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Everything posted by dracisk

  1. I'm not looking forward to when I need to start packing my daughter's lunch again (in a year when she starts kindergarten). I'm pretty sure her lunches won't be as impressively elaborate as this! When I had to pack her lunches at her in home daycare she ate a LOT of cheese sandwiches with cut up fruit (which she still loves).
  2. Today we went to a late afternoon kid birthday party, so ... pizza and cake.
  3. Samos is around the corner. I only went once a long time ago, but I believe it's also highly regarded. I need to get back there or try Ikaros!
  4. I wish mine was more veggie-focused. She'll eat some veggies, but she really loves fruit -- and dairy as well! Even if part of her dinner is junky, I always feel better if she eats some fruit. Tonight we had chicken fajita pasta, which is from the website Skinnytaste. She killed the chicken and pasta but left a bunch of green pepper in her bowl. 😣
  5. Tonight I had the last serving of leftovers from the fridge and the four-year-old had a cheese sandwich (muenster cheese melted between pieces of wheat toast), a banana, and some watermelon. A cheese sandwich is one of her old standbys (she'd probably eat it every night if we let her), and she'll pretty much always eat fruit. Those turkey burgers sound good!
  6. This place has been on my radar for awhile because of the Rhode Island emphasis -- Block Island scallops, Point Judith calamari, Rhode Island quahog chowder, Rhode Island whole belly clams, NARRAGANSETT CLAM CAKES (I never see clam cakes on menus outside of Rhode Island), even the Portuguese selections. One of the main drags in Newport is Thames Street -- I always assumed this place was named after that.
  7. And tonight she announced that she likes broccoli -- yes!
  8. My 4-year-old was a lot more open to new and different foods between ages 1 and 2, then at age 3 her tastes narrowed a lot (although according to her teachers at preschool she mostly ate and continues to eat the school-provided lunches). Now at age 4 she's becoming more willing to try new and different foods again. Tonight we're having homemade veggie fried (brown) rice. She likes fried rice in restaurants, so we'll see how it goes!
  9. Yikes. I didn’t even know they had gators there. Maybe the golfers don’t, either. I grew up on the ocean and love it, but I’m all set with sharks, of course. A tuna fisherman caught a great white shark about a mile off the coast of Rhode Island a couple of weeks ago. Shudder.
  10. Off topic, but did you hear about this: "Woman Killed by 8-Foot Alligator while Walking Dog in South Carolina" by Kalhan Rosenblatt on nbcnews.com I randomly came across it earlier, don't even remember how. --- "Alligators Moving North" (ktmoomau)
  11. My 4-year-old had leftover pizza and some sliced strawberries. Not the greatest, but I take heart in the fact that she announced this week that she likes both tomatoes and mushrooms.
  12. I HATE when there's a yield sign and no merge area. I get so much anxiety driving in VA on the GW Parkway because of this. (I may be wrong, but I feel like the GW Parkway in VA in the vicinity of the Key Bridge, Memorial Bridge, etc., has a lot of these no merge area situations. Usually there's a "no merge area" sign, but I think no always?) I feel anxious right now just typing about it. Ugh.
  13. "Remembering Anthony Bourdain as Only His Fixers Could," by Lisa Abend, August 2018, on vanityfair.com.
  14. I noticed today that Macdara's Grille appeared to be open, and from Yelp reviews it looks like it's been open since at least early July.
  15. We haven’t used them, but I’ve heard consistently positive things about Counter Culture in Wheaton.
  16. Aw, man, the cutter who denied the request for fresh brisket at Hill Country. 😱
  17. I probably could've been doing something more constructive at the time, but I found a photo of a plate with the same T on Yelp once you narrowed it down to NoVa restaurants.
  18. I think I figured it out from Yelp, but I kind of feel like that's cheating? (I don't think it's Tuscarora Mill or Trummer's on Main.)
  19. I guess Wayne Rooney isn't resting on his laurels. I can't believe Acosta is only 5'3"! What's that sports bra type garment he was wearing under his jersey??
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