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Everything posted by weezy

  1. romesco is that odd looking green craggy cauliflower -- what a friend calls "fractal veg." Oops! that should be romanesco. sorry Shoot me an email or PM, I'll give you my address, you can drop the knives by anytime and I'll get them done for you.
  2. I have a set of Shun knives that I picked up on woot.com a few years ago. The 10" chef's knife is quite heavy but balanced, and when I have to power thru a lot of chopping, that's the one I go for. The 7" chef's knife is what I usually pick up for weeknight cooking. They hold an edge well ..... if you aren't chopping directly on a granite counter -- I need to speak to my sister about not doing this anymore.
  3. if they're saltines or similar mildly flavored cracker, crab cakes or fish cakes would be my go-to.
  4. Tomatoes are getting scarce, but there are still some covered row vines producing. Three, maybe four, vendors had some available. The brassicas are gorgeous right now -- romesco, orange cauliflower and lots of beautiful broccoli seen -- and all the greens are looking lush. Lots of radishes and beets as well. One vendor had local popcorn and stone ground grains (grits, cornmeal, wheat bran and a couple of others I don't remember). And Jamie Stachowski has a new recipe of hot dogs.
  5. I don't know if cooking well diminishes the value of eating out, but like others, I'd rather spend my money on things that I can't make (or make well) at home. in my case, also, my sister lives with me during the school year and has no palate for high-end dining (she truly thinks Arby's jalapeno poppers are the epitome of marvelous taste & texture) nor does she like to spend money on dining out. If we go somewhere together she gets a glass of water and literally tells me "you get what you want and I'll eat half of yours." Not pay for half of mine, just eat it. Other folks, I eat out with, we both order and share around, so her approach really puts a damper on my enjoyment of exploring a menu and thus dining out.
  6. I bought some turbinado sugar and made my oatmeal pecan raisin cookies this weekend. I've made this recipe oodles of times, but this was the first time using turbinado sugar instead of regular, white granulated sugar. The recipe typically yields 36 cookies. This batch barely squeaked out 27. There was a lot more moisture in them and they had to bake 4 minutes longer than usual. Plus, they typically spread a bit and I was expecting, with higher moisture, a lot of spread, but surprisingly, I noticed almost no spread at all. I couldn't tell any difference from a flavor perspective, but with the other flavors of the cookie, it would be difficult to pinpoint a different taste from the sugar used. I will have to try it in a fairer comparison (a plain butter cookie or a yellow cake) to see if I like it enough to pay the difference in price for the turbinado v. regular granulated.
  7. Nope, this is in Old Town, on Wythe Street, just behind the Exxon on N. Washington. I think it's open mid-day hours? I didn't check the sign, but when I drive home on Wythe, it has been closed at 5:30-5:45 every time.
  8. Time to say good-bye to summer corn. Only one vendor still was selling it this weekend. The greens are looking tasty though, and the brassicas are coming on strong. Plenty of tomatoes and beans still to be found.
  9. Driving by this morning on my way to the farmer's market, it looks like they are open. This is the first time I've noticed them, but maybe they just got their sign up?
  10. A friend and I stopped for a quick look around today, hoping they had dine-in. They do some carryout sandwiches and the place smelled absolutely terrific, but there's no indoor seating. A few bistro tables outside, but it was a tad too chilly to sit on metal chairs on a cloudy afternoon. They advertise fresh bread brought in daily, and there's a selection of wines, gelato, pasta and similar. And the red sauce smells like I'd want to drink a gallon of it.
  11. Went to see this theater's production of Man of La Mancha today. Excellent work by cast and crew and orchestra, and I recommend it for anyone who likes live theater, with tickets that cost about the same price as just the parking at KenCen. In an area of this size, one of the things I love is that the community theaters have such a deep and wide pool of talent to draw from, and ACT certainly used it to their advantage. The actor playing Sancho Panza was a particular favorite for me, he has good acting chops and a delightful, distinctive tenor voice. They work out of the Thomas Jefferson Community Center Theatre off S. Glebe Road in Arlington, and do three productions a year. I believe there is still another week or so for this play.
  12. JAMA discloses that the sugar industry bribed medical researchers in the 1960s to downplay sugar's role in heart disease. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3785753/How-sugar-industry-paid-prestigious-Harvard-researchers-say-fat-NOT-sugar-caused-heart-disease.html
  13. stopped in for some fish & chips today, and the fish was tender and flaky and the frying was flawless as we've come to expect. The big news (to me) is that Wes says he's started making 2 batches of tamales a day (at least on the weekends; I didn't ask if that was true during the weekdays), with the second batch ready around 3-ish in the afternoon. I missed out on tamales again today, the table before me having ordered the last two. I almost wish I'd had errands that kept me in that area of town for another couple of hours so I could have picked some up to take home.
  14. One of the folks in the office went here for lunch today, and got two small plates, the deviled eggs and fried green tomatoes. He said that just the plate of tomatoes would have been an entirely satisfactory lunch in quantity. He said he enjoyed both quite a bit but didn't give details on prep or presentation. He's lost his regular lunch spot -- he went Bittersweet daily for years, getting a half a sandwich, a cup of soup & a cookie (to eat later) -- so he doesn't like a lot of food at lunchtime, FWIW.
  15. I thought there was a Safeway on Hillwood Avenue? At any rate, I was at the farmer's market this morning and saw "Now Open" banners all around the new Harris Teeter.
  16. stopped here for lunch after a dental appointment nearby. Got a somewhat off-menu omakase: tuna with truffle, butterfish, bbq eel and a flame seared salmon, also a shrimp tempura roll. Chef Yu highly recommended the butterfish and it was as light and bright and clean tasting as any fish I've ever had. My favorite, though, was the tuna with truffle (and I admit to being a bit of a truffle slut). Also have to agree with whomever said it upthread, but the rice itself was far superior to any rice I've had in a sushi restaurant before. 8 pieces of nigiri, 1 roll, and miso came to $33 before tax & tip.
  17. My sister just got back from visiting her daughter who lives there, and said they went to Brown Butter for a delightful meal, also saying that the mains were good but the vegetables were outstanding.
  18. On the east end, Annandale starts on the south side of LRT near the laundromat where Wally's Aquarium used to be and on the north side, it starts at the Braddock Road Intersection. Ravensworth Plaza is in North Springfield. Everything on that side of Braddock from Backlick westward is Springfield.
  19. It sounds like it was cooked already! Is someone gaslighting you?
  20. I've ordered from Hong Kong Express a couple of times. very middling Chinese-American food. It's not on my rotation anymore.
  21. This is something I've been tinkering with and I don't know how far I'm going to go with it. A small shout into the maelstrom. Veg-Eccentric
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