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Everything posted by DonRocks

  1. Assuming "Silver Spring" means you'd be going down East-West Highway, I'd hit Red Dog Cafe which serves breakfast at 7 AM (try their house-made granola and fresh fruit juices). Cheers, Rocks.
  2. 'Texas 5-Way Chili Mac with extra onions, pour on the vinegar sitting tableside.' That's what Jim Parker, one of the founders, told me the best thing was at Hard Times. We used to have some friends in common (I even went sailing with him once) - he's still somehow affiliated with the company, but I believe his ownership was sold years ago. His competition/cook-off chilis are great, but I've never been a huge fan of the gut-busting food that comes out of the restaurant. Cheers, Rocks.
  3. Anyone remember "Joanie Loves Chachi?" Now we have Jenny Loves Chi-Cha.
  4. 3 Monts beer from Belgium. (Both times I've ordered this here, they've struggled mightily trying to get the cork out of the bottle.)
  5. I've been to both. The soup at Pho Golden Cow tasted like it was made from a starter mix, and didn't have any depth whatsoever. A completely wasted lunch that had me cursing myself for trying to be open-minded. It's hard to believe this place can possibly survive being so close to Pho 75 and Pho 50, but maybe people just don't want to cross the highway. I went to Llajtaymanta once when it first opened, many months ago, and I felt like I was eating in a Bolivian diner with a grandmother behind the stove. The food was very clean almost to the point of being austere - think "blue plate special." It's nothing at all like Luzmila's which is more lusty (incidentally, I think Luzmilas saltenas taste like they have Campbell's Chunky Soup as filling, and the pastry is way too sugary for my taste). If I remember correctly, Llajtaymanta wasn't serving alcohol, but I'd definitely go back and have lunch there again. Cheers, Rocks.
  6. [back out NOW. Do NOT read this. I'm telling you this for your own good.] It is, but let me get it back on track: I remember exactly where I was, chatting with Member Number One in a restaurant, when all of a sudden she let out a muffled shriek. "What's wrong?" "I don't want to tell you." "Tell me!" "It will ruin your meal." "Tell me!" "Look at the person to your right when she takes a bite of her food." I stole a glance over my right shoulder and saw fork being raised to lips, when, like a viper, darting directly underneath the fork, came projecting out of the mouth approximately four inches of tongue. Yuck! Unfortunately, now that you've been presented with this, you will notice that a large percentage of diners in restaurants see fit to using their tongues as an insurance policy - a barbaric catchpan - for anything that might be in danger of falling off the utensil. Doing my part to combat global obesity by inducing mass nausea, Rocks.
  7. You guys continue to amaze. Camille-Beau, and Beau, I know you aren't doing this for any recognition, but I hope you get some at the highest level anyway. You deserve it, as do many others here. Thank you all for doing so much. Rocks
  8. Someone please start a thread on Sergio and Mandalay - both very worthy restaurants. Sergio Toni lives down the street from my parents. Up until about ten years ago, I had been to his restaurant probably more than any in the entire area. Ask for an "appetizer special" if you go and you'll get a really good mix of things including homemade pasta. His son Luigi (head server and a very conservative-looking guy) played in a punk-rock band and his daughter-in-law Nadia made the best tiramisu I've ever eaten. I wonder if he even remembers who I am. I need to go back soon - he's a wonderful person and I miss having dinner there.
  9. Like Cathal said to me one night, "unless you've eaten in the Tasting Room, you've only had half the experience." He's right. I love the bar at Eve (and go there often), but for a special occasion, it's the Tasting Room for me.
  10. Negril, 1/2-block down Thayer Ave (across Georgia Ave from Dale Music). Coco bread, vegetable patties, curried chicken, goat, oxtail, coconut tarts, chocolate-chip cookies, etc. Quick, filling and good. They have this incredibly cheap thing called a "side order" which is the curried chicken without the chicken (just a little sauce on the rice & beans with a salad). Get that (pour a dab of Matouk's hot sauce on it for some spike) and a piece of coco bread and you have a meal for about $3.50. The meat-loaf patties (coco bread stuffed with sloppy-joe) are something like $1.35, and are one of the great food values in the area. I've sometimes bought a dozen, wrapped each individually, frozen them, then stuck them in a microwave for 60 seconds and finished them off in a bagel-width toaster for browning. Cheers, Rocks
  11. Thanks! I want to stress that nothing at all is going to change with this website. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere (well maybe a few days of vacation in the near future), and this will continue to be your kind, loving and nurturing home-away-from-home. Can I come out now and say just how highly I think of Todd?
  12. This is a great article, but they could have used a better edit-job on this sentence!
  13. It's important to distinguish between depth-of-penetration and depth-of-flavor. Simple salting can add depth-of-flavor even though it doesn't penetrate at all. Carry on...
  14. 3 steps and you're good-to-go: 1) Click on "My Controls" on the top-right part of the screen 2) Click on "Board Settings" in the left column on the screen 3) Uncheck the "Is Daylight Savings Time In Effect?" box and click on "Adjust my account settings"
  15. Has anyone noticed that when you click on a menu, it comes up with the "X" concealed behind the scroll bar so you can't X out of it quickly? That's dirty pool. On the other hand, I would have never known about the "Big Buford" at Checkers Drive-In. Don Buford is the first-base coach for the Nationals and used to be a fine leadoff hitter for the Orioles. Also there's Buford Pusser. These are the only two people I can think of named Buford.
  16. From Tom's review: I tried this last night and it is a finely detailed piece of work. Expensive at $13.50 for a small portion, the cost can be mitigated by the bread basket: good brioche, cornbread and onion spread (the dry foccacia might have been an aberration). Cheers, Rocks.
  17. [There are a lot of ramifications in this one statement - can anyone confirm or deny this? Let me know please. Thanks! Rocks.]
  18. I've still never been to Yee Hwa, but I think that's about your best bet in DC. Woo Lae Oak in Pentagon City is expensive but serves everything you might want. If you feel like trekking to Annandale, try Annangol for BBQ (or Il Mee Buffet if you're really hungry and not so much worried about quality), Choong Hwa Won for Chinese-Korean noodles in black bean sauce, or Gom Ba Woo for good, informal homestyle cooking such as stir-fried kimchi with pork. Cheers, Rocks.
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