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Dr. Delicious

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Everything posted by Dr. Delicious

  1. Well, the new and improved hummus was just that, last night. Also devoured expertly cooked chicken and ground beef kakbobs. Delicious all around. And it was nice to formally meet and briefly chat with Sebastian.
  2. Chef Oveysi, have you changed the hummus recipe since Dec 2011 (which is when I last had it)? While it may seem trivial, not liking the hummus has been the main reason my family chooses to dine with one of your competitors. Of course, i don't mean to suggest you should change it just for me, I'm only asking to see if we should give it another try.
  3. How do you introduce yourself to people you’ve only read about on this board (or others)? And when it gives a sense of faux-familiarity? I was at the Stachowski tent buying some sausages and amiably chatting with the salesman, when I said, “wait, are you Jamie?” He paused, gave me a look, and said yes. I told him I’d heard good things, thanked him, and left (not abruptly). It was kind of a weird encounter, tho, as I didn’t introduce myself or provide any context as to how I knew who he might be. I’m incredibly wary of name-dropping Don or this website, and I also don’t want to appear to be some kind of weird, on-line stalker. Maybe I’m creating an issue where none exists? Maybe I simply lack social graces? What’s the right way to do this?
  4. Stopped back by the Stachowski tent and actually made a purchase this time...a package of brats and sweet italian with wine. Both excellent, even tho I overcooked them. It was nice to meet Jamie and have a brief chat as well.
  5. I've been drinking to my good friend, Paul Rondelli, who died over the weekend from injuries sustained in a horrible car crash. I thought we had more time! He will be missed terribly. RIP.
  6. You know, I looked for a girl in a kimono with a sword, but didn't see you there! (I can't really make out what your avatar is wearing...) BTW, we should also be devoting serious time on this board to discuss the delicious mini-donuts made on-site and smothered in brown sugar. I could eat a million of 'em!
  7. I stopped by the Stachowski tent on Saturday and sampled what might have been one of the best bites of sausage i ever had. No idea what it was, as I grabbed a taste walking by and didn't stop to ask, but I was damned impressed. I was bummed to see that he only had sausage for sale and none of his charcuterie. Oh well.
  8. Had lunch here the other day and really enjoyed it. We got the kids cheese pizza, which at $7, is the deal of the century since it doesn't appear any smaller than the other pizzas they serve and there's no skimping on the preparation, ingredients, etc. Did i mention that it also tasted great? Good char in all the right places and a salty (but not over-salted) crust. I wonder if you're allowed to order it without a kid present... We also had the brussel chips, pork belly, BLT gnocchi, and arancini. Both the pork belly and gnocchi come in a very heavy, rich sauce. The pork belly was fairly well swimming in it, which would be my only quibble. That dish was kind of a mess actually, and out of the things we got, it would be the only thing I wouldn't get again. [and our server was a space cadet...but what are you gonna do]
  9. A fellow Trader Joe's customer clued me into this delicious blend of organic white grapes. Hands down the best bottle of 4-buck-chuck you'll ever drink...if you can find it, since it sells out early and often.
  10. http://www.fisher-price.com/en_US/brands/powerwheels/products/64224 My son got this when he was 1 yr old (now 20 months) and we can hardly keep him off it. It's powerful enough to get him around our street, which has a sizable hill.
  11. If it's good can you post the recipe since you have to be a member to see it on the website.
  12. I couldn't disagree more, actually. Perhaps when eating it plain this would be true, but who eats this (or pasta) plain? In fact, as a low carb/low sugar dieter, I've found spaghetti squash to be an essential surrogate for pasta, and a very satisfying one. Also, it can be prepared in advance and leftovers heat up nicely in the microwave. I guess haters gonna hate
  13. Yes, it was real cheddar and not a sauce. Again, not good enough to go out of your way for, but solid enough that if you're in the area and wanting a sandwich, you should consider giving it a go.
  14. Don repeatedly says that the only good thing here is the pizza, but I think we can all agree that he doesn't know shit about food. So, don't sleep on the sandwiches at this place. I had the prime rib and cheddar the other day and it was solid. Not going out of your way for, but a solid sub/cheesesteak. They also come with shoestring fires, which were awesome. Previously, I've had the Italian and the Turkey and Sweet Tomato, which were also solid. If you're in the area, and looking for a sandwich, consider this place. [Oh, and the sweet tomato cream penne can be delicious...alas, depending on the batch you get, it can also be middling...but when it's good, it's really good!]
  15. Similar to what SeanMike said above, in my own maturation as a whisk(e)y drinker, Makers Mark was a useful gateway whisk(e)y, if you will.
  16. We got a NY Strip to share (the steak was 1.5 inches think and weighed .82 lb) as well as one of the crab cakes. Both were excellent. i really believe you can taste the quality between this and what you'd get at, say, Harris Teeter. Also, I thought the crab cake was a good price (6.99 iirc), given its size, taste, quality (seemed like lump, tho I'm not entirely sure). Helpful and caring service, too. A really neat store, at which I expect to make frequent appearances.
  17. Well, the pic below is the view from my office, so you can imagine how many times I've eaten there. FWIW, i've never had steak tartare before, i'm just assuming I'd like it, and figured that a restaurant like Bistro Bis, which does classic French cooking very well (imho) would be a good place to start...
  18. Bistro Bis [bTW, I've always wanted to try the steak tartare there...how was it?]
  19. Clare and Don's Beach Shack [oops, i didn't scroll up to see the other clues "It's a Latino restaurant in Fairfax County", so this guess makes no sense...and i can't delete it...my bad!]
  20. Strange and unfortunate that I live in McLean, have been thinking about bettering the quality of my meat purchases/consumption (and to do so by perhaps using South Mountain Creamery's delivery services), and that this place never crossed my mind. I know where I'll be stopping this weekend... Interesting website, too, with blog and recipes...http://www.theorganicbutcher.com/ml_home.html
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