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Everything posted by RaisaB

  1. I also went to Komi's for the first time last week (the 13th). It was my anniversary. I can't say much that hasn't been repeated here, except....... Eating out often taints you to good food. It is kind of like where is your next high going to come from. (no I really don't relate, just a metaphor.) Occasionally though, a meal comes along that totally blows you away. Komi's was this meal for me (and my husband). Everything that I sampled that night was incredible. The goat ragu, the lamb, the mascarpone grapes etc... We also had the wine paring and were not dissapointed. The only negative was that they served too much wine! My last few glasses I was only able to take a couple of sips. All the hype is true, I cannot wait to go again! BTW the service was out of this world also. What a wonderful place.
  2. That recipe sounds good Chris. I use rendered duck fat instead of olive oil, and then I add the garlic and course salt the last 15 minutes of cooking. Recipe is adapted from The French Farmhouse Cookbook by Susan Loomis.
  3. The Pigalle District in Paris is NOT known for its' food! What a strange choice for a name! Flesh yes, meat?, well it depends on your definition of meat.
  4. Isn't it wonderful that you have created this great community where we can ask each other these questions? Now that could be the subject of a new forum. Unfood related questions or comments for the community,or some other wonderfully creative snappy title which your brain so quickly conceives (Mr. Rockwell). (Big collective group hug inserted here.)
  5. Nope, no McMansions too far out. Maybe an estate for someone.Or we can turn it into an organic commune of sorts,(the luxury sort of course). I am in for $1m,anyone else?
  6. I have been to China Star twice in the last week, once for take-out, once eat-in. The food is good. Both times I had the fuzzy beef appetizer, okay they call it something like Spced Beef with Cilantro. It is almost the exact same thing as Peter Changs. We also had the Spicy Rabbit app, it is delicious, but not worth the trouble of spitting out all those little bones. We had the calamari and lychee which is written in Chinese on the front of the menu, that was tasty, spicy and sweet. We have also had Salt and Pepper Shrimp (OK), Roasted Fish (Good but scary looking) and a few aother things that were good but have excaped my memory. Granted, it is not equal to Chef Changs' cooking, but it is mighty tasty for Schezwan Chinese.
  7. I am having a few unexpected guest this weekend...they can still come right? I will bring more than enough food compensate but just wanted to check.
  8. If there is a shortage of meat, I can bring burgers , hot dogs and accroutements. As I have decided not to go to Paris tomorrow, no stinky cheese for me either, I will still bring some desserts though. Someone lemme know about the meats, it will be Hebrew National and Costco brand bugers, no Wegmans .
  9. I agree there is nothing like homemade masa. We used to make the sweet ones with raisins also.I guess we outright stold the Mexican recipes!
  10. Reading this article brought back childhood memories. I am Cuban but Cubans make Tamales very much like the Mexican minus the chilies. (I imagine we adapted their style). My parents went through much of the same angst as Zora when they moved to the US but multiplied as it was the 60's in Dayton, Ohio! They were used to making their own tamales but the main ingredient was not readily available,the corn. Well it was but the farmers called it pig corn! I was so mortified whenever we went to the farms and bought corn! The farmers could not understand why these foreigners wanted the pig corn instead of their delicious sweet corn! If I could of crawled under the trough, I would have! We would make huge batches and freeze them so that we had them all year long. It was hard work, (I got to peel) but it was immensely rewarding.
  11. Folks, I was joking about having refined taste. I think it is funny how a place like Coldstone has generated so many posts. I personally do not like it, that much is true, but I will eat it. My kids love the place. They are regulars at the Gainesville, VA location as well as Canton MD. I have had Berthillons and do enjoy it, but it is not everything it is hyped up to be. The best ice cream I have ever had was in Cartagena, Spain. It was coconut and orgasmic, and I don't even like ice cream that much. Personally for massed produced, I feel nothing beats Hagan Daz Vanilla or Rum Raisin. For homemade, nothing beats my rum raisin.
  12. Coldstone is okay. My kids love it. Of course their taste is not yet as refined as mine and anyone else who has any sense on this board. It is better than Carvel's, but I would NEVER stoop down to ever eat anything at Carvel's ever again. (Well I do like their ice cream cakes.) After eating Berthillons in Paris, helados in Spain, Gelato's in Italy (and Indian Kulfis), there is no way I would ever stoop down to eating Coldstone.
  13. My question is,why does it cause him seizures?Could it be he doesn't eat enough home cooked meals? Does he need a little nurturing? Does this person actually exist? Why does it cause seizures here and it didn't on EG? Things that make you go hmmm....
  14. Foie Gras?....Sex?.....Foie Gras?.....Sex?..... Both are fleeting pleasures....one is starting to become less available... My decision is easy...
  15. I'll bring some kinds of desserts and cheese IF I can get to Paris and back by the 3rd. Types of both to be determined later.
  16. Welcome to CHAIN HELL! There is Rosemary's Thyme Bistro in Centreville. Good but not great. There is always Sweetwater or BoneFish. Matsu Sushi right down the street from you is good. There are a few new Korean places in Centreville that I haven't tried. Otherwise fogittaboutit!
  17. Yes the food and company was wonderful. Chris and Binni I hope you surpassed your goal! I am now the proud winner of a 3rd class dinner courtesy of Michael Landrumm! The best was sitting near JPW as I got to eat some of his scallops and he keeps spare wine bottles at his side!
  18. You must have not seen the table next to mine! They were all taking turns with each other, 'nuff said. (Delete this if you want Don). BTW I meant hip in the most sarcastic of ways! I just feel most of the people that were in at that time were there for a clubbish atmosphere as opposed to a dining atmosphere. I have been to Pazo where it has been a totally different atmosphere during the week or maybe even earlier in the evening. Our reservations were for 8:30 but we did not get seated until 9:15 or so. The Bronzini was also part of our menu and it was perfectly executed. On the food side my only complaint was the shrimp.
  19. I have been to Pazo quite a few times and the place is just too hip for me on weekend nights! I went there this past Saturday with folks who hadn't been there before. Their winelist is a good value with interesting Mediterranean wines for a fair price. We had a wonderful Tempranillo-Cab Blend. It was so dark at our booth that even though some of the other menu items looked more interesting, we had the sampler for six so we wouldn't have to strain our eyes. They served the sunflower crackers but sans any of the oils this time. Most of the food included on the sampler was delicious including an incredible hangar steak (bistec catalonia). I think there was a pork pinchito that was delicious also, along with a pasta and eggplant dish (trofie ala norma) which I wouldn't have minded seconds of! The shrimp with garlic and tomato was another story, the shrimp were so small and textureless it seemed to come from a can! The meal ended with cannolis and some sort of cheese which was good but I don't know the name as we could barely hear the server! As for the place just being too hip, on weekends it attracts that sort of crowd that wants to be seen. I would suggest based on past experiences to go during the week or on a Sunday. Go there on a weekend if you want to see a modern day version of the freak show. (Can't believe I said that, but I did!) Just don't take small children unless you want to scar them for life!
  20. Ventworm Nuts! Yes I remember this was the first time I publicly disagreed with Don Rockwell! Sure it isn't the greatest Mexican restaurant in the world, but IT STILL DOESN"T SUCK VENTWORM NUTS! Honestly, it is decent for a chain,which is what it is. If you go with more expectations than that, you will be dissapointed. Suggestion for Mexican? Blue Agave in Baltimore....Tex-Mex? Rio Grande
  21. We can all sit here and wonder what the demise was, but it seems they were always looking for help. Were there internal problem? It certainly received great reviews as far as the food, so we know the quality was good if not "too precious" as one reviewer stated. People were willing to go out there. Four and Twenty does great, as does Ashby Inn, L'Auberge Provencale, The Rail Stop all out in Fauquier, Rappahannock and beyond. So why wern't they prepared for reservations?Why have only one third of the restaurant filled on a Saturday night and consistantly turn away walk-ins and call in reservations? I spoke with the Chef on the phone a couple of times and he was not very helpful at all. I must have called at least 5 times for reservations. Could it have been a lack of experience on his part? Overly ambitious? The fault here does not lie with the customers but with the restaurant.
  22. Yes in any other restaurants' case this may have been a factor. But the truth is I ate across the street (don't remember the name of the place) and was able to see the restaurant from their patio, no one came, very few left. This restaurant was having a very hard time managing their kitchen and their dining room. I also privately emailed them and was told they were having staffing problems and thanks for my understanding. Yet it did not improve. As for the other post about the folks who can afford it not frequenting it, how could they when it was quite impossible to get a table. It is one kind of skill to be able to cook, it is another to be able to manage.
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