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Everything posted by Cook&Bottlewasher

  1. You have to cook the peaces or they will turn brown even with ascorbic acid. A few things don't need to be cooked such as cherries before pickling but pears,apples,peaches do. Don't wing this! Use a recipe!
  2. I like pineapple sage in pineapple upsidedowncake strawberries with sweet woodruff (easy to grow around here) lemon thyme with apple and lemon made into a fool
  3. Merle Streep? Ok I have to admit .I actually do think Dolly Parton is a genious. But is genious the word they are really looking for?
  4. I bought them from what was then called Edible Landscaping in Afton VA. I think they go by another name now. I have bought quite a few things from them. They are noted for having interesting hard to find items such as rose plants grown for their hips. I figured the odds were best if they started out relatively local. I did know enough to do that. It's not wise to buy plants from a very different zone no matter what they say!
  5. Frustrated with trying to find these relatively unpopular fruit, I planted gooseberries and Josta berries(a gooseberry black currant cross) in my Capitol Hill back yard. It is really too hot in the city and prefer new England,the Midwest or great Britain. The Josta berries would just drop all their leaves after a meager harvest. The gooseberries gave a decent harvest for a few years but were pretty stunted from the heat. If you were out in the mountains a bit like Winchester or in Lancaster PA. I bet you could do it. Some will suggest partial shade to help with the heat but I'm skeptical.Try to get the most heat resistant available. One aside note,I lost custody of the berry bushes when I divorced and moved to Alexandria but my children would harvest when they visited their dad and bring them home. It was deeply touching. Kids are smart.
  6. You can grow the lovage easily if you have a garden and they did use it a lot. Rue is often called for but I never use it. I have grown it in the past and, while pretty, the smell is nauseating! I can't imagine using it for food! Is't supposed to repell bugs and smells it! I'm not sure how well most of the food actually translates(so to speak).I made some of the bread recipes from the Around The Roman Table and they were dense but interesting
  7. Just don't do what I did and decide you may as well use the whole package because what else are you going to do with the rest anyway? It was WAY too banana leaf flavor! Gag!
  8. International Gourmet has it frozen. You would need to get a 30# case. They are a wholesaler but they might be willing to help you if you pick up. Try calling them. They are in Springfield,Va.
  9. Food section today - Architectural desserts are out and plops on a plate are in.Usually plops taste better but styles sure come and go,don't they?
  10. Tampopo is a great Japanese movie with short vignettes about food. Best food movie I ever saw and hilarious.
  11. The infamous brat night starts tonight at 6pm. Live accordion music,German potato salad,kraut w/ apples,frozen custard and apple crisp! First come,first served.The brats are Klements Miller stadium brats of racing sausage fame. The Dairy Godmom is taking donations for Dairy Relief,the only charity whose sole purpose is to provide dried milk to people in need. Last year milk was sent to North Korea,Haiti,Ghana,Columbia and Mexico.Go to www.dairyrelief.org for more info. The Dairy Godmother matches all contributions to this great charity. Please stick a few dollars in the jar.
  12. I know you said you were going to be in a cabin and don't want to be hauling a bunch of cooking equiptment around. I DO need to remind how marvelous it is to make grilled cheese in a waffle iron. It just doesn't get much crispier. I like Wisconsin Cheddar,thin apple slices on dark wheat in the waffle iron. Yum.
  13. Back in the Dark Ages when I was an assitant manager at the Kitchen Bazaar on Conn. Ave.,our favorite lunch break was to peruse the cookbooks. I remember finding a recipe including salt cod,which I love. It called for the cod to be soaked over night changing the water every hour. Now that's what I call commitment!
  14. I learned to cook from my mom who, as she was of Scottish ancestry,was a pretty good cook but a better baker. Everything was made from scratch,all bread,muffins,stocks and sauces but this was a matter of economy since she was a kid during the Depression. Since she was a dentist,she took the scientific approach and I am also very oriented that way. I remember her spraying silicone on cookie sheets 3O years ago(I'm probably going to get cancer). I later graduated from the CIA in Hyde Park and make food to sell to support my children. For me being a skilled cook is also a matter of survival.
  15. And undulant fever and a host of other real illnesses that are not just "food poisoning". This is just not worth it.
  16. Even more peculiar,was then bought by a member of Gary Hart's staff when things went south.I think that qualifies as a favorite of the staff.
  17. Water ice is sweetened flavored water. Rita's runs theirs out of a soft serve machine so it is softer and more liquid. They do this with their "frozen custard" also. I guess you could say it was more house made if you consider combining water,sweetener and flavoring and pouring it into the machine some sort of advantage. Beware anyplace that has bubblegum flavored ANYTHING. It is not a good sign.
  18. Speaking of Penzey's......Which is the ONLY Place to buy spices.........................I was told yesterday when I called Penzeys to ask about a non-spice related matter, that they would be opening a store in Alexandria,probably near King Street Metro, probably by fall. Oh,yeah! Spice time!!!! I am from the great birthplace of Penzeys and I can testify to the wonders of shopping in the store.
  19. Stewing hens are available at both poultry vendors at Eastern market as well as the organic meat vendor at the Del Ray farmers market. The market should start up on Saturday. I can vouch for the stewing hens from both places. They make great chichen and dumplings. If you haven't cooked a stewing hen you should. You will be amazed at the flavor.
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