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Everything posted by saf

  1. The Columbia Heights location is ok. Plagued with laptop campers, so it's hard to sit. The coffee is fine, but I prefer Columbia Heights coffee. They were supposed to be opening a coffee shop in the building on top of the Petworth metro, then another group was supposed to be opening it. Seems now nobody is.
  2. Ah. Ok, to make things easier - from McPherson Square, exit on 14th St, cross both 14th and I. Walk to the corner of 14th and K. Get on a 52,53,54, or circulator. Circulator is the most consistent of those, coming about every 10 minutes.
  3. I have seen people say similar things before, and I have to ask - there are at least 3 bus routes that go right there. Is it just a no-train thing, are they not convenient bus routes, or are people just not thinking of buses?
  4. Wow, there's evidence of how often I don't get out of the city. Thank you - I shall make an expedition!
  5. It's easy enough to look at Whole Foods - do you know which location it might have been? Balducci's - I thought they closed?
  6. So I am discovering. Cherries in syrup will not do for this application, and I only froze enough for pies this spring. I guess I'll be waiting until spring and freezing a LOT this year. Thanks!
  7. Hey, does anyone know where I can find frozen sour cherries?
  8. Mmmm. We just split a big bottle of Kasteel Rouge.
  9. Yes! Organic sells at - I've bought it at the store at Georgia and Taylor.
  10. I find the name juvenile and silly. Wow, is it delicious food though. We order that every time we go there.
  11. I've been really enjoying Little Ethiopia lately - it's on 9th St NW, downstairs, on the west side of the street, between T and U Streets. Madjet on U Street is still good too.
  12. I believe that the Channel is closed for renovations at the moment.
  13. Two different questions - employees are NOT the same as customers. There are plenty of places with bad service that treat employees well, or places with good service that do not. Treating one group appropriately does not mean you do or do not treat the other appropriately. With no evidence in either direction, I cannot comment on how Ms. Clark treats her employees. That said, I won't go to Mr. Donna's establishments because of his behavior. I also won't go to PS7 because of the "can't identify the culprit so I'm firing all the women who worked that shift" incident. In general, I expect civil (and legal) behavior from the universe and try very hard to behave civilly (and legally) myself. It matters. (OK, there have been a few instances of civil disobedience, but I was polite about it!)
  14. My problem with these videos is not that she is mocking bad customer behavior. My problem is that she is filming it and putting it on the net, thinking it's funny, or at least worthy of notice to anyone beyond her and Robin. She monitors the net for anyone saying anything less than adulatory about her places and swoops in (or sends Robin swooping in) to belittle the poster, yet she feels it is ok to publicly mock her customers. Look, we all know that customer service is hard and frustrating and that the general public is often idiotic and deserving of mocking. But not always. And frankly, if you want customers, you need to be polite. Or at least civil! I loved her food at Colorado Kitchen, but gave up going there after one too many instances of not just bad service but flat out mistreatment. She's berated me else-net too. Now I hear she may be opening a place on the corner of my street (Not this place - the Petworth place), taking a spot that might otherwise go to a place with decent service. Grmph. I just don't understand people who aren't willing to be civil to their customers. No, I don't expect fawning service or needless kissing up. I just expect polite and pleasant and helpful. I treat restaurant staff respectfully. That should be reciprocal.
  15. That would make me happy. I was there at about 12:30. Got a Fidel (no pickles!) from El Floridano and a cupcake (red velvet) from Curbside. Wanted pie, but couldn't see spending that kind of money on a slice of pie for lunch. The sandwich was nice, although pickles obviously came in contact with it at some point. It was a bit large. The cupcake was quite good. The lines were much shorter than summer lines, but still a bit longer than I like.
  16. And I remember it as the New Orleans style place in the late 80s, or maybe it was the early 90s - Carmella Kitty's, I think it was called? Or was that somewhere else?
  17. Stop in Trenton and have a tomato pie?
  18. Also occasionally on cask at Meridian Pint.
  19. Have - or at least, as of Halloween. I love them because they carry dry ice pellets.
  20. We've done 1789 for the last few years (since our previous traditional place, Ruppert's, closed). It would be ideal for this.
  21. Rodman's on Wisconsin Avenue between Tenleytown and Friendship Heights has chestnuts in jars.
  22. Hm. I'm a fan of their breakfast, but not so much dinner. Going to look at the compilation now. Thanks!
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