
  19. I realize it's a long-shot, but does anyone have any recommendations in the Lot region of France? Cahors, Catus, Albas, etc. I'm spending a few days there near the end of the month, before I return to reality stateside...
  20. I would like to. But it would be a bit of a commute... Somebody send me leftovers.....
  21. Bump. Any recs for White Plains? Will only have one lunch and one late-ish dinner, but recs are welcome. Also, if there are any preferred bagel places (especially if they also have bialies) where one could get one's fix.... ??
  22. Why do you keep rubbing it in that I'm missing Paul shows right and left?! He'd better come back after the first of the year or else I might be forced to make a trip to NOLA to see him at Carrollton Station...
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