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Simul Parikh

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Everything posted by Simul Parikh

  1. My friend's family had a great camp right outside Slidell. Gosh I miss NOLA... Evening Star had their crawfish boil this weekend. So bland.
  2. Can't really compare prices from Slidell I still remember $3/dozen oyster happy hours during med school. Really gotta try out QD, sounds fantastic.
  3. Genre and order seemed a bit specific ... Was just re-reading Don's series of posts from Ravi Kabob. Interesting what we choose to read into or ignore. I may be wrong. Bet the comments section will reflect it .. Edit: I've been reading a lot about unconscious biases in clinical medicine, and it's something we do without thinking. A landmark study in the NEJM showed physicians treating white patients differently than black patients. And it led to a lot of changes. I didn't mean to say he is racist - no way! I'm a huge fan of the guy, and loves his q and a, and I mostly agree with his reviews. I just think language is subtle and important and when you see that sort of thing often ("an eccentric patient" vs "a patient with difficulty with medication adherence" vs "a difficult/non-compliant patient"; or "a combative patient" vs "a patient with mental status alteration"), you can pick up subtle biases. Anyway, point is, I'm a big Tom Sietsma fan, I'm not deleting my post, but I'm probably wrong and reading too much into it - because I'm learning a lot about that stuff right now, and I like language.
  4. Pretty scathing review! Fun to read. He's right. It's pretty much the definition of mediocre. But .. I didn't like the comparison between bad food/good food and rap/opera. Touched a nerve. "Hamilton", anyone? EDIT: funny Kev29 mentioned the same part that really bugged me.
  5. I thought it was really great! Seriously. I must be missing something in its reading that bothered you so much, but I thought it painted a great picture of you, and it made me like you more. Unlike the goddamn disaster of a number that The Post did with me.
  6. They have great food, and will turn up the spice level to 11, but if you're white they will fight you. Literally just tell you "No, you won't like it if it's that spicy". They relocated the one in the deep south and now it's across from The Wildewood Shopping Center, and something happened service-wise. My dosimetrist lives in Leonardtown and went there at least once a month, and basically now you go there, no one takes your order forever, it could take over an hour to get your food, and people just end up leaving ... she is a long, long time customer, and the owner told her that they just don't have good staffing, and I'm really surprised they would attempt to take on another restaurant. It's very obvious on Yelp, everything is fine, mostly good reviews, then BOOM ... it all went to hell. But, anyway, La Plata is only 15-20 minutes from both clinics, and Imma hit it up next Wednesday. Interesting, the La Plata one has two Yelp listings. Here is the other one.
  7. I usually love, love, love this place. Went last night with my good friends that are leaving the area. We were waiting for a new friend of mine to join, but she was not going to be there til near the end of the meal. I had hyped this place to no end. Wife shares similar tastes in food with me, loving most Asian foods (especially Chinese), and trying many varieties of cuisine, while the husband is pickier. I got a Shiner Bock, and the consultant got the house red, which comes in a stemless glass, and that makes me happy. We ordered the: 1) goat curry (Jamaican style) 2) Korean short rib 3) El Lomito 4) Tostones Rellenos de Salmorejo (i.e. crab stuffed plantains) 5) Khachapuri. Goat curry was good, slight kick, flavored well, but for $16 was quite a small portion. The ribs were tasty, again $5.50 a bone seems steep. Cooked well, fell right off the bone. The El Lomito was well liked, and this was probably the favorite of the group. I had a pretty good Cuban sandwich from a deli in Waldorf for lunch, but CR's roast pork was better. The Tostones were my least favorite. Hardly could taste the crab or the plantain. It was like a crab fritter, to me, with very little crab. And, the Khachapuri was as good as always, but I think I've reached "peak Khachapuri" and it's not that exciting to me any more. Turned out to be sort of an ordinary meal, but my company was extraordinary, so I'm not complaining too much. Wonder if the place is coasting a bit. -S Edit: Justice Sotomayor was there. Surely, she's a member of the forum, so thank you for your service!
  8. Yeah ... The Seinfeld reference doesn't really fit, although Kramer is amazing. I just think of them as "uber hipster" ... If you saw the "Sunday Funday" episode of You're The Worst, Season 1, the crew meets up with bizarro versions of themselves, and it's hipsters just trying way too hard, with the hats and man buns, and trying too hard. Edgar says in this episode: "Hipster stuff is just poor Latino stuff from 10 years ago." Is it obvious that one of the few things I like better than tacos is this show?
  9. Went last Friday evening. The goat birria was phenomenal. The carnitas were a bit salty. The chicarron was too chewy. I liked the pozole verde, very cilantro-y, so not for everyone. The elote was, well, it was elote so it was great. When I tried it in DF, it came in a cup, but realized it has a different name when it's in a cup - "Esquite". I don't eat beef, so I miss out on a lot of the tacos. And, I always think about ordering the shrimp, but never do it. It has a really good vibe, lots of high school kids, families, and hipster doofuses. Wish it were closer to me.
  10. Incredible thread! You guys are amazing. I'm going with little sis in November. I went as a college kid with no money and even less taste, so I'm just considering myself as a complete newbie. Sis never went, either. We only have 5.5 days. I know, not a lot. I'm just catching her on her way back home from a wedding in India. I might get a couple of extra days, or even a week, but that would be solo. So, we aren't thinking of this as our "Big Italian Trip". More or less just having some sibling time, but the backdrop happens to be Italy. I don't think either of us has things on our list that we have to see or do, except see pretty things/places, eat tasty food, drink good wine. We are flying into Rome, and it sounds like everyone recommends renting a car and exploring that way? I remember thinking Florence was beautiful, so the thought was to head up that way early in the AM, and then see various small towns around there. What would be some things you'd consider with our limited time, the fact that we don't have any one thing/place that we absolutely HAVE to see/do, we are completely flexible, we are fairly energetic, not economically constrained, and like hiking/outdoors activities. We are not anti-tour guide, either, especially if someone has a great recommendation. I guess, just think of it is one segment of what will be multiple trips to Italy in the future.
  11. I wonder about that, too. I got the idea that the servers were not Chinese? It reminds me of that scene in Garden State: Andrew Largeman: ...We don't have bread. Obnoxious Girl: What do you mean you don't have bread, how can you not have bread? Andrew Largeman: ...we're a Vietnamese restaurant... we just don't have bread. Obnoxious Girl: Well, you're not Vietnamese. Andrew Largeman: ...No, I'm not. Obnoxious Girl: Can I have something to chew on! Fuck, bamboo! Whatever! Andrew Largeman: I'll see what I can find. My Wise Chinese Physicist, Ye, says: "Classier restaurant when you get your own bowl." "Nobody has sense of humor any more. Should not have fired." "Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day." Sorry. That was awful....
  12. Wasn't going to post this, but was encouraged to. Happened a few months ago.... So, I had a great meal today, just wanted to tell you because I can't really publicize it. I run with the Shirlington Running Club on Tuesdays, and some of my friends there hadn't tried Indian food. Others had, and we decided to go out, they wanted me to order for them. So, I had an idea. I called Bhalsin at Bombay Curry, and asked him if he could do a "chef's tasting" for our group. We've become buddies, and he said he'd come up with something. He called me today at work and went over the menu with me.... Started us off with bhel puri and these pan fried beef patties. Also brought onion kulcha. He introduced the entire menu he was bringing and we were enraptured. The next course was the kebabs... Salmon, lamb, and chicken. Some of these were off menu, and things he was planning on introducing. I'm not a big kebab guy, and certainly not a salmon guy, but it was awesome. The table loved the chicken, as well. That was the favorite. After the kebabs came the curries. He had a fish curry that was off menu (mustard based), a pork curry (vinegar based, off menu), the chicken kadai, and a korma with a jalapeño base. Oh man... The pork was so good. Just tart enough without being a vindaloo. The vinegar was a special fruit based vinegar from a town in the south, he got the bottle on his last trip. Also two sides of daal. We finished with gulab jamun and kulfi. He charged us $25 a head for the non dessert food, and plus tax, tip, wine and beer, was less than $50 a person. Such a great meal. After everyone left, I told him what a success it was, and that it should be regular. He said it's too hard. Hard for staff. Risky if people don't like what he makes. He seemed really negative about it. I impressed upon him that there is a core of foodies that would love it, and probably pay more than $25 (there was a lot leftover). Anyway, doubt he will do it again (he did say when my family visits he will do a vegetarian one for us), but I think he could do one seating a week and really showcase his stuff.
  13. I last went probably 4.5 years ago. I liked it then. Like it now. Not sure how they were in the middle. Beers are very $$$.
  14. On lhollers rec, went here last night. Forgot how good it was. Went with the frites to start. Truffle mayo and horseradish cream. Awesome. For the mussels, got the chipotle. Damn, that broth was good, and legit spicy. And he's right, the mussels were fantastic. Place has been reviewed to death, so not really wanting to go into food related details, but we both agreed that Will was an excellent server. We really appreciated that he told us specifically what he likes, and told us what he didn't like. For example, the olive based mayo/sauce for the frites - he said, 'don't get it'. When we were down to our final choices for the mussels, they were the two that he liked the best, and he said that. And, then when I picked out a certain beer, he dug into what I was looking for, and said, "No, no go for this." When I was getting my 2nd one, I picked something and he brought that one and another one, and said, "I think you're going to like this better." I just liked that he had opinions, and also was very knowledgeable. Didn't just rubber stamp my choices.
  15. I'm not sure if we are talking about the same situation? Did you read that the manager said that this happened before? "He said that the servers had previously been warned about leaving offensive comments in the system. "They always do that. I've told them so many times," Cheng said. "And they did it again." He's weighing whether someone needs to be fired over the incident." 2 people were directly culpable. Their manager said they have been doing this constantly, and now they are finally getting their hours cut (after a story in a newspaper with a large following). The owner now has to deal with this report, and the resulting firestorm. He has a few choices: 1) Fire nobody, and just apologize 2) Fire the servers, while keeping the manager in place, and thereby standing by inept management 3) Fire the servers and the managers, apologize and keep the daughter around 4) Be so absolutely disgusted by the incident, fire all 4 of them, hire a consultant to prevent this from happening again. Everyone certainly can have their opinion on the way this situation should have been handled. You think 1 (or maybe even 1 without the apology). I think 4. Anyway, simple decency prevents me from keeping an employee that writes down insulting things about a customer, directly hands it to that customer, who has been warned about it in the past. Seems continually strange to defend the employees for continuing an action that can be quite damaging to a company's overall perception. I guess we have different management styles. And that's okay! Agree to disagree!
  16. Really? That's an interesting approach, not one I would utilize - weighing the contribution of the employee over the perceived "asshole"-iness of the custome. We have abusive patients that the staff get frustrated with. But, if they wrote in an invoice "loud mouth ass cancer patient", they have to go. Part of it is the record, too. I'm okay with waiters, nurses, whoever blowing off steam verbally in a private situation (after the shift, at a local watering hole maybe). But don't do something that remains on record. There was a DC area anesthesiologist who was recorded saying the most horrible things about patients after she put them under. I don't care if the anesthesiologist won a Nobel Prize, and the patient was an ISIL supporter AND a Nickelback fan. That anesthesiologist had to go, regardless of the "value" of their services compared to the despicability of the patient. About knowing nothing about the real world and what not ... I'm already having a good morning, so I'll let it slide but you have a great day, ericandnblueboy!
  17. Why? Should we allow waiters and waitresses - front of house staff - to insult patrons? They are the "front of the house". I'm just wondering why it's okay, even if the customers are assholes. Which, in this case, seems true. The way it happened wasn't ideal, but if it is true that they insulted the patrons, the manager minimizing it and giving just a $20 gift card, why shouldn't they be fired? An architecture firm, a medical clinic, a real estate company - most would fire lower level companies that insult clients. Curious why you don't think they deserved being fired? Maybe I'm missing something - are you saying they deserve a warning ("don't call customers jerks to their face on the receipts or you may get fired"). Are you saying it's because it's a lower end place the customers should expect to be treated like that? If this happened at Pineapple and Pearls, would it be more bad or less bad? Customers first ... I think. I may be wrong. Not totally sure about this. But gut tells me that I'd fire a nurse in a heartbeat for this. Maybe I'm mean.
  18. I liked the place. Great scene. Crazy wait - 3 hours at 7pm on a Thursday night. Got lucky with 2 bar seats, but had to stand for the first appetizer. Loved my Oaxacan Sour, a mezcal drink. Don't have too much to say about the food, except the I enjoyed the octopus ceviche, the borracha salsa was tasty and not crazy spicy. Got 3 lamb barbacoa tacos to share. Tortilla is good. They only give you 1, which I like, instead of the usual 2. Trying to not eat the carbs as much, but when it's front of me I'm a crazed fool (speaking of which, I went to Chipotle last week, thinking I'd get a healthy-ish lunch. I got a burrito with tortilla instead of a bowl, added guacamole and at the whole thing in one sitting. It's gotta be a thyroid condition ...). Was on a date, and was trying to focus on not eating too much on food. So, it did feel pricey. Hard to say whether that has to do with the expectation that Mexican food is usually cheap. It's about $7.50 for 3 barbacoa tacos at El Charrito Caminante, but that's a total hole in the wall, without great cocktails and nice atmosphere, and $22 at Espita. Will certain go back, heard the other sauces are good. Girls forced to live in a bunker under a crazy reverend and make these incredible sauces - mole women? Sorry, for the bad joke. Weird mood.
  19. Is this really an issue? With the world of credit cards, Venmo, and the variety of other ways we pay, is it that hard? I think the bigger issue is a $150 deposit! Wow. That's aggressive. But, we are in a new gilded age so 100, 150, 200... People will pay
  20. Going to San Francisco at the end of June for a conference, and one day we want to spend in Sonoma County. Looking for... 1) One great Chinese meal, open to region - heard Terra Cotta Warrior was good 2) One great "SF" dinner, not over the top, but considered great for the area and not super $$$ - considering Zuni Cafe and State Board Provisions. Zuni I can't book until 30 days before. SBP I heard the lines can be tremendous. There are 930p reservations available, but I don't think we can handle eating that late. 3) A great burrito place for lunch - I know there are many - La Taqueria being most famous, any contrarian recommendations? 4) Breakfast places - heard Plow is great and Zazie's. 5) Coffee - I had Philz a few years back, and it was the best coffee I ever had. Any other recs? 6) For Sonoma, will have dinner at Russian River Brewery in Santa Rosa. Would like to get to Bear Republic. Not wine people, but any solid 1-2 recs for wineries, maybe something low key in Healdsburg? And a nice lunch option?
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