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enchiladas suizas made with rotisserie chicken and homemade salsa verde (roasted tomatillos, onions and garlic, but the poblano and jalapeño made it too spicy, so I mellowed it with avocado. Perfect.)

La Costeña refried black beans

pico de gallo

cerveza Pacifico

Sierra Nevada summerfest

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bbq chicken--herb brined, spice rubbed, applewood smoked on charcoal

my S.C. mustard bbq sauce

creamed corn


peach* shortcake with lavender vanilla biscuits and creme fraiche

Sierra Nevada summerfest

*my SIL came to DC to attend the Dalai Lama's symposium after visiting her mother in South Carolina. she brought me a half-bushel of peaches. six days later, we'd barely made a dent, and I had to do something to use up a lot of them lest they rot. I made the biscuits with self rising flour, my first time using it.

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Dinner last night showcased Buster's crab (Dupont market) made into crab cakes. At $30/lb for lump, it's a great treat and makes 6 cakes. I use Faidley's recipe (and a healthy dash of Old Bay) which is simple, clean and allows the sweet crab to shine. I baked the cakes in the oven and simply spritzed with lemon to serve.

I won't go so long between crab cake dinners :mellow:

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Last night was a Meatless Monday / "Use up stuff before it goes bad" kind of meal.

Sauteed onions, poblanos, garlic, and zucchini with some chipotle powder and cumin, S+P, and a splash of chili vinegar, threw in some frozen Trader Joe's roasted corn (I know it's corn season, but I didn't have any in the house).

Wrapped the veggies up in some Central Market flour tortillas I brought back from Texas, topped with a little sour cream, fresh avocado, and a sprinkle of grated Fields of Grace chipotle cheddar.

Quick, easy, and pretty darn tasty!

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I too was on a tex-mex theme. We had ground beef, onion, green pepper from the garden and a poblano sauteed with cumin and chili powder and a little WC sauce. On toasted corn tortillas with shredded cucumber, as I have no lettuce and too many cucumbers from the garden, some grated cheddar cheese and salsa. They were actually really pretty, I should have taken a picture, and tasty!

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patting self on back for creative use of leftovers night:

enchilada casserole aka "Mexican lasagna" utilized the contents of several storage containers that were clogging up the refrigerator shelves

deboned applewood smoked chicken breast and drumsticks, ground in the food processor

salsa verde, with roasted tomatillos, chile poblano and avocado

small serving of refried black beans

grated jack and cheddar blend

part of mega-pack of corn tortillas

served with freshly made pico de gallo

still more panroasted peach shortbread (that container went back into the fridge, not yet empty)

Sierra Nevada kellerweiss

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I spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday wandering the Fancy Food Show so no need to cook or eat dinner, although Tuesday night we had a wonderful meal at Birch & Barley. Last night I made baked eggplant (Italian, Calabria, melanzane al forno) and a salad. I usually put some ham in the eggplant, but my generous neighbor smoked a brisket on Sunday and gave me some, so I used some a that instead (only about 2 oz.). It made it taste great. The smokiness blended really well and didn't overpower.


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Last nights

Turkish dish of carrots w lentils, caramelized onions and mint and

Chard w ume plum vinegar and dill plus

Seeded multi-grain bread (churzel from Ovens at Quail Creek)

Bing cherries and soaked, raw almonds

Lunch was a farro salad w sungold tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, seared slabs of zucchini, red spring onion and lemony-garlic dressing. Nearing a full week of eating semi-vegetarian, i.e. there was a roasted chicken carcass in the broth that went into my soup and 3 T lard in a pie crust. Otherwise...

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Gaeng pet gai (red chicken curry with eggplant), yum mamuang (shredded green mango salad with shallots, lime, fish sauce, chillies, roasted peanuts, roasted coconut, and medium boiled eggs), tod mun pla (fish cakes with cucumber pickle (achad)), pickled ginger, raw vegetables, and jasmine rice.


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We're on the detox diet after a weekend road trip to West Virginia. Salad of mixed greens with chickpeas, Sungold tomatoes from the garden, feta, and a tahini/lemon dressing. I couldn't hit the markets this weekend, so shopping was at Costco. With apologies to the local growers, if you're in a bind, the little pack of six different lettuces is quite nice. I was surprised the flavor was as good as it is.

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It's just too hot to cook, and nearly too hot to eat, so more salads for dinner all week with various tomatoes from the garden. As much as I am enjoying the Sungold tomatoes, with this heat they are almost too sweet without a sharp counterpart like endive or a sour vinaigrette. The plant is making more than a dozen a day right now, so I'm going to have to come up with more ideas. I'll check the tomato thread. Tonight was a chickpea, avocado, cherry tomato, and feta concoction in a tahini-lemon dressing.

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K is here from Chapel Hill for a few days with 2 friends and they all helped me prepare dinner:

guacamole and chips

pico de gallo

jicama with lime juice and ancho chile powder

tacos al carbon made with marinated flap steak/corn tortillas

rajas de poblanos

homemade frijoles refritos


Cooking is such a pleasurable experience when there is enthusiastic help with prep and cleanup. One of K's friends is a bartender and she made tequila sunrises for everyone to sip on while we cooked, and we listened to the country music compilation CD from Hill Country BBQ that I was given the other day. :mellow:

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Sunday and last night, we had some classics from Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking; Lemony Chicken with fresh green coriander, Gujerati green beans, and spiced basmanti rice, as well as some cucumbers and tomatoes with yogurt and chat masala. The Green chili Pickle and Beer (Lucky 13) are for me.


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I have great respect for those who continue to cook through the heat. We've been having more salads to use up the produce coming out of the garden right now. This past week we've had cherry tomatoes with bocconcini, a salad of roasted beets (Detroit red, made on the grill), greens, and goat's cheese in a sherry/walnut oil vinaigrette, turnip and kohlrabi rémoulade, and up tonight will be a Moroccan carrot salad adapted from the Victory Garden Cookbook and Chez Panisse Vegetables.

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Hubby's thai leftover from a dinner out since I spent my night fervently searching for my iphone, which after many searches, and me generally freaking out for a while, was found in my car after the fifth search of it. And I was going to go to Liberty Tavern or Lyon Hall with Max, oh well...

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Flank steak marinated in ginger, garlic, scallions, oyster sauce, soy, a touch of brown sugar, and rice wine vinegar, then seared off to medium rare

green beans in garlic and lemon

a chunk of good rustic bread with some butter

grapes and chocolate

last night in town before escaping the bad weather that's had me completely sick for two weeks: win.

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With farmer markets in full bloom, we have been devouring what might one of the world's easiest cooked dishes. Corn, potato, green bean succotash (as swiped from Canal House Cooking)

Boil new potatoes, allow to cool

Boil green beans, allow to cool

Boil corn on the cob, allow to cool.

Slice potatoes into bite size chunks, wedges, what ever you prefer. Chop green beans into size that you like. Slice corn off cob.

Mix together in a bowl. Toss with a generous glugg of olive oil. Salt. Pepper. Add whatever fresh summery herb you desire.

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Spicy turkey meatballs in roasted vegetable tomato sauce over Israeli couscous with corn

Rustic bread with soy spread

The main course was an amalgam of leftovers (the couscous and corn) with items from the freezer (ground turkey and the tomato sauce). The tomato sauce itself was made out of roasted vegetables (eggplant and red bell peppers) and tomatoes that I had needed to make use of quickly at the time. When it all turned into a nice meal, I felt very successfully frugal :mellow:.

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roasted eggplant, tomatoes, mozzarella, oregano salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette

Ground cherries

Genesis Merlot 2006


Gwyneth Paltrow's Fried Zucchini with Pasta

Salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette

Bourbon w/ peach puree

(Vegetables and fruits courtesy of Bull Run CSA. Gawd... I love CSA season.)

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A first post to this thread; looks fun.


- fresh corn, avocado, grape tomato and red onion salad with garden parsley instead of cilantro since the latter tastes like soap to one in our herd

- asian grilled bbq shrimp with a sarabeth apricot marmalade, lemon zest, hoison and chili pepper basting sauce

- and a nice chianti....I mean albarino

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Holy Basil was at the market today, finally. I made pad grapao, perhaps the easiest, most forgiving Thai dish to cook. However, I don't think I've ever had it at a Thai restaurant made properly, and by properly I mean the way I like it, with chopped meat (not sliced) and actual holy basil (bai grapao) (and massive amounts of chillies and garlic). As for vegetables, I like long beans or green beans in it, but other things like bell pepper, baby corn just don't belong. Sliced meat with bai horopah (aka "Thai Basil") and a bunch of other stuff is not the same dish. Unfortunately, holy basil doesn't grow well around here except in greenhouses and is very perishable once it's harvested, so when I see it I snap it up and cook it ASAP.

Tonight, I made roasted eggplant salad with pork (yum makeua tet mu), beef with holy basil (neua pad grapao), fried egg (kai jiew) and some raw vegetables. Served with jasmine rice and Flying Dog Raging Bitch. Super hot Thai food is great in this weather.


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You can also stock up on what my friends and I affectionately refer to as "crack" bread - Nathan Hatfield's amazing fruit and nut bread - or the other wonderful breads he bakes that are available for purchase.

Several thick slices of his multigrain bread, toasted, drizzled with olive oil, spread with avocado, and top with salted pistachios (a la Cork, a really underrated restaurant), eaten over the kitchen sink. (Followed by a five mile hike because I felt like a pig.)

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Several thick slices of his multigrain bread, toasted, drizzled with olive oil, spread with avocado, and top with salted pistachios (a la Cork, a really underrated restaurant), eaten over the kitchen sink. (Followed by a five mile hike because I felt like a pig.)

I've stalked the gated alley across the way to ensure I get a warm loaf of ciabatta. Of course it's not a whole loaf by the time it arrives home :mellow:

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Bread. *sigh* <confession> I bought a gluten-full baguette at Firehook this week while Mr. lperry is away, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. </confession>

Cherry tomatoes from the garden tossed with marinated bocconcini. The perfect summer dinner that will probably be repeated tonight. I remain impressed by those who cook in the heat. I'm sorely tempted to get one of those Cadco catering ovens so I can cook out on the deck where it won't heat up the house.

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Last night:

Big salad (romaine, celery, red bell pepper, red onion, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs, and bacon with ranch dressing)

More of the turkey meatballs with roasted vegetable sauce and Israeli couscous

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Bread. *sigh* <confession> I bought a gluten-full baguette at Firehook this week while Mr. lperry is away, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. </confession>

Cherry tomatoes from the garden tossed with marinated bocconcini. The perfect summer dinner that will probably be repeated tonight. I remain impressed by those who cook in the heat. I'm sorely tempted to get one of those Cadco catering ovens so I can cook out on the deck where it won't heat up the house.

When I'm not home my husband gets delivery pizza or goes out for pasta.

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night before last:

smoke-grilled bbq chicken with my bbq sauce

barley corn salad with cilantro, mint and lime juice/zest

coleslaw from Safeway deli dept, enhanced with scallion, cucumber and yogurt


wild salmon burgers (sockeye filets at Costco were $7.99 a pound) with avocado, sliced tomato and lettuce, wasabi mayonnaise

sliced cucumber salad with rice vinegar, soy sauce and red pepper flakes

summer fruit salad

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Tomatoes with basil, fresh mozzarella, eco-friendly 18 month "vasciutto" (smoked prosciutto), cucumber, onion, capers, olive oil and vinegar. Lyon Bakery "Rustico" bread, grilled poussin with garlic, olive oil, fresh rosemary and fresh bay leaves, and green beans with olive oil, shallots, and Parmesan cheese. Great Divide Colette Farmhouse Ale.


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New Mexican food party for four:

Cuervo Silver margaritas or Corona

Tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole

Green chile cheese enchiladas

Calabacitas: sauteed zucchini and corn

Pinto beans

Tapioca with strawberries (yeah, not really NM food, but a nice complement)

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Trader Joe's brown rice penne (excellent pasta, gf or not - nice flavor and texture) with mixed cherry tomatoes cooked briefly in olive oil, goat's cheese, pecorino romano, a few capers, chiffonade of basil, and a little balsamic to finish. Simple, summery, and creamy delicious from the melted goat's cheese. A nice trick for making what seems like a rich sauce.

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Grilled cobia marinated in Sambal Oelek, limejuice and lime zest with a pineapple, mint, cilantro, honey and limejuice salsa.

Cucumber, tomato, grilled red onion, grilled corn, jalapeño, canned black beans, cilantro, olive oil and lemon juice salad [this will fill a quesadilla for lunch tomorrow].

Alsatian Riesling

Jeni's Brambleberry Crisp Ice Cream

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Paella with sun gold, yellow pear, and volunteer mystery red cherry tomatoes.

Carrot salad with Moroccan spices - from the Victory Garden Cookbook. I'll try Alice Waters' version next time I pull carrots.

A torrontés whose label is outside in the recycling bin.

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Last night:

Ground lamb and beef meatloaf with feta and balsamic glaze

Smashed potatoes and yam with buttermilk and cream cheese

Ratatouille* made with red onion, zucchini, squash and eggplant on a bed of Victoria's sauce


*all veg from a New Jersey farm stand.

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salade Niçoise*

whole grain toast

sliced peaches

2010 Bauer gmork gruner veltliner

*As long as tuna, hard-boiled eggs and potatoes are involved, J enjoys salad for dinner occasionally. He also likes Chinese chicken salad, but this must include canned mandarin orange segments and a heap of crispy noodles.

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Last two nights I had Acar Rampai (Malaysian mixed pickle) made with lightly blanched green beans, corn, carrots, and cucumbers, mixed and sauteed with oil, shallots, ginger, garlic, Malay curry powder, chilli pepper, turmeric, salt, sugar, and vinegar, finished with toasted sesame seeds and sesame oil. Ayam Tuturuga Rica (Indonesian chicken curry from Manado, Sulawesi via Copeland Marks) made with lots of fresh red chilli, garlic, shallots, ginger, turmeric, galanga, lemongrass, coconut milk, and lots of mint, scallions and holy basil. Eaten with jasmine rice. Lemongrass, mint and holy basil were from the garden.


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Last two nights I had Acar Rampai (Malaysian mixed pickle) made with lightly blanched green beans, corn, carrots, and cucumbers, mixed and sauteed with oil, shallots, ginger, garlic, Malay curry powder, chilli pepper, turmeric, salt, sugar, and vinegar, finished with toasted sesame seeds and sesame oil. Ayam Tuturuga Rica (Indonesian chicken curry from Manado, Sulawesi via Copeland Marks) made with lots of fresh red chilli, garlic, shallots, ginger, turmeric, galanga, lemongrass, coconut milk, and lots of mint, scallions and holy basil. Eaten with jasmine rice. Lemongrass, mint and holy basil were from the garden.

Do you take orders for delivery? :mellow:

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Emma's 5:30 piano lesson means that I have approximately 15 minutes on Thursday nights to get dinner on the table. That means Taco Night! Tonight I tried one of the Frontera "simmer sauces" - mild red chile & cumin sauce for tacos. Not gourmet by any stretch, but it's got real ingredients and I don't hate myself for feeding it to the kids. Whole Foods tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole, etc. etc.

Haagen Dazs Bananas Foster ice cream. This is the only flavor other than vanilla or chocolate that Ian will touch, which is a testament to its deliciousness.

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