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To Whom Are You Drinking Right Now?


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Rent a decent video and contemplate taking the last leftover painkiller/sleeping aid/antidepressant leftover from the root canal or whatever in your medicine cabinet.

This has turned out to be surprisingly excellent advice. Thanky.

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To Samantha Stosur. First Henin, then Serena and now Jankovic. Next up, the Finals. First Aussie woman to reach the Finals of the French Open in I don't know how long. At least 30 years I would think. Of course, I'm just toasting her with a cup of tea before rushing off to work, but even so. . .

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Stephen Strasburg.

Long, looonnnggg, looooonnnnnnggggggg way to go, but stellar job under the pressure.

Optimistic, but let's see what happens when he pitches against a REAL major league club.

ETA - I got to watch a few of his pitches and MAN does he have some nasty stuff.

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To my new non-profit archaeology organization that just got OKed for a start up grant. Egad, it's been a trip. Now I need a lawyer to help me file the papers and I'll drink to her too! Woohoo!

lperry, that is awesome. I'll drink to you! Congrats!

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To my new non-profit archaeology organization that just got OKed for a start up grant. Egad, it's been a trip. Now I need a lawyer to help me file the papers and I'll drink to her too! Woohoo!

Just hope you can dig yourself out from all the paperwork! :)

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To Phil Jackson and to Derek Fisher. I hope last night was not the final time we see these two wine a championship. To the rest of the Lakers, especially Ron Artest who made the best of his umpteenth "last chance" & Pau Gasol for playing incredibly when it counted. To Kobe who will still be doubted as a player {with 5 rings}. TO Shasha Vujacic for calmly hitting two after being invisible almost all night! Wow!

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Last night I lifted my a glass of Hook & Ladder Backdraft Brown to this [late into the first inning] ChiSox fan.

Baseball is really a big church and he's just in a different pew. We had a TV in security hold, but really just wanted to get to our seats.

Note: Got this image from the iPhone toting guy next to us.

Too cool to put down the beer and pull out my own camera.


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To all our DR.com fathers out there -- happy father's day!

Thank you. A very happy father's day to my older son, Ari, who celebrates his first one today. What a moment. To all of the dads on this board-- may you enjoy many more celebrations with your families.

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To Manute Bol, humanitarian.

How fitting it would be if someone were to commission a sculpture of Bol - sitting, not standing: It wasn't his height that made him great.

I came up to his elbow. I have a photo of my colleagues coming just below his shoulder... while they were standing on a chair. He was an extraordinary man to look at, but more extraordinary to talk to. He was a good man, and he will be missed.

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To the IRS. Yes, the IRS. Attorneys, small business incubators, and other various people couldn't help me, but the IRS was professional, succinct, and gave me the information I needed in two minutes flat. Here's to my tax dollars at work!

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Bobby Byrd. An American original. Made mistakes, learned, repented, made up for them. A butcher's helper from some red dirt hellhole town who went to law school at night, became Senate Majority Leader and cared about people, not statistics.

Spare me the fucking technocrats. Bobby was the real thing.

If only I had a Mason jar and a little fiddle music.

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To the newly minted Dr. and Mrs. Wilson. They threw a completely kick-ass shindig tonight and I cannot wait until they are happily enconced a mere few blocks from me. He's the closest thing i have to a brother and I'm over the moon about the whole thing, so I raise a glass and toast to all good things.

(A pinot noir of his and his new wife's choosing, fwiw.)

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To George Steinbrenner...it is fitting that Bob Sheppard will be there to announce his arrival...

As a Yankee fan he is responsible for many of the seminal sporting moments of my youth. But as a baseball fan, he changed the way the business worked for small (flooding teams with revenue sharing) and large (daring the other owners to spend to keep up) market teams. He will be missed.

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To George Steinbrenner...it is fitting that Bob Sheppard will be there to announce his arrival...

As a Yankee fan he is responsible for many of the seminal sporting moments of my youth. But as a baseball fan, he changed the way the business worked for small (flooding teams with revenue sharing) and large (daring the other owners to spend to keep up) market teams. He will be missed.

Ditto. Will be at the game on Friday to toast the boss. Fitting that they will play the Rays. Love him or hate him, he did all he could to put a winning team on the field.

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To George Steinbrenner...it is fitting that Bob Sheppard will be there to announce his arrival...He will be missed.

There is a surrealness to your post and I thought it was a joke at first. The same reaction I had when I heard Harry Caray passed. Wow. A definite toast.

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